Saturday, July 14, 2007

Full Length Zippered Robes

FF7 SchuxKen

WK 01 SchuxKen

******* This is one of my stories for Weiss Kreuz. I do not remember how I was going. *******

Weiss Kreuz Characters are not mine. *******

Ken watched intently around. It was assumed that watch out of the building in case the target tries to escape but even though he tried his view seemed somewhat affected. He felt as if he had taken any alcohol, even though she knew she had not tasted a drop. He ran smoothly the back of his hand across his forehead, why did you feel dizzy during the mission now? If the target could probably do decided to escape, he would take some time off the branch where you were in Squatting. Tried again to concentrate on its outskirts.

/ / Well, well, if not another Siberian in the tree. / / He mocked a voice inside his head. Ken looked everywhere but the movement worsened their already precarious stability of the branch and even tried to hold on not worth anything.

Schuldig approached the place where he lay Siberian, an amused expression on his face. "Who would have guessed that the kitten was scared so much?" He watched for a while, taking into account every detail. before him was the most awkward of the white hunters, or so it seemed when I was not in the way a murderer. He grabbed his chest and threw it over his shoulder with a big smile. / / Maybe Once you have some fun after all. / /

******* Ken was too comfortable where he was. For a long time did not feel well and could not but appreciate the softness around him. I did not want to open their eyes, he still felt dizzy, as if the world revolved around him faster than he was able to follow. Surely it would happen soon and then worry about where he was and how it got there.

Schuldig watched, I knew I was half awake, I could hear the thoughts somewhat cloudy. He wore good time sitting on the bed next to the young, simply studying it. Siberian had rearranged the thick blankets, a little more entangled in them. It seemed like a big boy snuggled in the sheets, he smiled mischievously could not help much time to try to disturb the cat, was too tempting. I loved watching bother shaking or felt his presence inside their heads, to see how desperate the known manipulated. Maybe if woke him could entertain a while and the boredom that was removed.

"Hey. Kitten. Wake up. "He said with the voice and a playful little grin on his lips captured placidly stroking the cheek of Siberian. A deep sigh was the response, a slight movement under closed eyelids and finally calm. Schuldig frowned, hated being ignored, even if it were by a tired kitty. The smile came back with all his strength and bent up at the height of the boy's ear.

"Siberian ... it's time to wake up. "He whispered maliciously. Ken turned toward the sound source, suddenly running into the chest but Schuldig actually recognize what it was. He was protected as a human shield if he were covering with their warmth and smell. He breathed deeply and tried to approach in his sleepiness.

The redhead was surprised to discern broken parts of the thoughts of youth. Safety? Had to restrain burst of laughter. Probably had beaten Siberian stronger than I expected to fall from the tree . He threw himself completely on the bed beside the young and got under the covers. With the movement of the bed woke Siberian felt a little but not completely. The dark turned to him, climbing up to his chest sinuously, like a cat stroking his face. The arms found their way to her waist and leg were wrapped gently with his possessive. A long sigh completed all motion . The redhead smiled with anticipation, she could almost imagine the surprise that was to carry Siberian when she woke up finally.

What German could not have expected was that the dark take a few more hours before waking up and realizing what was really happening was sleeping with him. *******

Ken woke

but did not move an inch. He still felt very comfortable in that warmth. But it was not so foolish as those who knew him assumed, just a few moments had passed and I knew I was on someone's body, a decidedly man. Although the idea did not flinch too much. The situation was no stranger but the room it was. She sighed deeply and tried to recognize the essence of the person resting.

Omi had already discarded the body was much larger. The man's clothes indicated she could not be Aya, that was more like Yohji style. But even if it was more like the style and the body as close to the green-eyed blonde, Ken did not remember those clothes and those of your partner. He slowly removed the covers and put his hand under the shirt and gently stroked the skin. No. .. that did not feel like the skin of Yohji, nor that of Aya. probably was over in the bed of a stranger, but at least the only thing hurt was the head.

not remember exactly why it hurt.'d Been up in the tree waiting for orders to Bombay and watching the rear exit. I was in the tree when he heard that voice in your head ...

"Schuldig ..." whispered a little depressed. How could the telepath miss the chance to play with one of his enemies? But Ken did not move from its place. If the German had done something while he was unconscious it was too late and if he planned to do something he would have no chance to escape. After all, the worst that could happen was that the German torturing him to death. With your thoughts that course was a bit disconnected from their surroundings and had not realized that continued to stroke the womb of her captor who was beginning to wake caused by strokes.

clearly He stopped when he heard a husky sigh. These sounds continued a very mild disapproval. "Why did you do that? It felt good." Smiled the while wearing her red hand to the chocolaty hair and proved how they felt under it. Ken felt him move his hair to his neck and finally to his back, he began to draw circles while rubbing smooth with the lightest of touches. It pursed his lips slightly. What to do? At least not Farfarello thought with some hope.

"What brought me here?" The brunette whispered softly as he began what was interrupted again. Not that I wish to anger the German preferred to enjoy more the calm before the storm.

"I want to have some fun." I replied as gently telepath, he entertained thoughts of the young but the last was surprised. "Would you like to be here?"

Ken nodded quietly and did not lie . Just at that moment I liked being there even knew what was coming did not feel good. Maybe if you paid to play for a while ginger may delay the inevitable.

/ / You worry too much cat. / /

Ken shivered mental telepathic voice in your head, it was something I was accustomed. Schuldig grabbed his chin and forced him to take the head back to see it. Ken closed his eyes, so far not had to face the reality of being in the arms of his enemy. While many things could have imagined until now had made eye contact could not deny reality.

"Do not be childish." Muttered entertaining. I came to himself with one hand on the waist and the other behind the neck to have it on his chest and affordable but not yet opened his eyes. He smiled broadly , Siberian looked so exposed and so accommodating to the time I had to try a little of that confidence helpless.

Ken felt the warm breath on his face and is not expected to be sweet. Then the silky wetness on his mouth and could not repress a gesture of surprise, the sound was drowned by the redhead's mouth on hers. ; His mouth was also sweet, not as he would have imagine if they had ever been tempted to do so. There was a deep kiss or forced, but several, careful not to take your breath away. The feeling was strange, not let him get used and when opened ceased Schuldig eyes a little confused.

"Gotcha." Ken blinked twice trying to understand what had happened until he saw the red come again, this time prepared and unconsciously tilted his head, aligning it with the mouth that is nearer. Le allowed to enter his red mouth and moaned softly. At the end of the kiss hid his head in the telepath neck, between shame and fear.

Schuldig was somewhat puzzled by the attitude of Siberian. Do not expect the soccer player of the white hunters were so ... "Submissive? Something was wrong, the Siberian kitten I knew had a volatile temper and handled a weapon as vicious as his attitude, so focused and entered into the thoughts of the young. The reports were somewhat confusing in Tan mind and the reason I have not looked respond as expected was that the thoughts were isolated, unconnected with one another.

knew that there was a reaction to an event brain should evaluate it against their past experiences, present standards, options and the desired result. If he could not complete the process could not react logically. However, the reason could not seem to complete Siberian was external rather than inside of your mind, do some physical cause? fumbled neck and neck in an apparent touch without feeling too hot. The body of yours did not feel hot or too cold.

decided to use another of his gifts very different mind-reading. Empathy, though guarded with great zeal. Preferred to use he tried to manipulate their partners. The same sense of comfort he felt, seemed to feel Siberian double intensity, that due to the weariness of his body. But what could have been doing to be so tired kitty ? returned to search the boy's mind what could have happened.

sensed several blur, but all seemed to repeat a particular scene. Siberian exhausted and alone. It was as if the boy had seen several times already and for some reason weighed more than the others. " Perhaps that would be what was disturbing to young murderer?

Soledad ...

Schuldig could not help smiling mischievously. If there was an easily manipulated person was one that had a need, especially one that he could fill. I had captured the whole of what bothered Siberian had seen things I could not have imagined and thought to take advantage of the situation.

Le allowed to rest on his chest while he was quietly coming and going in his thoughts when he felt unfinished and relax while holding him in a warm embrace knew he was on the verge of taking control. I just needed to wait for the Pussycat decided to try to understand what was going to act. *******

Ken begged others not to ask too much about his disappearance during the mission, but knew that was impossible. Sighed resignedly, the end of the day could not hide what happened. reviewed in his mind what he knew would ask and what was going to answer. Omi probably have to make a report to Kritiker. Before realizing it was already inside the florist and Aya had crossed her path . Where were you? "

" Ken! "What happened? We were very worried about you. "The little blonde passed like a cloudscape by the side of the red and began recording at a very puzzled Ken until his hands found a bruise and a good scratch on his arm partner. Ken complained but it was just enough for the young make a drama of the case. Without allowing Aya question him led him to his room and ordered him off his shirt to appreciate the extent of damage. The brown obeyed without talking too much.

To his surprise the young man said that showed a big hit in the back and several other minor bruises intensity.

"What happened to Ken-kun? Have checked the entire back. Even have some marks that look ..." Ken moved slightly difficult to see any longer.

"I do not remember very well what happened. I think I fell off the tree." He whispered softly.

"What tree?" Asked the young man missed.

"I was watching out of the building from one of the trees, was the best place. I lost my balance and fell."

"Ken-kun, you should be more careful. You had me worried because I could not contact you. We found your communicator but were not. "

" Someone should get me there but I do not remember much. I woke up in the park. "I said without looking at his face . Omi, better returns to the florist, I can manage alone, are only a few bruises. "I said calmly." Aya must be in need of your help. "blonde smiled and smiled back more widely.

breathed easier when the youngest of the white hunters came out of his room. He had not thought too, that he had noticed the boy's gaze. But what matter? Was back. But that thought was not the most encouraging of all. It took a change of clothes and a towel and slowly goes to the bathroom to shower. *******

/ / Schuldig, Crawford is waiting in her bedroom. / / That was the welcome he received the telepath to return to the apartment where he lived the rest of his teammates.

/ / Herr Crawford asked how I was? / / Nagi felt mental laughter that ran the red and squinted in disgust, leaving the German one. With the usual lassitude came into the bedroom of the Oracle of Schwarz.

"Brraa ... aad. I'm back. "He said while perched on the door with carefree attitude. *******

Ken watched his companions leave the building where he had just completed his last mission. Luckily they had not found any detail surprising that they would change the plans and had made at least effort. Not that the mission would have been easy, but when everything went as planned clean finished in record time.

mounted his machine and adjusted the helmet. The Ducati purred softly under his body responding obediently. Accelerated slowly, without calling attention to his person to reach the main road. I thought for a ride around town, maybe go some of the suburbs and then back to the florist. Omi probably wonder why he had not returned immediately, but it was not like other people do not take their time from time to time.

had bypassed several blocks until he found a red light telling him to stop. He waited patiently for the light change and was about to start again when a reclining figure of the metal tube of the device caught his attention. The fiery red hair was stirred by the breeze, lacking the confining white bandana. Accelerated reflexively the machine and moved slowly. The red-headed saw him turn around and park in front where he was. smiled pleased, Siberian had enough time to reflect on what happened a few days ago and still felt so serene.

Ken took off his helmet without turning off the engine and put it between his legs giving him a shy glance before having the value of talk. "Hey." He waved his voice a little uncertain.

"Siberian." Working? "

" No. .. I just need some fresh air. "And you?"

"I have some free time and thought to occupy."

"Ah ..."

"Would you like to join me?"

"I ... I did not think ... "He said playing with the helmet. I did not want to reject the invitation of the red but neither was willing to stay in the city. I needed to feel night breeze, catching their freshness and moisture. Clean your mind.

"Or perhaps you prefer that I go with you ..." added telepath to hear the doubt. At the suggestion Ken looked up hopefully.

"Well ... I have no additional helmet but ... but ... you could use mine. "ended with a half smile. Schuldig smiled broadly and walked over.

"Well. I think after all the air may do me good night." Ken Schuldig extended the helmet and took it away and sliding adjusting lightly on the back of the motorcycle. / / I hope you do not mind the closeness. / / He said in his mind suggestively before passing her hands around her waist tan and tight against him. Ken blushed slightly and gulped. quickened his machine and pulled gently toward the outskirts of the city.

While in the urban Ken merely regulatory speed but once in the suburbs and the open road speeds without worry. Schuldig had to cling more firmly when Ken went off and began to climb a little road busy. The curves caused the motorcycle to tip and he was not used to that kind of experience. Ken

stopped at what appeared to be a lonely lookout point. The city could be clearly seen from there and the night air had numbed his face. The place exuded an incredible serenity and the young turned off the engine. The redhead took off his helmet but did not move from its place. The Siberian thoughts ran freely in a runaway amalgam of sensations, such as a purge. hooked the helmet on the back of the motorcycle and premeditated gently began massaging the back of the dark. Ken

breathed deeply and let go with the pleasant sensation. When he was finished Schuldig float. He leaned red chest and sighed at length.

/ / Why do not we go where we can have something hot? / / Schuldig He whispered in her mind. Ken nodded. *******

They stopped in a small, cozy cafe. Ken had asked for two cups of chocolate for both later had worried about not having thought that the German might have enjoyed more be elsewhere. Schuldig was commissioned terminate dismissing concerns the issue with a grin and a mental comment. / / If I wanted to be somewhere else I would have suggested not coming here first. / /

Ken sighed with relief. I did not want to argue with anyone, let alone the telepath. I did not even wish to ask why he was giving the redhead time beyond their field of work, or both if necessary. 71


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