Saturday, July 14, 2007

055xprob Instructions Manfrotto

2nd part 1st part

1st part
Red Sweater

******* decided yet the couple. Draco spent years looking for Ron Weasley who disappeared during the war, sold into slavery. And when they found all their plans are necessarily changed and Draco is in love with Ron. *******

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling.

A / N: Dedicated Mavi.

******* "Mr. Malfoy. We got it." He waved the man into his office at the Ministry of Magic. Draco Malfoy, assistant to the Prime Minister not only name, but active in every sense of the word, looked up from his papers and recognized the man he had hired to find another man who had disappeared after the war. He got away with a huge smile and heart beating wildly.

"Where is he?" Asked just hiding her impatience.

"In home. But, Mr. Malfoy ... Before I go to see him have to know some things. "The seriousness with which the man told him he did stop immediately.

"But ... I found ... Right? "He asked to be sure that their ears had not deceived.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy, we found it. The problem is how we found it. ... Ronald Weasley then we could finally confirm their identity, is at home, there's no doubt. I do not think that is what you expected. "invited the man Draco to sit down and the door of his office was closed by magic. *******

came home with a feeling of anxiety and fear. What Mr. Whitehawk had informed him about the red state he had been seeking for so long for several reasons never dared to confess aloud and others covered their interest to perfection, was truly disturbing.

had, for years a room in your house, it was not the Malfoy Manor for the time when the occasion warrants. He knew exactly what it contained. A bathroom, a bathtub, bed and several strategically placed metal rings on the walls. Some chains and a beautiful necklace that was sent to make the most beautiful rubies and diamonds, of course iron on a burnished silver cover. The necklace rested on the bed and had more than one use and that could become a ring like a wedding ring.

His intentions were clear when the rings were in the room but his true intentions were reflected in the collar, specifically in his second form. His fingers were nervous at the ring on his own finger, that they had raised so much speculation since who had begun to use. An engagement ring made of pure silver with a ruby in the center and two diamonds on each side of the ring embedded in it.

walked slowly to the door of said room now occupied by the host finally had always expected. His hand trembled as he landed on the door knob but eventually opened it. He thought the time set back when he saw the blue eyes and red hair but none of that happened, especially when I could not see who would be supposed on the bed.

"Weasley?" The sound of a string moving on the ground caught his attention to the corner of the room just behind the bed. He could then see a red hair and was encouraged to come to see it better. I wanted to see, with all his might at the same time feared what would. I the detective had told him what was going to find but equally, I still could not replace the image I had of the red by the table he had painted the man. However ... to look out after turning around the bed all their hopes were dashed.

Weasley on the floor. He had apparently been sleeping seconds ago but had raised their voices heard. Now was crouched, as far as he could from the other presence in the room. Her blue eyes looked dull and her red hair were completely made a mess. I could tell the ribs even when the body was much larger than remembered. It seemed that at any moment be broken and the few rags that covered his decency were not in better shape. A necklace, apparently quite worn leather holding the string that was attached to the ring hanging on bedside. "Weasley." whispers about but immediately stopping to see how it went.

Those blue eyes watched him with a supernatural horror and I had an idea of what it was that had happened.

A year after graduating from Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort had won the wizarding world and taken over by the Ministry. Draco, as a faithful Death Eater had received his reward, but when he went to look at the dungeons where prisoners were war one of the guards informed him that the redhead was looking for several months he was taken away. Their anger boiled over that day, he could almost taste the victory on that redhead who always had insulted and attacked each opportunity to simply become a prisoner of the Death Eaters Harry the night he had failed to kill the Lord.

But while Brown had failed that night, three years later achieved its goal. Voldemort murdered and no one could stop it. What no one expected was that Lucius Malfoy came to power as soon dropped that monster. ; between insurgencies and rebellions against the established power, Lucius had ideas far less stringent than the Lord. I wanted to retain power but without founded on bitter struggles and battles thing I knew sooner or later end up in an assassination attempt or worse ... in a not so failed attempt. So, little by little, he had managed to convince his fellow Death Eaters and balance the issue so that although still a little tense, relations between the dark wizards and the light was swinging.

Since then had been almost ten years between high and low and Draco had been enshrined as the right hand of his father. The only shadow on his past was to have lost the redhead who was now in that room. Yes his intention had been tortured ... though not in the true sense of the word. For him the torture had a goal and had nothing to do with the picture that presented itself and talking about the true torture they had undergone the red for almost eleven years.

could not legally keep him there against his will. The prisoners of war, most had been released at the end in an attempt to bridge differences. But there were many missing on both sides. Many who no one knew whether were still alive or not. And Ronald Weasley

could be alive physically but inside Draco was not sure that even he was. At least what I saw there on the floor did not seem to have more than basic survival instincts. That and one piece of information important that the investigator had told him.

Apparently, in his early years as a slave of his captors had shown him the red hair was her master who held the chain in his hand. The redhead was taken very seriously this constant because that was the only way that the detective could easily take home.

reached for the trembling form and took the chain in his hand. The change was instantaneous. The redhead stopped trembling and seemed to come a little life, as if expecting the first order carefully. "From foot. "The redhead obeyed without question and put standing as straight as I could. Draco looked after well before getting up. I gently pulled the string away from the wall. We circled slowly, carefully scrutinizing, playing some of the scars you could see at first glance. It seemed he had been lucky with his last love and not seen any scars too new.

imagined then that would have been inflicted in the early years of slavery, when his spirit had been subdued until the time the attitude of trapped animal. Imagine how much that would have taken to do so, each scar was talking about it ... and there were several good-sized and hundreds of other smaller, less visible. The face was a pair, a fine was in his neck as a branch, barely visible as many others. But there was another who was of his cheekbone in the open bow to almost the end of your eye and then continue erratically to the rim, splitting slightly. Standing

without shaking the redhead looked slightly impressive had it not been for their meat lean. Draco imagined then how would your red when he was in better condition. The detective had assured that a competent medimago I had checked before bringing it to consciousness. "Are you hungry?" He asked with the hope of finding a bit of conscience there. The redhead did not answer blinked and felt his hopes crumbling rapidly.

took the chain and disengaged from the wall. "We." Muttered discouraged. At least the redhead was clean, had also charged that the detective apparently. In addition, he had left A detailed report of everything that had managed to discover the life of the red, their former masters, some customs duties 'd ever met and many other minutiae that after talking to the man had not wanted to even look.

The redhead followed without problems and to reach the high ordered to sit. Immediately the food appeared on the table and Draco had to order the redhead eating it would appear not to, would not prove bite. Seconds later ordered to stop taking food with their hands and utensils used. Faced with this latest order gave Ron a confused look.

"flatware, Weasley. The holder ..." He said lifting it to see it. "... And knife. "Ron immediately jumped out of seat to see the knife toward him Draco. The blond blinked confused until he realized that he had dropped the chain. sighed discouraged and left the knife on the table. Well ... then none of knives at the moment, just a precaution and was promised that the next day would be better.

But the next day brought no improvement, nor that followed, nor any day for two months and Draco was going crazy. Do not know if I could continue that for what he called one of his best friends. ; One that, to the surprise of many, had made great strides in his own life. Gregory Goyle, psicomago.

The huge figure of Gregory, almost two heads taller than Draco and complexion quite robust but not become so in the end, I reviewed a Ron Weasley that although he had nothing to envy in height was shaking like a leaf. So the time had not released word but that does not seem to mind. reviewed the papers he had given the detective to Draco as he dropped one or two \u0026lt;i> mhh \u0026lt;/ i>.

"Are you receiving any other treatment?" Asked Draco who informed him that he took what he had prescribed medimago to regain strength, especially potions to restore vitamins and help to eat. "And do not speak." commented and the blond nodded again.

"mmhh." Goyle came and calmly took the chain to see the reaction of which Draco had told him too. "Interesting."

"Greg, you're losing me with your comments. Can you tell me something that does make sense? "

" I have to repeat that what is trauma. "Took the string again and pulled with authority making the redhead his stay a few inches. "What's your name?"

"I have no name." answered the redhead immediately making Draco startled to hear raspy voice. Almost was about to go to Ron with joy but Goyle stopped him with an imperious gesture.

"Of course you have a name. How was your name before a slave? And I want the truth, but you know what to expect."

"Weasley ... Bilius Ronald Weasley. "Returned to answer the red with fear in eyes.

"Why do not you answered our questions?"

"My last master that if he said a word I cut the tongue."

"mmhh ... obedient to the end. "Goyle He said after releasing the string to see how it went." And from what I have been the work of years. You have a great challenge, Draco. But has lost his mind. At least it's something in your favor. "

" What should I do? "

" First you need to show that you are the master. Otherwise no will listen. I saw him. Just pay attention to their masters, while ignoring the rest of the world, do not blame him. Once you establish who you show him you're a good master. When it finally arrives your head, if it ever arrives, you can finally talk with Ronald Weasley man and not the slave. "Draco nodded, thinking he understood what his friend said.

Six months later, in early December, I was not so sure I understood. In his view the redhead was the same. He spoke when required, ate when he was forced, bathed only if so ordered and the worst, he slept only when he gave permission.

Luckily, just this month, his father began to nagging to finally take a vacation. I knew what order your hobbies drove each other crazy but the only way they knew how to work and sometimes his father loved to take risks that mismatched their entire agenda. Of course, Draco wanted to take a vacation, especially near Christmas when his moves became somewhat eccentric and his assistant put the cry in heaven watching over him at every turn. So when you said he would take a week off his father flatly refused to take as little time. I wanted to take the whole month, said that Draco had accumulated almost a year on holiday. In the end they settled for Draco to take three weeks. The two-week Christmas and then an additional one.

Draco took pains to decorate the house and even went so far as to look at all the stores in Diagon Alley a sweater that looked like Mrs. Weasley that wove them to their children. He had to abandon the idea when none the sweaters he found brought together the qualities needed to resemble a Weasley sweater. What I did was buy a beginner's magic hands and a number of buns in the red thread that found more frightening. Among the decorations of the house and learn to weave it through the first week of vacation almost without realizing it.

was initially allowed to feel a bit ridiculous but seeing the final product was exactly as I remember he smiled foolishly. His red hair that he deserved to be pampered and much more. It had left out a lot during that week I wanted to surprise him. Even if no other reaction received a blink, it was worth trying.

Christmas day was very nervous Draco. The tree was fully decorated and made an effort to end because the house seems as warm as possible. There were several presents under the tree, most of them to Ron and besides that had a camera to take some photos.

already had ordered him to have breakfast and take it to the room by the hand, one of the things that at least the redhead as he could. He was ordered to close their eyes just before going to take against the tree and was where I could see the look, camera in hand.

"You open your eyes." He whispered with ill-contained emotion.'s Blue eyes opened and for a moment nothing happened. "You like?" He asked with some anxiety. "There are gifts for you under the tree. Do you want to open them?" The redhead seemed to meditate a bit with an odd look but finally came and knelt before the tree. waited a while until Draco was exasperated and knelt at his side causing the red startled. Only then came to his mind maybe ... just maybe ... Christmas had not been a good thing for the redhead. Perhaps he had seen the gift being of that occasion. Removing those depressing thoughts raced to one of the gifts and put it in front of the red with some abruptness nervous. "It's for you." muttered away a little. "Open it. "

The redhead took the latter as an order and broke open the paper to the box. Inside was a broom, latest model, the Quidditch clothes favorite team color of red and the full set of Quidditch balls as well as several sports magazines in recent months. Draco had not had to strain to remember Ron's favorite team, the Chudley Cannons. "Do you like?"

The redhead looked at him blankly. Is it possible that he had forgotten what was the Quidditch? "I hope you have not forgotten. Here There is one for you. "This time I passed a smaller box." Open it. "

This time it was the turn of the sweater and Draco was sweating with anticipation. When the redhead opened the box and saw the huge letter R is stopped short. Draco leaned a little to get it better. The redhead's hands touched the fabric and reverently removed the sweater out of the box. "Will you prove it?"

That was the real signal. Draco had told him no, he had suggested. What did the redhead now depended entirely on what he wanted, without masters or lords. With barely contained joy Ron saw the sweater stretched and finally preparing to put it.

The sweater was made slowly and Draco could see that he was as I remembered, too big for his size, but also welcoming. Ron stroked the huge letter on the front and as he did a tear down her cheek surprising Draco.

"Merry Christmas, Ron." She whispered. The redhead turned to look, for the first time in all that time to really look at him, his eyes sad but filled with memories.

"Malfoy?" Draco nodded. He saw confusion and pain but also a tiny flame of hope.

"You are safe. I will not let anyone hurt you." He whispered with barely contained emotion mourn'd start feeling at that moment but the redhead did nothing else.

"Safe." Draco turned nodded.

"You do not need this." This time Draco came and opened the collar that Ron still around his neck. "Never again will need it."

"I can go home?" The question is not took by surprise the blond. Since he had asked himself what would happen if Ron recovered his senses and wanted to go home? Do you let go? had also responded. Yes , I would go, if it made the redhead happy let him go.

"Sure you can go." Responded after taking a deep breath. "Will you go now? Should be celebrating, sure you will love to see you again." The redhead nodded shyly and Draco thought he would die. I was going to lose it so soon. by Salazar. "Well, let me bring a warmer coat, it is snowing outside." He stood with heavy steps and sought shelter for them. Then he tried to remember the direction of the Weasley house in San Cachapole. He took the redhead's hand tightly and concentrated. At no time were a road covered with snow and Draco looked at the man with red hair and blue eyes saw what seemed to recognize their surroundings and that alone made him feel a little better at what I was doing.

started walking toward the house and now a few feet away could hear the excitement that was inside of it. Ron Draco stopped and turned around to encourage him to follow. With timid steps completed to approach the blonde who took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Ron was half hidden behind her figure was almost impossible thing for his stature as smiled at Draco.

Door opened and found a stick in his face. "What the hell are you doing here?" hissed a voice heard not long ago.

"Potter, to me it is also a pleasure to see you." He replied with annoyance.

"Who is at the door, darling?" Asked the matron of the family to hear the voices.

"No, Molly. It was just a slob around." He heard footsteps and Arthur Weasley, with his soft smile appeared behind Harry. His expression hardened to view but still the dark away.

"Mr. Malfoy, do not expect it." Affairs of the Ministry? "Asked the man strained voice. The dark eyes narrowed with suspicion to see the blonde hesitated.

"If they are matters of the Ministry can wait until tomorrow, today is Christmas, Malfoy." Growled Harry.

"Potter, and shut up." Growled the blond angry losing his inability to express themselves. "Sorry, Mr. Weasley. There are matters of the ministry that brings me here ... is ... well ... "

"I say it, Malfoy, so we can continue the celebration." Draco gave him a dirty look after him but he felt Ron's hand clinging to his clothes.

"I brought you a gift." Prompting muttered Mr. Weasley gave him an incredulous look. Draco then stepped aside and the two men stood with their mouths open. "Feliz Navidad." ; whispered without looking into his eyes feeling a blush on his cheeks and a heartache. Arthur Weasley jumped into his son's neck and Draco took a step back. Soon the dark also came from their stupor and hugged the red.

"Arthur, who is at the door?" He could hear Mrs. Weasley. Soon everyone would be out so took another step back. A cloud of red hair was soon at the door, none of them was paying attention so no deal to say goodbye he turned and walked away down the road.

When he got home he realized that the gifts of red hair, which he had made had been in the parlor. Everyone who had opened and had not come to play. All but shelter which would still position.

decided that it was not worth staying there all day alone so he took the camera and left the house closing. Would reveal the pictures. That would give you something to do.

Almost all the shops in Diagon Alley were closed but a few showed their open signs. He went to one of them and asked if they revealed photos. The clerk, somewhat grumpily told him not to. He had cover most of the dead and three stores later I finally found one that offered services revealed magic.

Two hours later I had their photographs, a pair of frames and an album of photos well protected. After that he stopped at a little bistro that had been opened in your search and ate something. The rest of the time spent watching the windows of almost all shops. Every other magician and couples roamed the alley but the rest were at home celebrating. Almost

dusk when he decided to return. Avoided even glancing at the room where the redhead was there ever closer to the tree but ended up dropping his mind. He took the photo album and started thumbing through it. His red hair the tree looked with fear and apprehension. The most beautiful of all the photos was the one where she wore the sweater and his face was full of anticipation before blushing and looking down the sleeves so long they covered up their knuckles leaving out the tips of his fingers against the fabric tight .

The redhead in the photo looked at him and Draco was surprised to see that he gave a shy smile. He formed a lump in her throat and her eyes watered a little. He stood up and put the framed photo securing the tree in place with a little magic. "I'm a fool." whispered accepting her feelings once and for all. A few blows

the door was removed from his state and ran a hand over his face. The blows sounded again and this time listened as they shouted his name, his voice distorted by being on the other side but at the same time unmistakable. " Malfoy! Damn it, open the fucking door! "

" Harry! "He called another voice somewhat dimmed by the camera.

"No, he did something to Ron and will pay it." His voice sounded agitated and Malfoy rolled his eyes. Typical of Potter come to claim all that went wrong. It took long enough to find the papers and Ron potions before leaving them on the coffee table and protect them just in case. When he opened his wand in his hand and took aim between the eyes to the green-eyed returning the favor early in the morning had made .

"What brings you here, Potter?" He murmured quietly surprised at the look tan. "I hope that is not a courtesy call."

"Malfoy, do not be stupid. know why we come. "grunted then uncross his eyes.

"No, I do not know. I would be enough distraction for a day that had his brother back but obviously I was wrong. I was going to leave tomorrow to send the medical record but who are here would be a good idea to take him too. " He lowered his wand and walked away from the door. As expected, the Weasley entered uninvited. The top of the list being Harry Potter. He took the package which kept a copy and began to hand them over when he noticed the silence.

These watched the tree and decorations. Coughed nervously. There forgotten that the whole house was arranged in such a way that was as close to the cozy little houses that appeared in magazines Christmas. "And I thought that snakes had no Christmas spirit." exclaimed one of the twins.

Weasley saw that she had something in his hands and beckoned his brothers to come over. Frowned confused until he had a hunch and looked at the tree. The missing Ron photo site where the moments hung before. He came quickly and grabbed it with arrogance. "They have what they missing. Now if you are kind enough to leave my house. "

" We did not come for stationery, Malfoy. "Ginny replied." It's Ron. "Draco's expression changed dramatically, from anger to extreme concern that the redhead thing taken into account immediately.

"What's wrong?" Are you okay? "

" We want to know what the hell you did. "He claimed the dark but Draco ignored him waiting for the redhead told him what was happening. , Harry's eyes narrowed in anger.

"is very quiet. It frightened when we approach. not to eat. "The blonde sighed and handed the girl the record.

"That's all you need to know about Ron, but if they are not overly sensitive people should read them all. Her life has not been a bed of flowers since he disappeared."

"What is supposed to do with this? "asked Draco felt exasperated and confused.

"What do you what to do with that? That is all. On the table are your potions, which have to take yet. That's all I can offer. "

" Malfoy, this is not going to calm Ron. "I said with a strange expression, the redhead.

"But I have nothing more. What am I supposed to do? Is at home ... with his family. What more could you want? "almost groaned with despair but stopped at the last moment before the serious look on Ginny.

"is asking about you."

"Why me?" He whispered. Would Ron really asking for it or the master?

"Yes, there wants us to come and just say your name." Annoying Harry interrupted. "We've been looking all day, Malfoy. Where the hell was he? Today is Christmas! "

" I was visiting some old friends. "lied automatically." And that's not incumbent upon any of you. "

" Malfoy, what is the case with our brother? " When Harry tried to intervene again one of the twins covered her mouth. The three Weasley and brown Draco Malfoy saw seemed to decide what to do or say. I was hesitant, as if to say something. She put her hands to her temples to finally sighing and shaking his head slightly.

"It's all in the report. Read it." He whispered in a gesture of defeat, pointing to the record that was the redhead. "You want some punch?" He murmured to face circumstances.

The tan is Sappho of the hands of the twins with a grunt.

"Who would have thought that Malfoy would punch too." Exclaimed one of the twins. Minutes later

sat at the table reading while Draco stared at the tree and gifts. "It seems that not everyone wants your gifts, Malfoy." Commented Brown after coming to understand what was in the report. Ron's gift under the tree was still open and apparently forgotten.

"This is not your thing, Potter." She whispered, leaning over the gift, and closing the lid and then begin to collect the presents. When could you send them home to red. But in those moments just wanted to finally decide to leave. Leave the tree until the next morning and then would remove him for the moment not wish to continue the display of emotions against redheads. But he was lucky because I could hear the sobs of the redhead and see the somber faces of twins.

"They have to pay." Muttered one of the twins, did not know which.

"They are about twenty-eight wizards on the list. Ten of them are dead. Six are in Azkaban imprisonment. Five are being processed by the Ministry today. Three reported missing and the last four , non-actionable are about to disappear. "whispered without opening his eyes from the cup of punch.

"Apparently you've already ordered all, Malfoy. Benefits of being in power." Remarked the evening dark with malice.

Speak you have it and not use it. If you are over then I apologize, but it is too late. "Harry was about to continue throwing salt to the wound but a look of Ginny Weasley did grumble and closing the mouth.

"Thanks, Malfoy. We are in debt ..."

"It's late." Said interrupting any token of appreciation. No thanks needed, I had not done for them, or by or for Potter Weasley or Granger.

Draco finally went and stayed in the living room of the house picking up the table. It took everything he could, unable to sleep knowing that her red hair was calling him. He decided to turn off the lights and see what they looked like small lights on the tree was delighted. I had not had a chance to show your red hair and was really a shame because the lights were beautiful. practice was early morning and closed out the night was snowing. I had planned so many things ... 73


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