Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cartier Bresson Leica Minilux Images

This is something I wrote three days ago, frustrated by the situation in the state where I live.

"No doubt. I leave one, but I need to get into another. Now back to me that thought, which was quite stunning and buried. Although I'm still with the same graphical idea, wondering when I will be able to translate it on paper.

Whenever the solution is more distant. Spaces, periods of ignorance that bring a little peace. Only self-inflicted ignorance. Everything continues. And the fact that return to the truth, makes it more painful. Hard to digest, but easier to shout: I want this to end!

seems that we are accustomed to uncertainty and fear, along with those feats that a couple of years ago, perhaps even now, look awful in the sight of a few. Maybe this is the result of evolution and adaptation. And in that fleeting human instinct to attack their own species. Minds insensitive to the general social morality. Or is that fear and sadness about this is something empirical, originated in the roots of human thought? Or is it something social to most about being fit? Should respondértelo. For hundreds of years ago we killed too. I just question whether this was so cruel and heartless. Or, unfair and destructive to everyone.

Another curious fact is that we can be ruthless primates. Brainer, many ideas, trends ruthless destructive actions that generate the light that I propose to call general.
Is it the environment that makes the person? Or genetics and heredity? Could have been born knowing constant death around me without affecting me at all? Or even in this ignorance, fear to die, I sometimes feel sorry for being part of the evolutionary roots? Is this fear, sadness and anger result of environment or genes?

Tell me it's genetic, and then I could say that not all genes share basic. Today I feel frustrated. Some fun is all this violence. Not crazy, just different heritage. Nor do me much attention, I do not like or know much about genetics.

would be interesting to know if you want to share these feelings cry every time I sensitized.
Do scream? Or be lost among all the muffled screams of others?

is the last straw. Today, I can not stand. In fact, I have not endured since the day when all this became more noticeable. " Take


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