Monday, January 24, 2011

Uti In The First Weeks Of Pregnancy

Presentation and wash Drabble: Denial

Well, this would be the first entry my livejournal ... the truth is that I just created the account to comment on other users ... yes, strange ... Like I did with youtube ... but I ended up videos ...

Well let's start! I Otonashi

Kiromi (false name), better known as Deskdraik or Desdraik (typo and lazy to fix it) on youtube, I like the lavixallen and well, I have a forum tbm ... wash ... but now I is liking the FranciaxInglaterra (Hetalia is very addictive), or * scratches head * I start leaving a wash Drabble I wrote some time ago ... yaoi is my first letter I did ... ___________________________________________________________________________________

Denial-*-* *-*-

Why are you the only one who can see through me ?

Allen ... I know that you suffer. Samples

concern in your eyes, a concern that someone should not feel as bad as me.

Am I the cause?

not know I hate how you're a Bookman, why have to leave the order because abandon all ties he had formed, because you go in a few minutes and I'll be alone again.

Allen ... I like hearing my name out of your lips, because I can never have them, I suffer because I can not tie you to my side, I want to keep both captive by my hand, stealing candy kisses your lips, love me and only me as I love you, a selfish desire, a forbidden desire, a desperate folly, but I am a coward, I could never say anything, I remain silent and the silence hurts.

Yes, I'll lose a valuable friend ... My words

confused with half-truths, I therefore believe that, do not look through me again, I beg you, because otherwise I can hold my words.

is something I must do to pursue my dream, but if you go I will still be my friends ...

friends, if friends is all we are and reach be right?, I want to deprive you of your freedom as a possessive desire and dark, but if you really want to let you go I right?, I open the bars of my corazóny let fly freely, but say what you feel not change for you to desist go, all you cause is that cause you discomfort, a painful memory and my heart shatter finish. I hope

... I hope this feeling I have toward you, you go away, because I will not suffer, do not know what will result when you leave? Not only leave me alone, go to be with the dark, nothing will be like if you go, you're everything to me, my light, my hope, my way, how can I keep walking if I have no way to go and without a light that guided me through the darkness? But I can not tell you, I can not. Sorry

Allen ... I whisper in your ear before you go, leaving a cool breeze that corrodes my bones and my heart is in strips, you were the only thing I can see under my mask, he could only understand that "sorry" was more of a farewell, I know, you've come to see through me, without habe ; shove them aside with words that you understood all this "sorry" was a rejection, an apology for not able to respond, an apology for being nothing more than a friend.

I fall to his knees, hit with anger and helplessness the stone cold floor with my fingertips causing scarlet liquid is mixed with the flood of tears falling from my eyes, it was not necessary to say anything, we understood through the silence, but silence can be so painful ... but your last words ... Goodbye

Lavi. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Hum is obvious that D. Gray man is not my own, and do not know how this works ... but if you like ... may leave a coment! ^ W ^, tbm translate doujinshi, soon I'll post some ...


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