Saturday, February 19, 2011

Congrats On New Baby Comments Verse

mi review de "hold it against me" video

A question mark is the last image that appears in the video for "Hold It Against Me", just a perfect representation of the questions generated by this video and life extension Britney Spears in general. What was the period of 2007, where we saw one of its lowest points in his personal life and the subsequent recovery thanks to the involvement of his father, taking legal control of her life and finances, have made that sign is in the minds of many. Why Britney can not dance anymore? Does she still have the passion for your career? Are you being forced?, There is a general discomfort at seeing a different Britney, not the dance machine with great appetite and promoted continual stage of their work as it was before. It is assumed that the pop star should not make us think, but this video just generated new concerns us and food for debate.

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