Saturday, July 14, 2007

4xl Ireland Rugby Jersey

73 01 RenoxYazoo

FF7 01 RenoxYazoo


This story comes from the game Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children. *******

FF7's characters belong to Square Art Electronics LLC. *******

was all he could do for her brother, seeing him there on the dusty bed trying to survive the fever that had caused the sacred rain in both. He already had passed ... or so I thought, but still feeling remains the same as if it was raining and your skin continue making that black vapor, Geostigma.

The house was an abandoned, near the old Shin-ra building, but close enough to the edge to get some food. However, there was nothing that he knew that his brother would improve and only could see it mouth shiver under the covers I found.

The problem was that I could not see it that way and even if it was risky to try, somehow, get some medicine for his brother ... something that would work against the sacred rain. And even if he had even the slightest idea of what could exist apart from matter that it had not had to do something.

would simply entered the shop and took what I needed if I knew what was needed. More than that, I knew I could not draw attention that way being that they were unable to defend themselves.

For that reason alone made the short line that separated him from the window in order to consult with women who dispatched. *******

"Rude, do not be stubborn, stop the car for a good time." Exclaimed the redhead almost jumping the car still running. "You almost tore my leg!" He threw the door, then turns toward the store.

"Why so much interest in buying if they are not going to wear?" Asked dryly the Turkish-dyed look that received a somewhat rude response from his companion and ran into the store. "Reno." muttered tired and stayed in the car waiting.

Reno went straight to the rack of condoms and took the first set that reached the pass and then go to the small row where ordered medications. That morning had risen with the unmistakable symptoms of a cold but would not be cowed by the stupid cold if you could do before. He stood in a row after an elderly woman snorted. In front of the old lady and standing at the window a man of considerable size was talking to the clerk. He turned and began to whistle out of tune, waiting their turn.

"No, no nausea." He listened to the man at the window lift the angry voice that made him turn back to see what happened. The clerk was a bit nervous and the man at the counter looked angry while trying to explain. Something in the position of the man caught his attention. He looked up and a shiver down his spine when she noticed the short white hair defying gravity. He walked slowly backwards down the hall until he was in the entrance of the store leaving condoms in the first empty space on the shelves she found.

"Rude!" He exclaimed as he beckoned his companion understood immediately. Just got into the car Rude Reno him away from the store and turned around hiding behind a corner. The red-haired told him wait, both looking seriously out of the store until about fifteen minutes later, Rude had to lower their sunglasses to believe his eyes.

There it was, the higher peliblanco Kadaj's bargain ... alive and kicking, or rather, walking. Reno did not have to tell you when I was following him.

When they saw him stop at an abandoned house Rude stopped the car and both went down with stealthy caution. *******

Loz took one look at the drugs and then to his brother on the bed. "Yazoo." He called no answer. He sat on one side of bed and felt the front of Yazoo feeling it burn. "Yazoo." He called supplicant.

"seems to be no answer." I heard from behind. Immediately he was standing in a defensive position. The immediately recognized his face without a smile and told them that the giant of the brothers was to play with either.

"Do not approach." Grunted turning his wrist claw warning but neither man seemed irritated by it. The redhead looked at him with serene tranquility, as if it were a fact of life Loz days threatened him with his gun.

"Tranquilo, amigo. Just want to talk a little." Loz did not change their position and just looked like the redhead would continue when they heard the sound of one of the phones. "Yes? ; Boss? Aha ... aha. Sure. I'll tell you right away. No, it's quiet. Well. "After that he hung up and gave him a searching look at the clone." My name is Reno and Rude here is my partner. Do you remember? Of course I remember, I'm sure. The point is that we are here representing the company Shinra. "Reno kept his hands in his pockets while Rude moved a few inches.

"I do not want anything to do with Shinra." Loz answered, still in its defensive position.

"You always have something to do with Shinra." I said calmly Reno. Loz strained his eyes and that was the only sign that the clone had prior charges against both. But we expect it so the reaction did not take them by surprise. Reno dodged the attack as Rude took the brunt of the clone fists into their own hands. Loz's strength pushed him to the wall where the two were observed for a second while they were connected by the hands, eyes tinted green against Rude before the electric baton hit the temple Reno Loz doing away from your partner.

Clone launched a coup that brushing his chin went to Reno and Rude took both arms to hold him hitting against the sides of the clone. Loz grunted with which achieved enough space in your torso to hit with your head Rude stunned. He turned and, taking for the suit raised him and threw his arm back. But before it can be heard hitting the red.

"Hey!" Reno exclaimed Loz calling his attention and stopped. The redhead was next to the bed, he lifted his head slightly to his brother by the hair of the neck as he placed the electric pole visibly full of energy against the chest of his brother.'s green eyes widened in surprise. Reno simply shook his head. "Download it." I ordered and immediately obeyed Loz Rude down sharply. "Since we're getting it, friend. "I said arrogantly making the redhead's eyes flashed with anger clone what Reno said gently down to the brother who was lying on the bed.

"What do you want?" Rude asked with suspicion while the suit was settled and was rubbing his nose.

"They will come with us to the Shack." Rude answered some orphans.


"Why not? It is obvious that your brother needs medical attention."

"I will not let Shinra scientists will closer. "He decided.

"Hey, I know exactly what you mean, but the cabin is not a laboratory. It is burning with fever, you want me to suffer?" The redhead asked seriously. "I saw you at the pharmacy . 'He said as a reminder. Loz

squeezed slightly plastic vials of drugs that had been achieved and that I was not sure he would serve his brother. The woman who had attended did not seem to have understood what I was trying to explain. The redhead reached out in his direction and squeezed a bit more but finally a slight groan from Yazoo that only he could hear him in the hand loosen Turkish.

"Mhh ... You sure are the correct doses?" Loz asked and was unable to answer him. "I can give you medication, but I'm not doctor.'d Be wasting time if it is more seriously. "She pressed to see the concern clearly written on the face of the clone. The redhead was doing extremely easy to manipulate the clone by his brother who had to restrain the need to smile." What will we do then? Now it's up for the welfare of your brother ... "

Loz's face fell slightly and tried to communicate with his brother again, even through this bond that allowed them to feel for each other but not side Yazoo was only silence. His own weariness and the blows that had not entirely disappeared also began to undermine his determination. Besides ... it felt so lost and not knowing it was Kadaj and Yazoo could not even speak.

His shoulders slumped slightly and Reno smiled knowing that the clone had decided to accede to their logic. "Yes." He motioned to his companion to come over. "Rude here is going to take your brother to the car, if you do not mind." I said by way of explanation. "Then you'll sit with my friend Rude as he leads and I watch your brother is okay. right? "he said on a voice purported to be happy and Loz nodded, just because it seemed to be agreeing, but was something that was far from his control. Rude

approached the Yazoo and carefully lifted her as he had done Loz. The eyes of the clone was not allowed to observe even a second while I carried on towards the door and beyond. He left after two and Reno was the last to leave.

as carefully placed the clone in the rear of the car while Reno is accommodated him. "You better call the Shack and tell them that we are on track." Rude told him to its red companion looked at him curiously. A movement of his head toward the clone was enough for Reno to put his hand on his forehead and then take out your cell phone. When Rude sat behind the wheel and the other brother sat with the belt tight and could not help but take a look curious. "Reno, make sure the seat, I'll go a little faster than usual." Rude told him his companion and nodded as he spoke this still on the phone.

In about ten minutes they were in the cabin. There were waiting with two stretchers instead of on the road and Loz had closed his eyes and had not reopened. When Rude tried to wake you only got a timid growl. Obviously, both clones were much more hit than what was seen with the naked eye, but after the explosion and rain and the second explosion was than logical.

******* "Hey, Rude. What do you think they are going to do?" Asked the redhead as he does not like things as they went down the hall toward the room his boss, Rufus Shinra.

"I do not know."

"These are experiments. How do you think are going to try?"

"I do not get paid for thinking, Reno. If they did they would be wasting money."

"Hey, that was a low blow." exclaimed the redhead but did not say anything more because it came the room in your head. "Mission Accomplished, boss." was the greeting he gave the red-haired man sitting beside the window. But even when the words seem too informal her Reno Ringtone to talk to his boss showed much more respect than any greeting protocol that could give any of his subordinates. Rufus Shinra

had already left the wheelchair. His body had been cured of Geostigma but some still recovering from burns suffered in the events of Nibelheim.

"I like hearing this, Reno. Did you have problems?"


"Excellent. That is all for now, boys." Were not they supposed that this was his day off? "He asked with some amusement in his voice the blonde with blue eyes.

"We Turks twenty-four to seven, boss." I responded with a redhead easily kept surprise.

"why work for me." Said the man with a cold smile. "Why not take a break here at the Shack? So no need to worry too much." It was his way of asking them to stay despite being his day off and both understood this because nodded and left the room the young Shinra.

"Hey, Rude, do you think if we eat something? Be hospital food but now my stomach is not going to discriminate."

"Reno, your stomach will never discriminate."

"Hey , have a sense of humor! "In response only got a sniff of their partner so put his hands into his pockets and walked casually toward the cafeteria instead. *******

woke Loz disoriented and the first thing he did was remove all the sensors that were connected to the machine and then stretched lazily life. The sound of the alarm device not only attracted the attention of hospital staff, but of the Turks who were guarding the room. The first thing I tried was to his brother and felt him not to panic. It was true that he lacked his gun but that did not mean devoid of strength or agility, so when he saw that someone entered the room was on the defensive.

"Go, go, but it is one of the beautiful sleeping waking up." Exclaimed the redhead to see and Loz straightened. Reno was giving a serene, lack of fear and without haste, much like the time they had first met in the City of The Edge, the monument of the Angel. The family it made him feel a little less lost because ironically, among the whole sea of people who could have been in Migden, the faces of those two Turks were the most familiar face after his brothers or his elder brother, Cloud Strife.

"Where is my brother?" Just asked him.

"If I say return to your bed?" I asked in turn Reno.

"I'll find him anyway." Threatened with a giant pot and Reno looked over his shoulder at his partner and shrugged.

"Your brother, as I knew I needed a little more attention than you.'s Resting and should not be disturbed."

"I do not bother. I'll just tell you where I am."

" But he is asleep. You can not talk to him. "

" I'll find it. "He took a step forward but Reno did not flinch.

"Okay, well ... but then you come back here. Is that clear? "I said Reno while waving the electric baton. Loz nodded seriously though its position and seriously ridiculously contrasted with the hospital gown he was wearing. Reno followed by the clone went barefoot. After two was Rude.

Two doors down they stopped and raised an eyebrow Loz making Reno shrugged as he opened the door showing a Yazoo slept in the same conditions that until recently was he connected to vital and serum. It looked too fragile without your clothes always too pale ... too young. Loz went to bed, closely followed by the red and having the feeling that if I tried something a man would be ready to help. He bent only slightly and touch the shoulder of his brother .

"I'll be two doors down, to your right." The redhead rolled her eyes at the apparent ignorance of the enormous clone.

"Hey ... is asleep, can not hear you." But hardly had he said the clone that until then had been apparently asleep briefly opened his eyes, setting them on his brother and seemed to nod and then close them again almost immediately. "How the hell did that?" Reno exclaimed.

simply clone gave a mischievous smile turn around and straighten up. "We can go back." Reno gave him a suspicious glance, then looked at the clone was in bed and back to standing which at the time he left the room.

"Is it my imagination or this clone just laugh at me?" She asked quietly making the redhead Rude laughed softly. "They are not trustworthy."

"They're not alone . Rude and Reno said he did not know whether he was referring to the clones or themselves. *******

When Loz reawakened senses told him that his brother was sleeping peacefully this time. He looked around and realized that he had been reconnected to all tubes but no to the machine. Everything was so quiet ... so quiet as the Shinra labs and even if he was sure that was not in place gave them the chills.

did not want to be alone but I could not just go and break the much-needed break Yazoo only because he was bored. He sat on the bed and crossed legs carefully watching the tube that was connected to the skin with tape. I looked on one side and the other, that was the arm which held her paw. flexed a little knuckle, feeling the strain adhesive tape on the back of his hand and frowned. Finally he looked at the rails of the bed where he was. They were down but in the metal of one of them had a kind of remote control or something.

He took it and read what he said under each button. Up, down. There were a couple of each. He pressed the first and part of the head began to rise, then tested below and their legs went a bit too. Up and down, up and down, both up or both down. So he spent fifteen minutes until he fell back in bed bored. "I wish I could play . groaned annoyed and his right hand went to the track. There unaware hit a red button under which was written the word nurse.

"What is offered?" Electronic voice asked through the speaker located on the rail. Loz was startled and said nothing while searching for where the voice. "Hello?" Is everything OK? "Loz looked around, puzzled by the question.

"Yes, everything is in order." He replied.

"If everything is correct then what you want?" The voice was a little upset but seemed not to notice Loz.

"Could you send someone to play with me?" He asked, lowering his voice a little. On the other side of the line heard a groan in disbelief.

"Play" is in a hospital, none of the Patients may be playing because of his treatments. "cried the voice angry now.

"But I'm bored." Loz moaned helplessly.

"Do you know how patient I am talking about?"

"With Loz?"

"Loz what?"

"Loz. Just Loz."

"What is your surname Mr Loz? "

" I have no name, my name is Loz and my brother is two rooms down, called Yazoo, but he can not play with me is asleep. "

"If this is your idea of a joke, Mr Loz ..." *******

Reno just up from the cafeteria of the cabin when he heard the angry voice of the nurse. He gave a look Rude who shrugged and waited patiently for the woman over. But the nurse looked increasingly out of herself as Reno took a step to the counter.

"But I want to play." Cried a voice from the other side of the speaker at the counter.

"Mr Loz, most recently, the cottage is a hospital, not a recreation center, patients are strictly forbidden to leave their rooms. "snarled the woman between his teeth and Reno made an effort to keep from laughing right in front of it.

"Miss Gertrude ... ahh .... Will you allow me a moment?" The woman knew the redhead, I had seen often enough in the cabin for a visit as not to know.

"Mr. Reno. Sorry. But some people have the ability to get their boxes until the most patient of all."

"But I'm bored." He heard again the voice of Loz making you jump Gertrudis a little vein on the eye. Reno raised his hand to indicate that he would take care of it.

"Loz.'s Reno. Why are you bothering to Miss Gertrude? You're supposed to be resting."

"I do not want to be alone." And after that there was a sound dangerously like a sob that Reno made an eyebrow curiously.

"Okay, okay. Rude and I will keep you company. Just stop bothering the nurses, have much work to do and can not play with you." Having said this, she turned to Rude.

"Mr. Reno ... you know the patient?"

"Yes, Gertrude. The next time you call Mr Loz because she wants to play do not hesitate to contact us." I said as I walked down the hall simplicity toward the clone room. "Hey, Loz. Why bother the nurses ..." exclaimed upon entering, but was gradually lowering his voice.

"I'm bored." Answered the clone and then she heard the sound of a sob nasal truncated. Reno felt a little nervous to see the enormous clone that way and Rude surprise came and sat beside him. He put a hand on his back and began to trace small circles on the hospital gown.

"Hey, man. Do not be so. It's only for a while." He said without the slightest certainty. Rude sighed and walked a little.

"Will you play with me?" Loz asked him with hope in their eyes and Reno began a little back a little frightened by the look.

"Well ... I ..."


"Okay, okay, but not look at me. I hate being looked at as well." Reno growled. "Do you think if we play cards?" Said standing and looking in his pocket.

"I can not play cards."

"I'll teach you." *******

Yazoo gently woke up and blinked. Loz was close, I could feel it, but the place was unfamiliar . She wanted to get up but it was impossible, the pain in her body made her moan softly. Seconds later she heard screaming outside his door and finally, when the door opened he could see his brother. After him came a redhead screaming their lungs which could recognize briefly as one of the men with whom he had fought while in the square of the monument in Midgar.


"Loz." Hoarsely whispered when her brother rushed over him. "How are you?" I asked trying to see if he had any wound even when it was obvious that whoever had been worse he was.

"I'm fine. Are you okay? "

" Better. "

" Damn, Loz, I swear that if you ever do that will kick your miserable ass. "Screamed the red. Yazoo raised an eyebrow when the man used the name his brother that way so familiar.


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