Saturday, February 6, 2010

Highlights For Dark Hair

HERAY @ 2010-02-06T21: 57:00

many reasons

Their swords were crossed with a determination uneven. On the one hand, Santa Teresa struggled to corral Suede, with extraordinary strength and firmness, however, it last managed to dodge it with ease. Nnoitra Neliel presence felt by his left side, so its huge gun went straight to her, without any hesitation.

- Damn! - Cried when it touched the air. However, had not obtained the rank of Eighth Espada by chance, knew instantly that Neliel with admirable speed, had moved behind him, so he turned quickly and grabbed Santa Teresa tightly to each end of the handle, making stop their attack in the center of it.
She could admit it, but she had an amazing force, though not precisely what angered him most. It was his fucking condescending look more pressure while exercising, getting that he had to support a knee in the sand to withstand the harsh assault. Looked back in anger, wanting to convey to her that would not win, not this time.

- Do you still want to keep this up, Nnoitra? - Her tone was indifferent, which increased frustration - I know how it will end, not waste time.

held his breath to notice how the increased Neliel reiatsu. Beads of sweat ran down his face, felt his limbs lost strength with each passing second and suddenly it looked like your gun weigh a ton. He declined to release, volveríaa not lose.

Le demostraríaa that bitch was not as weak as she thought.

She noted his insistence on silence. Second by second, day after day, match after fight, it was always the same. Never gave up, even in the state in which he was and knowing that I had to lose, let go of that damn gun. Yours away abruptly and turned.

Nnoitra tensióny noticed that all concentrated adrenaline in his arms suddenly disappeared, along with the reiatsu of the third sword, which had fallen sharply. He leaned forward, resting his hands with his gun on the floor, overcome fatigue. He looked up and clenched his jaw when he saw the figure of the young away.

- Back here, dammit! - He ordered. She turned a little face, suggesting his profile and part of his face. His silence was a clear question, combines knowing what I wanted the dark. - We're not finished, Neliel!.

- Yes, Nnoitra - His tone left no room for a replica. Again to resume the march, slowly but surely - we finished.

hated his expression unreadable. I was never really sure what might be going through his head, which was what he really thought about the plans or feeling ran Aizen your body every time she scraped the edge of his sword into the heart of an enemy who only wanted to save what belonged to him.

But I was sure of something.

He considered it inferior, weak, unworthy of being treated like a sword. I knew it, and it would show how wrong I was.

supported the edge of his weapon into the sand, and grabbed her to join, resuming his previous position. She breathed slowly, forming a sadistic smile on his lips as he raised his arm and stretching weapon ignoring the sting of pain through her body. Santa Teresa shone in the sun.

- I said I would beat you today - raised his voice - and it will.

wanted to see in his eyes surprise, wanted to see fear in his face when he finally took consciousness of what he intended to do. However, the woman stopped in front of him only in his footsteps. Furiously pressed the handle of the sword to see that not turning. His indifference was clear, and really painful. Do not take it anymore, freeing the defeat, and finally consider equal.

- Reza, Santa Ter ...

had always admired his speed and agility when it comes to fight it, but certainly at times like this, I considered a real nuisance. Neliel's hand lying closed tightly around the wrist of the dark, where sosteníaa his trusty weapon, and the other resting on his lips. Had fallen fast as lightning, and he had not even noticed until she lay crouched in front of him, same height and preventing its liberation gave way to n.

believed that if freed, she would see him as a real rival, the fight would be the time to death, and not a stupid fight where she simply followed the game. But as always, feel volvíaa tiny next to him.

Another reason to hate her.

hand lying in her mouth slowly fell, they lay their fingers on the lips of Nnoitra for a few seconds, he'd swear they were hours, your other hand never left her wrist . None of the other looked away, and dark at that time realized that his power sealed or unsealed, she would win, and that it would sink.

He did not know that feeling when he saw the look in his eyes that he did not want that to happen, at least not at that moment, or that Diaye much less in that lonely desert nights.

- I really can not stand you, bitch - she murmured in a low tone, but steeped in arrogance and annoyance.

She lowered her head, her lips curved a little, even if it was a small smile or a slight grimace, he never knew, because her long hair covered your face when you wake up your other hand and remove it. This time he knew he would be back, watched as he went, without trying to stop it.

were too many reasons that had to hate Neliel, without doubt, the worst of all was that basically could not hate her.