Thursday, September 23, 2010

Receiver And Motion Dector Transmitter

They put on a false charge of terrorism Basque Basque friend girlfriend.

That's what about it was written.
Condeno que se ilegalicen ideas en nombre de la Democracia, por ser algo contradictorio on their own terms
By Pedro Antonio Hurtado
To all those who are part or ideological sympathy with the revolutionary left, especially if we do so from sovereigntists-independence approaches, since the state asks us to make a sentence being suspected of terrorism. A conviction uncritical, unthinking, submissive, obliging, lackey, kneeling. A one-way sentence without the possibility of shades of any kind. A sentence imposed by the drill, drill and bore through awareness. A conviction that our hands clean of blood even been spotted long before and even on the assumption more real than ever llegarána clams. A conviction to condemn what they, the powerful, the educated, moralistic, good leaders who are to govern the lives of good men, want to condemn, and only that and nothing else that. A conviction to purify our souls with the air we breathe so danger of being contaminated with the virus that emit hooded gentlemen do not know of anything or have ever seen. A conviction, in short, to condemn the violence. If we do we can and should be declared illegal, citizens without political and civil rights that allow us participate in democratic life.

Okay, I will ignore what I ask, condemn violence ... violence of the English fascist state. Not once, not twice, not three, if not all times as needed, where needed, when needed, to whom needed. Unreservedly condemn state violence, the worst possible violence because it is usually covered by existing law and get away. The great violence. Violence tie and jacket. Violence educated in the values of those who pull the strings in the shadow of this thing called democracy and it is not. Violence gestated in the catacombs of bourgeois power. The mother of all violence. The dirtiest of all violence. Political violence in the state and its lackeys, I condemn it. The strongly condemn all forms:

condemn that outlawing ideas in the name of Democracy, being a contradiction in terms.

condemn not outlaw the Bourbon monarchy in spite of having been made by a finger Caudillo murderer, and never consulted the people in their supposedly sovereign legitimacy.

condemn the English government to criminalize my peaceful and humanistic ideas and leave me without right to vote and the electoral coalition that would be represented at the European Parliament elections supposedly democratic.

condemn declaring illegal a coalition of organizations and trade unions whose members, individually, are all completely legal, and whose candidate has no any criminal record for being connected to something like the armed struggle.

condemn the legal doctrine of the English State to carry out these ilegalizaciones intolerable is based on a reductive Manichaeism of the type "you're either me or you're against me "," are the votes you are either with the bombs, "as if there were no intermediate positions can be defended in a peaceful and democratic, from the strict right to freedom of expression and of conscience.

condemn the State's Attorney, the Attorney General, the CGPJ, the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and other spheres of the judiciary to act, by acciónu omission in these processes outlawed, are handpicked by major political parties that later end up as true scavengers spreading the crumbs of the votes cast were not allowed to release people who had planned to support the electoral outlawed, or make political confrontation with these lists its modus operandi for excellence in order to reach the irrational feelings of a certain part of citizenship.

condemn a fighter recognized Franco, repressed and harassed by the English government for decades, can not stand as number one an electoral candidate for the nomination will be outlawed to be "contaminated" as a subject who has spoken openly of how well the English lived under the command of Commander, how well things worked under that ré ; regime tyrant, who has publicly expressed his respect and admiration for the political cause of hundreds of thousands of murders and disappearances, to present cheerfully as another number one electoral list and no one is willing to ban it for that.

condemn that gentlemen, free citizens with civil rights cases and politicians who are not accused of any crime, no blood or any other, can not freely present supposedly democratic elections, while individuals who carry on their backs with serious complaints as Mr. Camps or Mr Fabra, can occur not only when they want on the ticket they want, but who have the power of institutional positions of major and nobody talks to outlaw or to cancel their ability to govern the public.

condemn to participate in an event organized by the Left Abertzale, writing articles Gara or sign a statement of support for a dialogical process that serves to end the violence in Euskal Herria, can be considered by the lawyers of the state as sufficient grounds involving the banning of an elected, while organized xenophobic parties and cheer them, with the same look of the mother of the murdered, the praises of cold blooded murder of a 16 year old anti-fascist, are legal and can be presented freely to all electoral choice.
condemn annul civil and political rights in order to elect and be elected in free elections at all those citizens who have previously been part of any candidate or electoral list outlawed, even if they can not be criminally convicted for the commission of any crime, nor have restricted these rights by a final sentence of any court.

condemn that are defendants in these processes of banning people who have to prove their innocence, not the prosecution is pushing the prosecution who has to prove guilt, as in any other proceedings covered in the defendant's right to presumption of innocence.

condemn Democrats of dubious morality they are shocked, are angry, they feel humiliated and violated their civil rights considered when a few thousand people in their legitimate right to freedom of expression, whistle the English national anthem, but then not lift a finger and are even able to clap and cheer when the State has carried out the violation of political rights of thousands of honest citizens simply for being left, anti-capitalist, being for the right to self determination of the people and against the law of parties.

condemn the media the same day being committed in Spain, most legal outrage against democracy and political rights of its citizens who recalled in decades, are able to get a legitimate editorial accusing the Venezuelan head of state be be a leader and destroying any sign of organized opposition to his rule in Venezuela, these same media that if the same legal outrage Chavez would have made slightly less than would be calling the coup, but now silent as whores, as they have been themselves who have promoted the outlawing from its pages, microphones and television cameras.

condemn the same government that accuses a group of intellectuals, politicians and social activists with many years of struggle behind them, the basic trade unionists and some members from the field of culture to provide coverage to terrorism, weapons sold to the state terrorism practiced by the most scandalous and shameless in the world, Israel. Weapons subsequently used to mow the lives of thousands of innocent civilians.

condemn the same minister who now leads the process of banning, at the time was part of governments they cover, financed, and protected the GAL and their mercenaries, and yet nobody has been banned for political exercise and not being able to assume positions of public responsibility.

condemn the whole fight about which ETA expresses a favorable position to be used by the government and the English judiciary to override political and civil rights of those who support the same causes from other political positions peaceful and democratic elections that have nothing to do with this organization, whether defending the right of self-determination, or opposing projects And as the Basque, the nuclear power Lemoniz, Itoiz reservoir or fascist laws like the law of parties.

condemn being accused of being ETA whom the state has no necessary and sufficient evidence as to establish a legal process against them for that reason, unless to do so through procedures such as summary aberrant 18 / 98.

condemn the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government take us for fools to citizens, using the excuse to outlaw ETA to an electoral coalition that has nothing to do with ETA, which has said for active and passive bet only by peaceful means and democratic to achieve their goals, and also take it for granted that we will believe that excuse without question, as if we lived all in a state of permanent shock that had left us idiots.

not condemn condemn ETA in a completely uncritical, unthinking, a reason to override political and civil rights of a citizen, even though such citizen does not belong to ETA, not supporters of ETA and never in life were to use the methods of armed struggle using ETA.

condemn the English State fails its own Constitution (Article 16.2. No one shall be compelled to testify about his ideology, religion, beliefs) required to make statements about their personal political ideas, whether convicted or condemned to a specific terrorist organization, citizens who want to be part of an electoral candidate if that candidate is suspected of being part of the "Environment ETA, although the program or application revealed that not making a claim at any time to anything that has to do with armed struggle or violence, and, on the contrary, it makes clear that bet solely by peaceful means and democracy to achieve their political objectives.

condemn legal aberration is that the undemocratic proscription of Batasuna ad hoc working in turn as a network and foundation to outlaw anything that has moved within a radius of 1000 km a radius around it, without further legal arguments metaphysical arguments such as "flag hook" or "contamination."

condemn the fact that although Batasuna says it has nothing to do with a certain application and turn candidacy say he has nothing to do with Batasuna, this is not reason to prevent the English courts to consider the nomination as successor to Batasuna ", and nobody in the application can do anything to the truth will prevail and recognize the opposite.

condemn that free citizens can not attend an event organized by the Left Abertzale or demand the vote for a candidate from the Left officially propelled Abertzale, failing to become a political pariah with no civil and political rights such election, while still giving hundreds of priests each year on behalf of Franco masses throughout the State and in the prospectus for the tax return a box appears in which citizens can finance a portion of their taxes to this institution complicit with a fascist regime never been convicted.

condemn the editorials and articles published in the leftist media (Gara, Rebellion, Kaosenlared, etc.) By free citizens with alleged rights of freedom of expression and of conscience, can be converted Fiscalíao by the State Bar in incriminating evidence with which to promote the banning de una lista electoral que no apoya la lucha armada, bajo la supuesta acusación de ser un instrumento en manos de ETA por haberse dicho tal o cual cosa en esos editoriales o artículos de prensa en medios que el Estado presupone que son cercanos a ETA o que no condenan a ETA.

Condeno que defender la homofobia, el racismo, la xenofobia, el nazismo y todo el fascismo en general sea completamente legal, mientras la defensa del derecho de autodeterminación de los pueblos o el estar en contra de la ley de partidos se convierte en una muestra inequívoca para la justicia de estar contaminado por ETA y, por tanto, prueba suficiente para poder ilegalizar listas electorales.

Condeno que who defend the right of self-determination and oppose the law of parties we have to spend their lives condemning ETA terrorism suspects not in a constant witch hunt McCarthy-style.

condemn one who does not publicly condemn the state of the GAL, police torture, the sale of arms to Israel, the war in Yugoslavia, Iraq or Afghanistan, is not, by legal logic indicates that State, protect and defend suspected of terrorism.

condemn not taking questions at a public hearing can be used by a senior judicial powers State as an argument to prove the linkage of those appearing in such an act with ETA, simply because they have been previously tried and convicted by the Holy Inquisition English media as ETA or proetarras.

condemn the judicial authorities failed to investigate and bring to public light guarantors of candidates present in these elections to the European Parliament or Falange National Democracy, so that citizens can know that games with institutional representation the state are endorsing fascism, racism, xenophobia and intolerance.
that France has been right when he said that to "let it all tied up and neatly tied, the so-called English transition was not a sham behind which is hiding the face of fascism , an insatiable fascism does not allow dissent or accept that there is a real opposition against their dogmatic political principles and territorial EcoMom.

And finally I condemn myself. Yes, to myself, because after reading the complaints filed by the State Bar and the Attorney, and the order of the Supreme, I realized that I am an absolutely despicable, abominable and immoral. A monster without decency or humanity. Law autodeterminacióny support I have given my signature for a manifesto for the International Initiative therefore support ETA or, at least, I am a member of the ETA environment. " On the other hand, I recently attended events where slogans have been launched against the State of Israel and in favor of the Palestinian people's struggle, therefore also support Hamas am part of the "environment of Hamas." I've also been at a conference in which he spoke of the situation in Afganistány was viciously attacked the U.S. army, thus supporting the Taliban or ademása am part of the "environment of the Taliban." I've also seen the odd documentary that questioned the official version of 11-S and discussed some of the structural causes behind the international jihadist movement, thus also No support for Al Qaeda or am a member of the "environment of Al Qaeda." And if all this were not enough, I consider myself a socialist and believe in the revolutionary utopia, therefore directly support the Khmer Rouge Sendero Luminoso, the staples, BR, ADR's, Stalin's gulags, etc., Or am I part of the environment of these. Among all groups that support or environment of which I belong, and carried the dead can be counted by millions. Almost nothing.

Of course, despite all this, though I am a being indecent, condemned to pay me and I forced the others to condemn anyone who dares to condemn me, that I know move in the logic of the fascist state in which I live. Indeed, what the hell, I condemn all in advance, just in case. From this moment you pass all to be sospechosos de defender la violencia y el terrorismo de Estado. Condenados quedáis.