Saturday, July 14, 2007

What If I Miss An Unemployment Certification

57 58 56 TRxRL HPxRW

57 HPxRW

******* Warm

Inspired by a Checkmating scene of Mahaliem, first chapter where Harry performed some spells to "attack" to Voldemort. *******

of Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling. *******

"Ron, could you help me with some new spells that I'm practicing?" Harry asked hopefully and giving it a cloudy look at that red hair, oblivious to his intentions, busily copying notes Hermione the task was not finished.

"Sure! Just give me a few more minutes, okay? "Harry saw him as fast copy could and smiled to himself, his beloved companion had always been so confused that almost gave remorse. Well ... almost.

Before he could repent his friend over and kept all his tools before turning toward him with a huge smile. "Ok, what can I do?" He asked pulling out his wand.

"Not here, we can ... break something."

"spells are strong?" Harry nodded. "You're right, then Mione be lecturing us all afternoon. Why not let one of the empty classrooms on the sixth floor? Are not forbidden magic, right? "

" None of that, only defensive spells ... Nothing complicated. "

" Oh ... well, because we, we are not going to be late for dinner. "He noted with concern the red-headed while Harry followed.

"At least I did not make me late for dinner." Muttered under his breath as he continued taking a look at the rear of his friend. They went in haste and went to one of the empty classrooms.

"Well, now yes, tell me what to do. "

" Ummhh ... just walking in my direction, as if to pass me. "He nodded and kept his red-headed wand. After he was sure that Harry would not hurt. He walked in his direction and when it was shoulder to shoulder with the brown felt a force push to the nearest wall.

"Ow." He murmured. "That hurt."

"Sorry." He apologized, while waved his wand and Ron's hands went up suddenly and froze against the wall. He tried to drop them in vain.

"Ummhh ... and what are these spells of defense?" Asked the red-headed little surprised. Harry's cheeks were stained slightly as he walked a few steps.

"are to attack Voldemort. You never know what might be useful." He waved his wand and the red hair parted legs and remained motionless against the wall.

"You're right. You never know with that scoundrel." Harry nodded and waved his wand again, leaving the red-headed in their underwear. Ron shivered with cold. To the astonishment of his companion Harry was quick to respond.

"is to make sure that the Death Eaters have not concealed weapon or a potion." It took a few steps underwear looking like the most offensive he had ever seen.

"I guess that is useful, but what we might assume that work well in my underwear without having to practice it? It's cold." Harry's eyes rested briefly on the groin of his friend and took a long sigh.

"Sure, it makes little cold. I just needed a spell over and I'm sure we will go into heat. "He walked over and waved his wand. This time Ron did not feel any different.

"Do you think that worked?" The brown end of approaching and doing push-ups gently stroked the red hair shiver violently against his bonds.

"A spell of sensitivity." Muttered now very close.

"Bloody Hell, that no doubt will be the end of the dark lord." Commented Brown still trembling and smirked. "Ahh ..." Harry? "


"When will you release me?"

"When you warm."

"It's cold." He complained.

"I know."

"I need my clothes." The Brown nodded as he moved the wand and recite various spells of silence. "What're you doing?" Harry asked, confused by that turn around in his direction .

"I'll just show you the rest of the spell. Relax, I'm sure you'll like it." Those fingers naughty nipple-pink caressed him and Ron shouted so loudly the feelings of your sensitive skin.

"Harry!" The Brown smiled and carefully approached to be on the naked body of Ron who does not shudder and gasp stopped trying to control your breathing. He had the grace not to move against the skin of red hair, was simply told that there was no space that was not covered by your own body.

"Now it's just a matter of time to come into heat, mate." Whispered around his neck pulling out a tortured moan.

"Harry ... I do not understand why you do this. "sighed the red-headed difficulty as his body began to react to the spell of sensitivity.

"Why?" He murmured. "That is easily answered. Your eyes are bright blue as the summer sky, warm and your hair is like tongues of fire on a cold night , warm too. Now that I can touch you know that your skin is as warm as I imagined, soft and silky as I had never imagined. "As he said gently stroked him on the side causing the red-headed shiver violently. "I think I ran a hand with the spell of sensitivity." He mumbled and then move the wand over the body. Ron let out a sigh of relief to feel that their skin was no longer so sensitive that any touch it made her want to scream. "Your breath is sweet as candy Honeydukes." He moved his lips and stole a kiss that made him groan. "Your mouth is sweet as well. What other reason I can give you, "Harry smirked.

"I do not know." Whispered the red-headed.

"Tell you what I have another reason. I know no one has touched as I am playing now ... I know you're a virgin and know you have a back that has been begging me cogérmelo since I saw it in the shower the first day of our fourth year of school. "Harry's voice was full of desire, it echoed in the body of Ron Brown making the smile to feel the excitement on his leg." Yes .. must be as warm as the rest of your body, deliciously tight. "Harry's hands dropped to the hips of red hair and found underwear. With a flick of the wand repeated the process of the clothes leaving him completely naked and at his mercy.

"Want to know what other spells learned?" I was afraid to ask Ron, Harry's eyes told him plainly that that was not going to escape.

"Should I ask?"

"Sure, because I do them with you, so why are partners, right?" Ron nodded weakly fearing respond verbally. "But first let me get to the par. "Saying that Harry waved his wand and was completely naked against the skin of red-headed friend who held his breath to feel the excitement in clavársele tan thigh strength. Harry let his hips move slightly above the semi erection of red hair who moaned.

"Harry ... what will you do to me?" He asked with a trembling voice as his body told him to surrender to the pleasure that was beginning to feel.

"What can I do to you? For Merlin, Ron, should not I ask you." Again he rubbed sensually on the hips of red hair. "Bring me head, I want to be inside you take you completely marcarte as mine. Ummhh ... are delicious. "he whispered as he kissed the graceful neck. muttered another spell and Ron felt his back was completely lubricated, making it crudely moan and push your hips against Harry. "Will you let me do it, Ron? Dime."

Ron did not know what to say, her body begged him to give in but still had his doubts, his mind suddenly clouded feeling that one of the digits Harry intimately caressed him at the entrance of his ass. The feeling was almost humiliating but addictive and being fully lubricated sensitive and soon began to squirm and gasp with all his might. "Harry, what do you do? Harry ... please ..."

"Please what, Ron?" The digit lobbied against the entry but nothing else and was screaming in pleasure and then groaned as he felt that he was retiring. "Say, Ron."

"I need ..." She gasped.

"What do you need?" Purred near his ear.

"I need you to touch me, Harry." Muttered embarrassed.

"I I'm playing now. "Ron vehemently denied unable to speak for a few seconds and then catch your breath.

"That's not ... Like a while ago." He asked his friend.

"So?" He asked with a half smirk.

"Yes, Harry, well, bloody hell, you feel ..." He stopped breathing when Harry's finger slid into the ring forcing slightly separated his buttocks muscles while with his free hand.

"You're so hot, Ron, as I imagined." Gasped against her ear a tan while rubbing against her sex continued without stopping. "Let me take you, let me give you pleasure." Ron gasped finally, tight against the spell that held her body against the wall and his hands and legs captives.

"Yes, Harry, do it, please." Gasped just trying to control the intense blush that was rising to his face.

"Go up the legs, the spell will allow you to upload them to the wall ... and be more accessible." Ron nodded and Harry with the help of even separate legs up until her knees were bent. Harry had stopped playing to help and now missed the contact.

"Touch me, Harry, please." The dark-haired young man smiled and proceeded again to penetrate your partner, this time using two fingers. Ron groaned and strained but after a few minutes and cried again and panting with pleasure. "If you keep doing that I will not take anything." sighed excited.


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