Thursday, February 24, 2011

Idris Muhammad Cd-cover

trc_koolight @ 2011-02-24T18: 58:00

Much, perhaps too long without posting something. Would like to do it more often, but my life is a mess that I maintain myself. However, let me write this in school, while he had nothing to do and listened to the song Lion (which appears in one of the MADS hetalia ... and whose interpreter I remember at the moment .) I recommend listening to while reading this, I think so better conveys how I felt while writing.

Writings look beyond

If someday I came to know and you to me

I would like you to know that there is a song that makes me imagine

a moment of our love story

Away Your far away, I'm here as stranded in time to see you dreaming
, breaking to mourn
after months without your presence beside me
only able to hear your voice on the phone
or see in old portraits

I think that would
once immersed in my daily activities
hear this song
whisper an "I miss you"

tears would cross my face and I shudder with the unquenchable absence
so fragile, broken into pieces

The phone would ring to your voice on the other side guessing
as I swallow my sadness tears

pretend my smile and a calm voice that you'll notice looking
the weight of your absence
between sentences say "I I'm here I think it would

interrupt any meeting including the program that I like and my daily routine

anything about going to see

would take all the air in the world
And even I would need would
to you see you smiling

and maybe a look so much like mine wanting the meeting

I hug you stronger than ever
acurrucarías in your arms I would tell you
"I love you" a thousand times
hear your own voice the same sentence I would not mind

fatigue of travel or smell your clothes soaked in lloraríay

acclaim your name because you'd already be there, asking for forgiveness
for making me suffer so much.

--- Sometimes I'm just like you. I want the semester is finished once. Or what would be better, I decide to move forward. Because I feel so stranded, static. I have fear of moving down the wrong path. Perhaps


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