Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Difference Between Hot Cheetos



Prince Ice and Crystal


This story started to Anny Pervert Snape and Draco was supposed to be the epitome of the bottom. *******

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling.

******* Draco took a deep breath trying to calm the summer breeze. His father had again denied more coveted request, leave the castle. Much he wanted to tour the white hills surrounding the place but I could not even mount their father had strictly prohibited. Its always cold fingers clung tightly to the thick white coat that enveloped him still inside his room. If only I had the courage to escape from his room.

knew his father loved him with infinite devotion. I adored and protected him to the point of trying to wrap it in a protective bubble around the clock. Luckily each time I tried to cover this form of external dangers his godfather was involved being the voice of reason and preventing the young crazy.

The night covered the white spots but the moon lit up with ghostly light. Draco stared at the round white disc which shone in the sky, as white as snow at his feet. She was beautiful and had spent many nights of watching the shining star or just watching the stars, daydreaming about visiting places of great beauty. I knew I was a dreamer and that their fantasies would never come true, but still longed to live even one of them.

smiled slightly, her pale face lighting up as he recalled the most precious of all his fantasies. He dreamed of going riding on a white horse at full gallop, so fast that his horse did not touch the ground while was completely free.

In this thought when a metallic sound behind him caught his attention. He turned from the window and turned to look. A gleaming hook had pierced the window sill next, curiously approached view. He had a rope tied to a ring and this was down tight over the edge of the window. He looked and looked down. There, several meters high and subject in a way that no more than thought possible dreams that hung a man. His clothes were all white making it look like part of the landscape, confusing it with the white walls of the castle. She watched with curiosity to sound the alarm as he watched it getting closer to her window.

moved away from the window when a gloved hand gripped the edge of rock that formed the sill and then see how easily the man climbed to the window. With a bound he was inside his room. " Prince Malfoy. "The melodious voice was soft as the whisper of the breeze as it crept through the leaves of the window. Draco took a step back with something of fear.

"Yes," muttered tensely. "What you want, strange? "

" To you. "Without further pounced on him. The fight did not last long it was evident that the stranger was stronger than him and soon he was gagged and bound hand and foot. I had not seen the stranger's face clearly and knew not what their intentions could not help started shaking like a leaf, especially when the man took it without problems and threw it over his shoulder, then climbing to window.

Draco suppressed a gasp when the man turned and his back was toward the void, only the man's arm holding him legs to keep me on the other side was what kept him in place. For this reason it was completely still throughout the descent and kept his eyes tightly closed. He thought he had spent an eternity, praying for not yielding to the position of nausea and fear caused him to every jar under his body would fall irretrievably into the abyss white helplessly. He opened his eyes when he heard a low whistle. He was still in stranger's shoulder but was able to hear that something was coming, it was not until the man moved a little he could do that would rise to a completely white horse as snow.

already on the animal's back the man sat sideways in the chair opposite him and throwing an arm across his chest steel took over with the other and started fast race. He tried to stay as still as possible while returning to close your eyes.'ve never been on a horse and landscape by going fast in front of your eyes. He felt renewed nausea and tried to snuggle. He spent an hour and a half before the man appears to lower the step, a thin layer of snow fell was a good time and began to cover the tracks they had left in the snow.

"Got it?" An unfamiliar voice spoke to them and Draco opened his eyes. He could feel the man giving a nod to the newcomer. "OK, now we must move away further." With that both men set fast race. This time he did not know how much time passed, I struggled with sleep, fatigue and cold that seeped through a crack in his coat that had been opened. But I could just close his coat again.'s hands tied to their a long back that had been numbed by the cold so he started to shake, while men seemed to feel it and stopped.

"Sirius, wait." He called his companion. "Let me accommodate you." He began to let go and not hands-free well was immediately put them under the shelter but that angered his captor. "What are you doing?" hissed angrily as he sought shelter under something he did not know. He gave a sharp cry under the jaw when the man took him by the hair and forced her head back. It contained

as he could desire to mourn, no one had treated him so rudely, her parents had seen to that. The man reluctantly let go, taking her hands and tied them to the front and adjusted his coat so that it seemed that the garment also immobilized. Under the layers of the coat Draco began to shake, this time not from the cold but fear. did not know the intentions of those men had no escape route and although I had not know how to get back home, lost and not know how to ride any animal. He begged for his godfather was there to rescue as usual but black-haired man would surely be sleeping peacefully in the castle and no one would know of his disappearance until dawn. Soon summarized the flight while trying to disturb as little as possible to man is not angry with him again and after a while he fell asleep on his chest holding him. *******

dawn when the men finally fell over, was found shortly with the rest of the hijackers who numbered three. Draco woke up when her captor moved him to lower the passing horse arms of one of those men who carried it as if it weighed nothing. was deposited in the soil near a crackling fire not far from where the horses were tied. The place was still bleak and white therefore inferred that they were still in the land of their parents. Behind the men talked and debated the best way out. I was not hungry, the trip had left him with an upset stomach and felt a little weak fatigue, re-think his godfather.

One of the men approached him and recognized him as her captor, now emerging in daylight I could see he had beautiful green eyes and though his face was serious at that time could tell that he liked to smile. He a strange scar on his forehead but he could not see well because rebels black hair covering it. Man removed the gag and approached him a cup to drink. did not mind the taste of what you drank, only that it was hot and apparently made up her stomach. He took his hands from under his coat and sipping eagerly held the cup to his lips. The stranger looked at his hands and gestured upset.

After the cup it back but the man took his hands and dropped the ties, only then noticed that his hands were bruised and that he had flushed the wrist almost to the point of bleeding. The man pulled the coat and discovered his feet were in the same state. "Blaise!"

"My lord?"

"Did you bring any of your silly silk scarves?" He asked sarcastically. The man nodded and took off his neck that led to the spread. The man, who by the way he was treated appeared to be of high rank, took out a knife and cut the fabric into two astonished at the sight of another man. "We will do any good." He smiled again tying the fun feet and hands in a manner somewhat different. "Ok, we can continue."

"You're a ..."

"Control, Zabini." He urged other men. "You're not talking to anyone."

"Yes, yes, I'm talking with my Lord." He said turning his eyes. "But anyway you get paid the scarf." After a few laughs named Lord raised him in her arms and climbed into his white horse. I returned to wrap up wrap around the same had done so before.

Prince Malfoy, I will not put the gag but if I hear a single word does not hesitate to insert it again. " Threatening murmured near his face, Draco nodded and the man knelt intimidated his horse.

rode full noon before stopping to eat something and they offered barely enough to stave off hunger. The only change he felt was in the environment that was becoming less cold but the scenery was still white. ; for a maximum of five days were riding with little rest until the end of the fifth day Draco found himself surrounded by a lush green as her eyes had never seen. The temperature was pleasant, but her captor had not removed the heavy coat she wore.

Then came a beautiful imposing stone castle facade and surrounded by beautiful gardens covering almost all the yards. Draco was fascinated and not because he could not forget that a prisoner had been explored with great pleasure that beautiful landscape. They were greeted immediately and was charged again to a little room devoid of furniture and the windows were sealed but allowed the passage of light through its glass doors. There they were removed and the bonds without a word left him alone.

first thing he did was take off his heavy coat feeling a little cold but not enough to bother to then around the room trying to kill the pain in his body for the grueling ride. I wanted to take a bath, but apparently there would not have that comfort so got under the covers of the bed and tried to rest. *******

"Sirius, we will stick to the plan and that is final. If the prince is suffering because of their parents and not by my hand directly."

"I've taken pity the brat, I could see on the road. "

" I only had a little care, do not see how tricky it is? do not know how he survived the trip. "

" Sirius, you better remember your place. "muttered a man of golden eyes and brown hair.

"Of course it would be better if the Lord remembered talking to his godfather."

"Do not be stubborn, Sirius."

"Remus, James and Lily are dead and because of those damn bastards and if the their son is unable to avenge their deaths, then I myself will take action on the matter. "Saying that the man left the room taking his frustration and anger. Harry, Lord of the Forest, tired sigh and turned to your counselor watched him with his golden eyes filled with understanding.

"You think you should act the same way they acted the murderers of my father?" Should I become like them just to clear the memory of my parents? "

" My Lord, I think we should look at its heart. The Potters have always excelled in just hearts. "The young man smiled-like feeling a burden lifted from his chest.

"Thanks ... Remus."

"Where you going?" The man smiled to himself knowing the answer to his master did not want give. "To see him?"

"I want to know how it is." He shrugged. "I've never seen anyone so fragile ... and is so shy. Did you notice your skin? is like alabaster white. One would think that would be enough to see a slight breeze to destroy it. I'm intrigued. "

" Being funny is nothing bad when not fear the truth to be discovered. "The green-eyed girl smiled slightly and left the room.

The Lord took a deep breath before opening the door to the room where he had locked the prince. The young man was fast asleep so without major problems slipped inside and closed the door. The place smelled of damp and saved a long time that the room was not used and all had a layer of dust. I did not know how young he could get under the covers of that bed and sleep so peacefully.

Six days traveling with the boy on his chest had caused havoc in its determination to feel more docile and complacent ... even when out of the tiredness and bonds.

be approached cautiously and saw the covers project a white hand he carried a slight bruise where they had been the rope which bound him at first and then the scarf had changed one of his men. The care taken with bad skin and felt the absence regretting realized before the damage they had caused the rope, his ankles were in the same state. The metallic gray eyes opened frightened young to feel it.

"Sorry, I did not mean to wake up." He frowned as no response, all the way the young man had spoken, had simply nodded his understanding of everything that was asked or had used a simple yes or no. Now he wanted the young man's thoughts but understandably do not trust him, his kidnapper, who had taken the safety of his castle to him in a neglected and dirty room. "Come with me." muttered the young man's hand still in hers. The prince stood without protest but some stayed and drifted. Seeing the young fascists of further reproached but promised to resolve the matter that day, after all, this was a prince and even if a prisoner had to treat it as such ... That was the reasoning or gave him the perfect excuse to do it anyway. He took the hallways to the only room he knew was the best of all, yours.

"Do you like the most here?" The boy nodded as he admired the decor so different from his own room in the castle, everything seemed more vivid and more intense, not cold like yours beautifully. " Why do not you take a shower while I order that we bring something to eat. "

When Draco found out clothes at your disposal and wasted no time in putting it. When man found out that sitting before a small table full of delicious dishes as could be. He approached cautiously and sat in the chair was ready. His father always watched what I ate but today he was not to tell you what things could and that things are not. With more cautiously took one of the loaves that had ordered there and nibbled. It was pleasantly sweet and very different from what we used to eat at home. At the end the man allowed to rest, but not before trying to escape to warn you that if you find in a second and would punish him for his imprudence.

But who wanted to escape into the unknown? Draco least of all, I knew the way back home, could barely cope with life itself, so much time being overprotected by their parents had done its damage ... especially in their self-esteem. preferred to stay there, at least those men had the knowledge of who he was and so far had not been mistreated. He got under the covers of the bed with plans to sleep as much as I could since the fresh air caused him a deep sleep and it was easier to sleep than their cold room. *******

Late in the morning, Lord Harry had his hand in a pale prince while touring the castle grounds. The bluish gray eyes of the young absorbed with fascination each new color, and each new form of all there was. At first, the Lord was amazed at the reactions of the young but then thought that was just the result of living in a cold white world.

continued showing one by one the flowers that perfumed the garden without noticing the gray eyes watching them both.'s Godfather, Sirius Black, the study of both. Her godson was grinning, something not done since the murder of his parents. The young man looked so surprised pale skin with everything I saw that it seemed incredible, but did not think it was just an act. In the six days they had traveled in the prince had noticed an air of fragility that caused anyone to protect it. He sighed deeply, his heart would not let him take revenge on such a beautiful creature and unprotected, had to be fair, as well as Potter had always been.'d have to go in search of the real murderers and those were the Kings Arctic. Whip gloves on your hands before you leave and leave young people alone. Hours later rushed out on his horse and no reason to stop anyone. *******

"Lord Potter." Remus, counselor, hurrying towards them.

"Remus ..." Seeing the worried face of the man his smile faded.

"It's his godfather, my lord, we have not seen since hours and your horse do not. They have lost some of their stuff."

"Are you sure?"


" Godfather, what is it that you happen to do now? "


Harry smiled to see the prince again exploring the flower garden, it was like watching a forest creature toying between the fronds. At that point it was more than obvious that the boy would not try to escape. In the short time he was in his castle had not dared to venture just outside the room he had given. He could have forced the prince to share her bed but had not seen fit so had moved to next room, hoping accurately that the young man did not attempt to flee.

when the young man smiled foolishly turned in his direction as he showed what he had in his hands, a small butterfly with golden wings and laughing like a child. In just a few days the blond he had succeeded in what many had tried unsuccessfully to feel happy. There begun to make so many plans for what they could do together but they had a shadow darkening and it was the simple fact that he was the kidnapper of the prince. I had no way to hide the truth even when the young man had claimed it .

Little did I know the Lord that in just ten days would be receiving the heartbreaking news of his life.


Sirius slid like a shadow in the corridors of the castle Malfoy. Cursed to make so cold in that place but that was not enough to stop it. He went through every room in the dark of the night until they reached the actual room where the Kings lay. When he goes sliding into a soft sobs could be heard and a few whispers, but mostly tears. The entrance to the real camera was not as controlled as I imagined, or pretended to be protected. , did not care if he fell into a trap if the end of the day gave him his due to kings.

move further and finally could see a figure on a huge four-poster bed. The king, half asleep and completely exhausted whispered incoherently. He moved closer and the dim light illuminated the room could see the face of alabaster del Rey. Sirius he had drawn his weapon ready to attack, he stopped uncertainly. Just then he heard a slight whimper from the semi man asleep. "Draco ..." Sirius

stopped again. James had never approved such a vengeance ... Lily would have been more forceful in their criticism. The King had the same pale porcelain doll that the young prince. Absolute perfection humanized by those tears moistened his eyes closed. Gulped, confused by his feelings, he lowered the gun and stepped back. He could not. He shook his head several times feeling trapped by his own reproaches. "I can not." she whispered. But the whisper was enough to alert the monarch who opened his blue eyes and looked with fear upon learning defenseless against the intruder.

King watched from head to toe showing open curiosity. "What you want, stranger?" Whispered quietly.

The soft, musical voice of the monarch made Sirius contained breathing. Lowered the gun and backed away slightly. I had never heard such a beautiful voice unless it was haunted. Confused yet another step back I had to get out of there as soon as possible. turned on his heel and walked quickly from the room but no sooner had set foot in the corridor a shadow cut him off.

"Who dares to disturb the King's dream?" Sirius hissed the shade and he raised his gun. A black-haired man as and his cloudy eyes watched him after the weapon wielded against them. I had to escape, had to get out. But to do so would face the dark guardian. His eyes narrowed and he was hit with all forces intended to stun and pass but the man proved to be as strong as him so that his attack bounced unable to penetrate the defenses of your opponent.

returned to the attack, roared his frustration, this time the swords clashed violently and could reach the guard on his right arm. No sooner had he heard the sound of metal hitting the floor when it is available again to take another stab but that melodious voice, he had heard before I stopped. "No!" The sharp blade is stopped within inches of touching the man's neck. She felt entirely at the shake strength as the single voice of the monarch exercised over his body and senses. "Please." The whisper was heard Sirius feared closer and turning, unable to endure the proximity of man.

An alabaster hand slid over the hand that held the sword and could not resist when he lowered the gun to finally let go. I was lost in the grip the Regent ... he who had ordered the death of James and Lily, but could not react differently. Those alabaster hands grabbed his arm and made him turn slowly. When Sirius saw those blue eyes resting her legs on her face betrayed him and went for his knees with his humanity. Such perfection could only exist in dreams. "What have you been, stranger?"

"My name is Sirius Black ... and I know where is your son. "

******* Harry stroked the blond hair that kissed by the sun had turned pale. Alabaster skin had also been kissed by the sun king giving a healthy pink tone. "I love you." Asleep on the skin whispered the prince. "I could never try to hurt you. You're too valuable to me . I have returned the smile ... happiness. "In the candid confession followed by a kiss on the skin that caused him to shudder deliciously and opened her pale gray eyes." Good morning, Prince Draco. What do you want to do now, my lord? "The salute caused him blush even more and the Lord smiled again.

"Can we ride?"

"What I ordered my lord." *******

Remus watched from one of the towers of the castle the two young men who rode quietly in the gardens. , The Lord had taught the young prince to ride horses and since then saw them more often than not riding the beautiful horses, one white and one black prince to the Lord. practiced in the garden, never open field for fear that the young Lord felt that anything happened to Prince still fragile.

smiled peacefully since his arrival at the castle the young man with blond hair had changed. He was still delicate but strong in most every day with exercise and with the friendly atmosphere prevailing in the region. It was like a young tree with a stronger spring.

As I watched the landscape in the distance he could see a horseman, riding bolted to the castle. His eyes followed the line traced on the horizon and felt the need to go to meet the stranger from afar seemed to be Sirius. , lowered the tower swiftly turning to the stables to prepare your own mount.

As he had prepared your horse out to meet the rider and when I had it a few feet away he recognized that it was Sirius who returned, but a man emblazon with the signs of the Monarch of Ice. "Who's right," said to have it close by to stop, just as he stopped his horse. The man did not answer, but drew his weapon.

Remus gave him an objective look at the man, from top to bottom as measured without underestimating the slender appearance. The way we swung the sword next to his horse told him that the man mastered the fine art of the sword. But Remus also mastered this art and was known for being polite and not be dominated by the impulses. He slowly drew his sword and prepared to receive the stranger.

The stranger shook his horse and Remus followed suit resulting in a tremendous match between the two. A strange error sent him to the ground and Remus dismounted, waiting patiently for the man to put in place.

"Who are you?" He asked trying to stop the fight.

"I came for the prince." Exclaimed the man as he turned to bear against him. Remus could see about black eyes nights moon. The pale face, like Prince, but it was obvious that the man had much more confidence.

"talk in a civilized manner."

"If you do not know the prince then get out of my way, if instead you're here to keep me from reaching where it is then ready to die."

"Death is too final. "Remus muttered." You're the Ice King's court. Did you fear that your name? "

" My name is Severus and be the last name you hear. "He told the time spinning the tip of the sword in circles.

"I know where the prince but it is my duty to protect him and the Lord." He paused a few seconds to hear his statement.

"You are of those who kidnapped the prince. How do you plead for his defense?"

"Prince has earned the affection of the Lord, and also of all those around you. You prince is in danger but if you think you will find strength to tear it from our midst. "
Severus Remus gasped as the effort that he could remain at the offensive duel. Remus took the time he was trying to catch his breath. "Listen, Severus. If you really want the good of your Prince I will take with him in peace."

" not fall into your traps. "

" Give me your word not to attack me and get my gun. Promise me that allow me to show you to your prince before you try to take it and be your prisoner. "The man gave an incredulous look. Remus golden eyes rested calmly on other blacks. The man, after what seemed an eternity nodded.

"I give you my word that you do not attack them ... and I promise to wait for the prince to show me. "Remus breathed nervous but lowered his arms extending to Severus who took care of his hands. Then he took his arm and approached the horse, forcing it to mount both in the same animal. Remus tried to contain the shame she felt, had never been taken prisoner, and no one had forced him to do anything.

directed to man as best he could to reach the castle and there did get completely avoiding the gardens. No one was surprised see the man walking beside the Lord advisor. He took up a window where you could see the whole garden without being seen. Severus, who was watching every movement of the light-haired man is amazed to hear a laugh that was familiar. He left all caution aside and looked out the window.

"Prince." She whispered to him riding next to a dark-haired girl. "How is it possible ...? He does not know to ride."

"He has learned many things here. The Lord has taught him. " Remus muttered quietly watching him. "Never before had anyone laugh at the Lord in this way ... and I have the feeling that the prince used to not smiling. "He was silent as his eyes followed the young prince and the dark who accompanied him. It was obvious that the prince had not been suffering as I imagined, that man, Sirius, had told the truth. At that time did not know what to do, on the one hand the young Draco looked happier than he had ever seen in the palace, on the other hand his father was suffering by not having to your child closely. He turned slowly to the golden-eyed man who at the time watched the two young people. In their eyes had the same look, how to separate? *******

"Will you tell me sir why you took my child?" Asked the monarch to the man lying in the dungeon in chains and shackles. Hoped that Severus he would bring his son back but I had to know the reason and man letting go. Every day since his faithful counselor departed in search of the boy had fallen into the dungeon and entered the cell at the same time Pending the answer to your question.

At first the man had strongly denied giving information about the reasons that had led his master to kidnap the prince. Now he just seemed to be consuming each day a little more. That particular day man body was present but her mind was away, where he could not reach it. "Sirius Black." muttered very closely and was glad to see that gray eyes showed a sudden recognition. "Why kidnapped my son? What reason did they have? need to know. " She begged this time with all the despair that the time away from his son had accumulated.

"Why?" Lucius nodded and something in his eyes finally relented shell that Sirius had tried to erect around to keep the beauty of the monarch defeated. "A year ago ... my lord lost his parents. Both were killed while they slept. The only clue we have the murderer is a piece of cloth of his uniform which I was able to start before she fled, even from the court of Ice. ; Since then, my lord suffers day and night for the loss of their beloved parents. "

"Who is your master?" Dime. "

" Lord Potter. "

" Lord Potter? But James lost his father in old age. "He caught the monarch. Sirius's gray eyes darkened briefly.

"No parents of James ... but those of Harry. "

" That's impossible. "Sirius tried to decipher the words of King surprised and alarmed." Just two weeks ago I received a message from James and Lily Potter. "she whispered. Sirius was the turn of exclaim the phrase.

"Impossible. We ourselves buried their bodies." He murmured with more surprise than pain.

"do not lie." Metal of the monarch's eyes were fixed on those gray for what seemed an eternity before you move. "Guards, remove the chains!" One of the guards ventured in the dungeon when he heard the cry of the king and hastened to fulfill your order. Sirius almost fell to the ground when stopped strings hold it against the wall but the king himself remained standing. "Come on. You show cards. "

Slowly rose to the rooms of the King who left him in a richly decorated chairs. She saw him take a few scrolls and then spread over a huge desk." Come, judge for yourself. "Sirius rose with difficulty and approached the desk. When his eyes found that this was the same letter of James his body decided it was too much emotion even two days and just let out his conscience.

When Sirius woke up he found resting comfortably in a big bed ... in a room that seemed to recall. The heat did the same curl a little under the covers and rested. rested until he heard the melodious voice could be clearly identified as the monarch. He stood up suddenly and felt sick but tried to leave the big furniture. She swayed slightly but finally got to where I heard the voice. The King spoke with some of his guards. He stayed in place until the King felt his presence. He dismissed the guards and approached.

"How you feeling, Sirius Black?" She nodded dumbly, and was entranced by the beauty of the monarch who smiled slightly. "I have ordered them to bring something to eat while you asci a bit so we can try to decipher this mystery among the two." *******


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