Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bumper Mount Scraping


Owns HG
Shedding Skin

******* This is, so far, the only story I have of Het Harry Potter and would likely have ended in a Draco / Hermione, but still I was undecided. *******

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling.

******* Hermione Granger, sixth year, best score from the first year, Gryffindor, addicted to the study, half blood ... and very involved in trouble. I had just After dinner of welcome and for his misfortune had come upon a group of Slytherin girls. If she had not opened his great big mouth, seeing that she was alone and without any support then it would be found without his wand, surrounded by those snakes and about to be damned to the other side of the world for five sticks pointing in his direction. I could not understand why snakes always had to walk in packs like this, had to be his own bad luck.

But that was not really so bad had it not been for his great big mouth. I had to acknowledge that he had insulted before, but never like that night and the twilight the hall could barely see the faces of the girls who threatened yet clearly heard the voice of one of them.

"Muto Consist Iussu Voluntatis Mei." Yellow light beat and the next thing I knew was that before his eyes appeared hundreds of snakes. Hermione gave a piercing scream when all his skin began to chafe. ; He looked at his arms and watched in horror as they began to sprout hundreds of tiny scales.

"Pansy, I think you missed the hand."

"He deserves it, damn dirty blood. Now you may learn to respect that which is better than her." Replied the young man cruelly. "Come on." The group was leaving Hermione screaming and writhing on the floor as tears fell down her cheeks. *******

Dumbledore finished considering the huge egg resting on one of the beds in the infirmary of Madame Pomfrey. McGonagall showed a worried face.

"should be sent to St. Mungo. We have tried all the spells possible and nothing is in Miss Granger."

"Minerva do not know, maybe we should let nature take over."

" What nature has to do this? "the woman asked confused.

"This is a serpent's egg. I think that with all the concern you have forgotten that this kind of transformation if left to follow its normal course can progress to a more easily treatable stage." Minerva surprised not to have remembered the details.

"Suppose we allow the egg hatches, what do you think will come of it?" Asked as she wrung her hands nervously. "It could be that Miss Granger is converted into a kind of monster." Warned.

"Maybe ... Maybe if we leave much time inside, but ..." He paused while he appeared to ponder deeply. "... But if we make might be enough hatched before of Miss Granger to reach an understanding. Poppy. "The nurse came over." Make arrangements to transfer to Miss Granger to a private room, preferably with good heating. "The nurse immediately began working levitate the huge egg in the direction of some rooms reserved for the most dangerous. *******

The room
Professor Dumbledore formed a sort of nest of sand in the center of which laid the egg, then lit many torches as possible around giving all the heat it was possible . The eggs of reptiles need heat to hatch but did not have to belong to a mother because snakes are cold blooded, but depended largely on the sun's heat in the sand. With him were Madame Pomfrey and Minerva McGonagall, who saw ahead for the soft shell of the egg is moved to what was inside. They were surprised when a emerged fingers tearing the shell, were covered by a viscous, transparent membrane that seemed pretty tough. Albus

apologized and left the room when he noticed how she was naked under the membrane. He instructed the two women who closely monitor the emergence of Miss Granger and to report upon termination of the process. To general relief, as they had seen seemed to have sufficient human form and human skin, probably had been right to cause early hatching egg.

had been more than two hours when they finally broke into Professor McGonagall Dumbledore's office with a few words something unexpected. "Albus ... have a problem. "He mumbled. The warm blue eyes were fixed director's assistant and is simply cast aside to reveal a young girl after her little frightened. The director thought that perhaps had presented a problem with a student until she spoke Minerva. "I present to you the new Miss Granger."

The girl in front of the headmaster of Hogwarts was the same height as before but Hermione had black hair straight hair that reached to her waist. The skin was very pale tone rather than a simple pink and face before gently rounded and dimpled now was narrow and as perfect as a china doll. The lips that had once been full and voluptuous now were thin and almost so pale that are not noticed. But the most that attracted the girl was very light lavender eyes rimmed with black ring framing violent pupils. Albus smiled slightly, at least the change was not as bad as thought.

"A sweet lemon." He murmured with his warm smile and comforting while extending his hand with the treat. The act of offering was in the middle when a very pink tongue, fine y. .. bifurcated, leaned out between those lips and hissed and then hide again. The only sound was the whistle after the candy fell off. *******

"Attention everyone!" Called Dumbledore. All the students turned to pay attention to the director. "I regret to report that the assailants of Miss Granger still have not been discovered. On a sad note we inform you that the girl will be transferred to St. Mungo's Hospital for Wizards. I ask that if any of you have evidence that could lead to clear up this unfortunate incident would not hesitate to contact one of their teachers. "Murmurs of indignation rose from everywhere but especially from the Gryffindor table. Albus raised his hands to silence the students and when he had received continued attention again. "On a more positive note I want to announce that we have received a new student last night. Let me introduce you to Miss Mia Corpsfroid. "Dumbledore nodded and Hermione emerged from a side door and stood by the director who placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Miss Corpsfroid is a transfer of the Hogwarts School Beauxbatons but not afraid to speak English and speak it quite fluently.'ll be staying with us this year in Slytherin House is where the Sorting Hat has placed her. I hope they give you a warm welcome and make you feel at home. "

She gave him a cold stare all present and although there were some Slytherin applause were the ones most cheered excitedly. In quiet walk down the stairs and went to the Slytherin table where he sat in the first empty seat. All the observed students move into place and many were enthralled with the way he moved. The Slytherin looked at her with mischievous smiles and Hermione stunned and felt uncomfortable. Dumbledore finally gave the signal to continue the dinner and sighed with relief when many of which were decided by looking at her food.

"La bienvenue à Hogwarts, Draco est mon nom."

"It's a plaisir, jeune Draco."

"Le plaisir toute sa the mine." Hermione felt a strange trembling when Draco Malfoy kissed him back hand in hand with a graceful bow. I felt holding her hand too fast, as if something had frightened.

"You are something ... Cold. "

" I'm cold land. "muttered slowly as if he were working to pronounce the words, which was true given that Dumbledore had not been able to fix their language at all. It was for this reason that had not smiled even once and tried to keep his mouth shut. The young man seemed to recover slightly from the impression I smile because of the more charming than Hermione had ever seen.

Dinner continued its usual course and Hermione tried to look sideways to where they were his friends in the Gryffindor table. Ron looked rather bleak as Harry tried to comfort him by giving brief pats on the back. That's some consolation, at least those who had missed really. The dinner went faster than expected and soon found that the Slytherin students began to leave. Suddenly a hand reached out his hand just an invitation, to look to the person found with Malfoy and that strange smile.

"Come Mine, I will take you to the dungeon where you placed our house." Hermione hesitated a few seconds, but finally agreed. Again again felt that the young man shuddered when touched and wondered why he did if he caused much displeasure. The way seemed eternal dungeons until finally they were against picture of a snake. Draco muttered the password so she could hear it. "pure blood." She had to turn the need for eyes. Upon entering the glitzy surprised that the room was common lavender though his eyes did not reflect his astonishment.

Draco took her to the center and drew attention of all.

"Good night, little snakes. I hope you had a great first day in this school. Just wanted to remind you that none of the first year should go it alone for any part of the castle will always be accompanied by someone second or third year, what is clear? "Some heads nodded." Well, the other thing I must remind you is ... dark spells never, never, can never be uttered in the halls. If I listen to a dark spell was conducted within the school that is going to regret. "As he said it looked Pansy Parkinson coldly. "Finally, this is My Corpsfroid, as filed. Belongs to the sixth year so I hope to be treated with the respect they deserve. I heard that Miss Corpsfroid had very Beauxbatons good grades so I hope that the House of the Serpent have better luck this year. Now you can continue with their normal activities. "

" My, if you need help with your accommodations Pansy can help you, anyway girls' rooms are upstairs in that direction. "He pointed to a marble staircase. Hermione quietly thanked him and did not say a word, so Draco, somewhat frustrated by not being able make conversation, took his leave. He looked as he walked away, not knowing what to think. Suddenly someone is brought against to it.

"If you touch it again you die." That voice he knew well and had no doubt that her face was Pansy. The girl looked at her with bitterness and Hermione gave him a look indifferent but pressed lips. For some reason wanted his tongue hissing uncontrollably. Pansy gave him a challenging look but did not feel intimidated. For several minutes was observed with intensity. After

, Hermione tilted her head slightly. "Do not worry, Miss Pansy ... young Draco is not my type, I would like to finish alone in a hallway ... with his wand pointing at me. Who knows what might become. "I said with mock sweetness, smiling slightly, enough for one of their sharp fangs show on his lower lip. Pansy surprised and smile back Hermione came to her eyes mischievously. "Good night." He finished muttering as he walked to the stairs.

Hermione had spent about two weeks in that situation. Dumbledore was still no clue how to solve your problem. There was avoided by all means come across anyone who could provoke, especially Parkinson's may also Malfoy and his bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle. Blaise was another who had avoided his behavior always made her nervous. Otherwise everything went wonderfully well, the dungeons, to his relief, had proved to be more comfortable than I imagined, not because they were better organized and better equipped, but because they were cold. He had discovered that the colder the place felt more comfortable and concluded that the physical change had gone beyond simply become another person. Another reason for thinking that way was slightly forked tongue retaining and four very fine teeth as needles that stretched to his will. However

did not worry him too much, not as it should have worried. After Dumbledore will validate that year as Hermione Granger's really not much matter. The only thing I missed was to let Ron and Harry to copy their tasks. But that was resolved after the first days when they both realized that would be under their own to spend the year. He was quite confused to see them turning in assignments on time but not with better grades, but at least they were doing their job. It had led to think that maybe I had been pampering their friends making them dependent on it. At that time

down to the library, of all she was the only Slytherin who ventured alone in the hallways, for some reason most of the students was their way long before she asked. That was another mystery I still could not solve. Upon reaching the library was found with two well-known figures of which was his home now. Crabbe and Goyle. It was the first time I saw them in the library, but of course, sat in a section she had not visited from a Gryffindor. He sat a little off but not in its usual place, that seemed too obvious. He took his notes and books and began to do their homework and to review notes.

had spent more than an hour, but Hermione had no meaning or spend half the time. What was a soft whisper interrupted at his desk. He looked up and met the eyes of Vincent Crabbe. The young man looked at large with some shyness.

"I can help?" Hermione muttered quietly trying to be polite. In the two weeks that had neither Malfoy's bodyguards had annoyed but neither had been approached too.

"We have seen that are very good in school." Hermione assumed it referred to his partner, who watched from the table where they had been sitting with some hope. "We were wondering if you could help us study for the next review. "Hermione turned eyes and imagine that Ron and Harry asked him to copy their work. He gave a short gasp and raised his eyes toward the young man who walked a step. He frowned trying to understand why those two behemoths also have some fear. He sighed as he began to pick up his books and notes, to his surprise the young man helped him pick up the books and carried them to the table where his partner.

With some nervousness sat in front of two young and waited a bit until he could see that both of them were paying any attention.

"Good." I said softly. "What I can help?" Both young men looked and then slowly began to take some notes.

"These are the notes I've taken the kind of transfiguration, we have passed all in clean." More notes. "But we fail to understand how it really should transfigure a beetle in a cup of tea. ; We have studied all the steps but we need something and not know where. "Hermione took the notes of both and began to read, was surprised with the detail of them, many of which showed pictures of how to move the wand and others. Amazingly, thought, then looking up the two. For some minutes his mind was mulling over the information as was seen with what she thought was horror.

"Well ... well ... first ... "

That was how Hermione Granger, now known as My Corpsfroid befriended the two bodyguards of Draco Malfoy. *******

"Vin ... Why does everyone look at me that way so weird? "Hermione was afraid to ask a week later the event in the library. The young man turned to her and smiled foolishly ... but at that point she knew that it was just his way of showing their friendship.

"My, do not you see in the mirror?" She asked smiling and waved his exasperation. "You're so pretty, your hair is very shiny and look like a porcelain doll." The Comment made Hermione blush. "But when you look at someone your eyes seem to hypnotize those who view. Furthermore, it always seems you're angry." Sincerity in the discussion resulted in no doubt that this was true . You are also cold. "

" I'm cold land. " Answered without even thinking.

"Even if you land cold your body temperature should not fall much." Muttered the young man. Hermione looked at him incredulously. Certainly Vincent still had some surprises for her.

"It's my ... normal temperature. "muttered head down, embarrassed by having to lie, but I could not avoid. To his relief the young people shrugged their shoulders as if nothing had happened.


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