Saturday, July 14, 2007

Watery Cm Before Pregnancy



62 May 2007 *******

Inspired by the video of Ruslana, Dyka Energia (Energy Wild ) contains

Get ideas from the anime Backers.

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling. *******

Severus turned his back to the dark who walked impatiently annoyed by the small laboratory. He then worked on reviewing the information in the terminal's face lit with a dim blue light.

"Lucius say you can not refuse your offer. So you're sure of your abilities?" Severus

not removed from the monitor but his fingers seemed to twitch a few seconds on the keyboard, the only sign of its displeasure. , "My skills are not what will convince Lucius to accept my proposal, but the proposal itself."

The man who walked up and down, folding his arms stopped and giving a look pushy to the back of the head of Severus who was unfazed and continued his work.

"Will you tell me something about the proposal?" Growled finally knowing that if he pressed the man does not say anything.

For a long time the silence was only interrupted by the soft drumming geneticist at the Terminal.

A dismissive snort Severus told him that the man had given up and the steps towards the door told him that was terminating the visit.

"Lumbar One" He mumbled, sure that the implant that he had made into the ears of man would hear his whisper. Indeed, the man stopped and waited without moving the rest of the information. "Lumbar One, remember well. It will be important Lucius the day I die." The man took a deep breath before nodding and leaving the laboratory. *******

Lucius had followed the process since its inception.'d Been in every second watching every movement of the geneticist who had promised him the ideal son in exchange for a sum quite high. But Lucius Malfoy was the owner of an entire planet and therefore, had everything may wish either to use or waste. I did not have was a child and as a regent could not afford to continue leaving it for later.

Early in life he discovered his sterility. But now, this man had offered him not only a child, but one that would carry its own genetic code, with some modifications, of course, as the ability to reproduce and other improvements like it never grows old.

addition, the child will be completely faithful thanks to another invention of the geneticist, through a combination of genetic engineering and biotechnology, would achieve a superior human being in force a kind of integrated program in your cerebral cortex that would prevent him from rebelling against his father. As if it were a pet, had told the breeder, a pet with exceptional intelligence and extraordinary force that rule in place for as long as necessary and not betray ever.

The body was perfect, from the color of the eyes to the toes. Lucius had made sure that every detail was solely to your liking. Geneticist's art that seemed to have no limits. We call

Draco, a name that would inspire terror force over time. It would take to teach to rule as you wish and then leave everything in the hands of the young while he enjoyed what he had achieved with effort.

"Lucius, the boy is ready to wake up." He reported that the geneticist in the morning could be seen on this planet whose gray sky just clipped the endless buildings covering the planetary surface.

"Perfect." Answered the man and kept sterile laboratory where the body lay awake soon oblivious.

was clad from head to toe in a white thermal suit that molds to your body. A white boots, resistant all types of terrain and roads had been. Of his body was visible only his head and hands.

Lucius approached the table and waved to a geneticist to begin the process of awakening. Several buttons were pressed, several mechanisms have been disconnected and the fluid that kept him asleep stopped being pumped into his body. ; The huge machinery around the young man started off slowly, leaving special connections at strategic points which could then be used if necessary to reconnect.

The body does not take long to wake up, just five minutes. When the Young opened his eyes the first thing she saw was Lucius. "How do you feel?" asked the man. The blue eyes seemed bisected in seconds before the pupils to shrink slightly in recognition. As had told the geneticist, had planted some basic information with biological programs consistent with their maturity. "You know who I am?"

"Yes, Lucius Malfoy. My father." Lucius smiled widely and giving a hand helped him up for the sterile table to give their first steps.

"And you know who you are?"

"Yes Draco Malfoy. Your heir." The man with blond hair could not help but laugh out loud with emotion while smiling slightly at his geneticist triumph. *******

had passed about eighteen months since I had that talk with Severus. Day after day he had been gathering information and preparing for the mission of his life. The man was who had helped him after he escaped from prison. He was just a young rebel at the time, caught in the middle inresurrección. I had almost died, his arms useless for the rest of his life and this man, a genius of genetics and biotechnology, had returned to recreate in more ways than one. As I rebuilt it had given a new meaning to his life and a new mission. overthrow the tyrant.

was heading to the meeting point with a geneticist for the component that would install a program that would replace the current permit and to take control of all systems on the planet.

dressed all in black to hide in the shadows, and although his pace was casual, his eyes were alert. When he arrived the place was empty so it was hidden in the shadows, hoping it was the exact time to cleave.

a few seconds when he heard the unmistakable sound of a laser. He came very close, enough to assure him that his counterpart had been found. Away but were mobilized to come only caught a glimpse of a few d away android body on the pavement. He waited just long enough to avoid attracting the attention of the androids. Approaching

could identify the geneticist. With just see the smoke rising from several parts of his chest was sure he could not do anything for him. With reverence closed his eyes and sat down, face up on the floor. When arranging his hands in his lap a soft tinkling caught his eye . A metal sheet as big as the tip of your index finger, had fallen which had hitherto been the man's left hand. A numerical symbol adorning one side, the number seventeen and the other looked like a small map of buildings but did not recognize the place immediately. The straightening saved before and after a last look at the body away, knowing soon the mechanical units of health of the planet would come to collect the body. *******

Six months later was unable to decipher the meaning or use of the information but that he was in the hands of a geneticist to second the meeting was sufficient reason for thinking that it was something important.

However, six months had passed and was not closer to completing the mission than it had been two years ago when the geneticist had given the strange key.

had used the phrase to try to unlock the electronic files stored on the backup disk that was obtained the same day they had killed the geneticist. He had done just leave that night and ended when the androids almost threw the door of the place. Androids and Lucius machines had destroyed the site to not leave anything.

The situation began to despair and he was not a man who suited her despair.

Covered by the shadows of the night made it smoothly to the small bar just worked legally in that area and rarely frequented. After a couple of drinks and very few interested in knowing what he did or to stop, pulled the tab and started playing with it. After asking another drink put on the table, looking with stubborn insistence the tiny object.

"You should take it easier, friend." He told the waiter to bring you the drink. It was a girl smile and strange accent. Not answered and the waiter did not know it would take wrong. But when he saw him take a look at the tab green eyes gave him an annoyed look. "Double L?" asked the waiter without paying attention to what the man frowned, not understanding.

"There is a seventeen." He said as he flipped the card to see it.

"Oh. Is that from here looked like a double L." He put the drink on the table and walked away while the man watched the tab from that position with renewed interest.

"Double L." she murmured. "What has to do with Lumbar One?" Only then, after pronouncing it, it seemed that his heart beat painfully. There was a double L, but the waiter, as he had confused the symbols. The second symbol was not a letter, but a number. "Lumbar One, I'm stupid." grunted while leaving some money on the table along with the drink and left in a hurry. *******

"Father." A young man with blonde hair wearing a white thermal suit entered the room where it was Lucius. "

" Draco, my boy. " the tyrant who greeted him at the time wore a combination of exotic skins, leather and silk as materials shortages made them extremely valuable. "I have a surprise for you." While I said a girl of black hair and blue eyes was brought by one of the androids. He wore a white thermal suit and light blue that highlighted the soft curves of her body. Draco watched without apparent emotion, prompting an expression of discomfort in the man who made a sign and came upon another android, this time with a young man. He wore a white suit and blue also, in conjunction with the young. Draco also observed but its expression did not change . 'Thank you, Father. What's the occasion? "

" How do you know it's a chance special? "asked the man approaching.

"Gifts are given on special occasions." Mechanically answered the young man smiled slightly receive the response.

"At least have the decency to give you some basic social skills. I'm surprised, especially when he did not care to use them." He turned to the droid. "Take them to my son's room and he'll take care of them and feed them. "Young did not respond or resist.


"You know a human care. You have all the data in your memory bank and a whole system at your disposal. Take care of them, feed them, keep them healthy, show that you are the center of their lives. Next year will be Human hundred and next will be two thousand. It will be like until you have the experience you need to take charge of all. "Lucius stroked the cheek of the young causing flash." When we blink a memory. " , whispered and ran his thumb over the smooth lips. "I will live in your memories ... forever."

"Father?" Lucius asked the young man and let him go for a tired sigh before straightening.

"I want you to prepare. Aponerte couple looking for something special. Something different and tasteful. Today we celebrate your birthday."

The celebration was attended by a large number of guests, but for the first time in the history of the planet Lucius allowed all humans had a day off.

The building itself was in the fortress where Lucius lived on the top floor and a few special guests served by androids. Those who, like Area regents appointed by the same governing Lucius different sectors. These men and their families were the only witnesses of the celebration and only with the sole intention of Draco's could meet in person.

The young man watched intently all, memorizing every face, every gesture, every one that his father had ordered him to learn and when all was finished and finally was allowed to return to their rooms, his heart remained in the same state ... beating and nothing else.

The two young men had made her father waited inside her room. He was received with a bow as Draco remembered the instructions of his father. "Have eaten?"

The two nodded. "The basic needs of humans are eating, sleeping, exercising." mechanical voice recited.

Young people looked but did not respond causing a strange look of curiosity in the blond, as if seeking something. Then he extended a hand to the young and feeling for a few seconds the collar of his suit, he found what he sought. , A small crack indicated that he had destroyed and the boy blinked and went out of trance in which he seemed to be. He looked at the blond recognize just adopted a military posture that he was aware of Draco.

"Are they soldiers?" He asked.

"We are elite, serving the Grand Commander. My name is Blaise and my companion is Pansy. Both of us are honored to have been chosen to be the first humans." Draco blinked only approached the girl, shattering the control device of his suit.

"I can not really know the needs of humans if there are external factors hindering my learning." She blinked and one with his companion, stood at attention. "Is it true that there are other aspects necessary for the survival of human right?"

"the psychological factor ... the social factor." Answered the girl, and Draco nodded.

"Then you teach me."

******* Harry entered the last key. There were estimated to have about twenty minutes before being located properly if kept entering the correct keys on each door . The alarms would be activated regardless of how many have correct keys. The advantage was that he knew those who would neutralize alarms enough to continue to reach your goal. (Falta.)

******* "Who are you?" Lucius whispered as he felt the gun against his back.

"I'm part of this planet .... The party will not let you continue with this tyranny."

"This tyranny, as the flames, has achieved many benefits for the rest of the planet."

"I think it is time to consider another form of government. One that is more human oriented. "

" That, from someone who has been genetically bionically manipulated and is a great hypocrisy. also no longer be possible to reverse my plans for this planet. My son will do that. "Harry snorted.

"I have to take care of your child too." The man laughed.

"My son is indestructible, and my plans." The dark fire the weapon without warning and the lifeless body of the tyrant fell.

"We'll see." He said after the body fell. "And I was getting tired with the speech.

Finally succeeded in mastering. It was not easy even though he had been enhanced with bionic technology. Whatever it was that young man was definitely not so twisted arm tightly as he pushed against the wall.

not heard any complaints from his party while he almost broke his arm, just breathing hard and still some resistance. "Stop fighting against fate. Your father is dead and you will soon be available .

"Dead?" whispered the boy just taking the murderer by surprise.

"Yes, dead." I said seriously feeling the body against the wall became malleable, as if he had lost strength.

"Why did no more?"

"I killed him." I turned to look at him as he placed his forearm on his neck. "And you suffer the same fate ... now." He put the gun against the chest of the young who looked a few seconds before seem to understand what would happen. Then those eyes locked on his own Reeling confidence.

"I have not made mistakes." She whispered. "Why do you have to finish my program?"

"It's not a program, your life. And you have not made mistakes, but errors your parent falls on you, so die. "was prepared to shoot a little and pushing away the gun.

"If I finish my program ... will end the core program and the machines that keep alive the world will turn off." The murderer gave a spiteful look before taking it on the front of the shirt and drag him toward the control room .
took him to the main console without releasing it and connected the device containing the program that would replace the main program.

tried to run the program but the computer did not even recognize the device. For several minutes he continued trying until he decided to start to believe what the young man said. He pointed the gun at the young man's chest discomfort.

"Make it work."

"This program is invalid. Your computer will not recognize it."

"If they recognize I will venture to completely disconnect."

"No." Draco cried in fear.

"Then do it running."

The young man seemed to meditate until they finally reach. He took the device from which the murderer had hit and punched a few commands in the central computer, making it appear a special chair of the soil. it was on its back a row of good-sized needles, also, the reposaderos arms each having a needle.

Draco sat on it, placing both wrists on the needles, which are being introduced into your skin before the astonished gaze of the murderer. Just have, the chair was adjusted so that did not know doubt that the needles on the back had entered the back of the young. "What the hell?" whispered stunned. Draco had not even blinked when the terminals are inserted into your body.

The main panel is lit but Harry looked away from what made the young with the device. With grace young mechanical device inserted into a port of entry that had the seat right under the arm rest right.

Open installation files. "A message in red appeared in the main panel. Error." What type of program is supposed to be installed? "

" The program is only an order to load the main program installed on an external server. "

" We have to do it manually if you wish to install. "The murderer returned to point the gun.

"I do not want to spend smart." Whispered the dark with suspicion handing a piece of paper with an address.

"Start Search." The blonde whispered looking back to the main panel. "Objective located, beginning installation sequence." The panel showed a horizontal bar where you could see the percentage of the program to start the installation. Harry changed the view of the panel, forgetting for a few seconds the young so that he could not see when the blue eyes turned in their orbits and began to tremble.

bar stopped at a seventy-five percent and only then turned to the dark question it. "Why stop?"

Tense in the chair, the body shuddered as if agitated gently while eyes remained blank and the lips had lost their color. "Draco?" Several alarms began heard and the message overhead of information appeared on the screen. He tried to lift the chair, but in doing so, the needles remained attached to his back, joined by white wires that appeared to have the ability to spread.'s body resbalársele threatened stiff hands.

left the young again on the chair and watching the panel found the key I wanted. That posed end the current operation. "Escape." To his surprise, the panel showed the classic two options . 'Of course I want to abort the operation, stupid máquina!”  Dio un golpe seco en la tecla que afirmaría su decisión y la computadora principal comenzó la restauración del programa original.  Apenas comenzar el joven dejó de temblar en el asiento y perdió la rigidez.  “¿Cómo puede un hombre hacerle esto a su propio hijo?”  Gruñó el moreno, más molesto consigo mismo por haber permitido que la suerte del joven lo desviara de su meta.

Draco inclinó la cabeza sobre su pecho, totalmente inconsciente mientras el moreno era testigo de cómo las agujas se retiraban una por una de su espalda y sus manos, liberándolo.  Le sujetó contra el respaldo before they came out ahead. A drop of blood fell from the nose of the unconscious young white contrasting with his clothes stained.

knew exactly where the dark were the rooms of each and how many guards were in that building. Knowing that no one would stop the young man proceeded to take the floor to take him to his room, where maybe I could make more sense what I saw. *******

The blond still unconscious and he was still trying to figure out what had happened when he heard the sound of sliding doors. He shot and heard a body fall, a human body. His senses told him that a second man. This time they took the time to look, had not come to kill humans who served in the building.

A young woman lying on the ground while a young man checked his signs. "We are unarmed." He told the young man while slowly raised his hands and gave him a frightened look.

"Who are they?"

"We are ... the company of the young guard Draco." Whispered the young man move from his position.

"Draco no longer need an escort. Take it and leave the building. "

" We can not. We are not allowed. The doors will not open for us. "Annoying Harry snorted and waved to the girl charged. Blaise picked it up and went inside but when she saw Draco stopped. Harry had to push for a shoulder to move. "What did you do?"

"Nothing ... yet. Send her away and then you can take care of him. "

******* Draco awoke a few hours later while Blaise trying to see what else I could do for him.


"We have a rebel in the building." He whispered the dark.

"I know, but the program does not allow me to defend myself. Must be a mistake. I'm trying to correct it."
For the first time you take a breath and observed the effect of the shook him. No every day seemed the perfect android act as a human, less like a frustrated. *******

ran her fingers through the channel of connections in the pallid back, but the blonde did not move. He was so still that he could swear he had not felt anything. Maybe that's what happened. 58


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