Friday, July 9, 2010

Super Chargers For V-10 Ford Trucks


I was hoping for a vacation, but i got a liberation. Now i got no job and i'm getting bored each day. If i could i would be going out everyday, but i can't.

The good thing about all it's that i got now pleny of time to go to the gym. The History Channel is my friend also.

Monday, July 5, 2010

What Happend To Mysore Malligae

second time with last Sunday to choose a normal Internet connection.

first was yesterday Vicus, when I reached her by 3 bus from Domodedovo. Airport sense. Where I spent two Mexx and 6 French. This is me as usual nothing to do knocked in the head to subscribe to a regular volunteer at the exhibition of young talents. I went to the delegation from Mexico.
Anyway, last week in my life was not, last week I was running at 9 am collecting them for hotels and were transported back to the night, all day jumping for the exhibition, solving all, the current-urgent, working directly with the translator of all languages. German and then had to remember. Played in the game, there had to be solved problem in 3 ways. I found 3 more new, but until the third well-known author and have not guessed) on Thursday in the morning found himself in a hotel (after driving on teplohodike masterpiece and travel on the subway, when I first lost three Mexx, and then found six Italians, well, it does not matter), spat, and went some sleep in the room for volunteers. I was not home for three days, but the house was unfed cat. Pro Action in the hotel did not tell them there that day is still a lot of the same nepopavshih stayed home. As a result, no one slept. Tuesday was a circus. On Wednesday, worked the last day at work. Thank God)
From life finally fell. Nobody wrote, did not answer all offended on me.
reread all Dovlatov that was in Nadi.
legs do not walk at all, nothing to eat for a week, put on weight for some reason. Where justice?
On Wednesday morning, my grandmother asked me how it is. I said. that no longer can. Grandma said that while here it is - all my life so. Goddamned work - a guide and translator.
Poor Mexx long and every day, apologized to me for to.chto they are the dunce. Half apologizing and half wandered in different directions. And each time it was different halves. All advised me to stop them and get some sleep. Besides, when on Wednesday and on Tuesday I threw them in half, leaving девчонку, которая мне помогала, но не сильно, потому что испанского не знала, - обиделись жутко.
Сегодня 11 человек отвезла в Шереметьево в час ночи, в полчетвертого 9 registered, two were left to wait until morning. I hope everything went flying.
On the way home at five am bulling with the taxi driver about the Russian film 90. Undervalued and forgotten. Found a common language.
hand experience as usual. And a lot of gifts from Mexico and candy, sour-sweet pepper.