Saturday, July 14, 2007

Semi Professional Camcorder

56 TRxRL
2nd part
Remus and the Forty Eaters

******* Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling.


awoke to the sound of a gentle touch on your door. Immediately he found himself alone and did not know what it was that caused him so much space in her bed Desert. "Next." He replied as he tried to sit in bed, the dream still dominating the senses. The Death Eater who used to guard it entered the room with a tray.

"It's time for breakfast." Remus nodded and the man put the tray on the bed in her lap.

"I can ask you something?" I asked as he rubbed his eyes and yawned slightly. The Eater waited for his question. "Could you take off your mask?"

"I have permission ..."

"You have to indulge my whims orders always stay at this place, is not it?" The Death Eater nodded . 'Then I want you to take off the mask. maintained under two weeks, mask or no mask could identify no problem, I am a werewolf, I have recorded your smell and sound of your voice from day one. "

The man hesitated, but her hands were gloved to the mask. He took it off and lowered the hood so that Remus could see. Her eyes were a light brown mixed with gold sparkles and wavy brown hair to his shoulders ever so slightly, a well-kept beard flush with the skin but which gave an appearance something wild. It was the typical image of the knight in golden armor and white horse. "Better." He mumbled while discovering the tray and began to eat breakfast. The Death Eater sat down to watch something eating away apparently satisfied with the good heart that showed this morning.

"You must be special to the Lord." Muttered the man with an expression that Remus could not discern.

"I'm just a werewolf." Answered impassively but the Death Eater was still giving the same look.

"I am a father of triplets." He said no other man and Remus choked on food.

"Triplets?" The man nodded. "What ... the Lord?"

"Yes, nine months were chaotic in my life, the most miserable and not once the Lord visited me more than the night I was conceived. What makes you different from me? Both are his followers. "Remus wiped his mouth slowly.

"I am not his follower." Man Remus narrowed his eyes but remained calm. "Voldemort killed my two best friends, has tried to kill their son on countless occasions and was responsible for the last of my friends fell behind the veil after being sent to Azkaban to be accused of the death of both. No, I can be his follower but obviously I can not do anything to avoid being here. If Lord has come to visit is to let me know that I am at their mercy. Not every day you have the glorious experience of having your enemy dragging your feet will. I'm just the new acquisition. The Lord's new mascot. "The bitterness in his voice is impossible to disguise.

Remus pulled the tray in a clear sign that he would not eat more. The man left without saying a word, just giving that look suspicious. I ignored him and got up to take a shower, hot water at least certainly achieved calm. *******

The fourth month of pregnancy had manifested with nausea and discomfort for the werewolf. He had a huge desire to leave that place but preferred to continue to avoid the rest and when he thought the rest was referring to Harry and all those around the boy. It was obvious that the news about their true affiliations had happened to the knowledge of all so he preferred the night time for walks by. The Death Eater who had been assigned was accompanied continued until the second month when it was obvious that the potential risks of the Wolfsbane potion had gone completely.

was one of the nights they had decided to be around when he stumbled upon Brian. He tried to ignore it as best he could but man was put on the road. "What do you want?" Remus asked quietly.

"Is it true what was rumored about you?" You're not adept of the Lord? "Remus nodded." Why the hell are you here then? "

" I was forced. " he murmured, and thought it best he had come out.

"You're a liar." Remus was not for discussion, except to defend their ideals among many followers of the Lord.

"Believe what you want." He turned to leave but to his surprise the man known as Calixto cut him off from the party threatened with a stick. He clenched his jaw and stared. Those blue eyes wavered no angelic expression turned into one filled with cruelty. How could she forget that she was among Death Eaters? "If they're going to attack so do not delay." muttered aware of his handicap and with peace of mind does not really matter provided the what happened to him.

"Do not be silly, we just want to talk to you, Lycanthrope." Answered Calixto beckoning her to move in the direction of the break room. The three entered and closed the door.

The blonde pointed his wand at the neck causing it to sit in one of the couches. "We want to know exactly why you're here, are you a spy?"

"I was captured, I was offered a Wolfsbane potion and then I was forced to participate in a ritual that made me conceive. Details can ask the Lord himself, for my part I have nothing to add. "

" You do not want to spend smart. "hissed the blonde beginning to lose patience.

"That's all they're getting so I suggest you desist or comply with their threats ...." He said giving him a significant glance at the wand. A serious and deep laughter was heard and the three turned to see who accompanied them. "Boris?"

"All three are fools. No one can use magic, even with his wand, his condition did not let them." Smiles of Russian made Calixto gruñera deep in his throat, the blond stood up and pulled the wand to the ground by approaching the Russian feint. "Nor should they damage what belongs to the Lord, even when the werewolf not accept it. "Calixto growled more and went to pounce on the man who tried to avoid it but could not for his state. Remus rolled her eyes and got up to take the Blonde by the collar of his tunic and separate it from the man like a puppy of months.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned the Russian who took to stand up because of their advanced state, eight months.

"Yes, thank you. What the hell they got into his head to you two?" For the Lord, what is intended to attack? You may not use his magic but still a werewolf. It burst eventually. "It could hurt if any." Remus exclaimed while finally let go of the blond was calming.

"We had to know the Lord has visited more than once." Remus exclaimed Calixto turned furious eyes, it all came down to jealousy and jealousy over his relationship with the Lord, had to be a joke bad taste. At that moment his keen hearing picked up a strange sound, like a body falling and waved the others to make silence. Calixto and Brian protested but finally fell silent when he saw the worried expression of the lycanthrope. He went closer, tilting her head and sniffing the air from time to time. Luckily though there were no lights outside the room your eyes off him to see what were in the dark. His heart stopped for a moment. Shadows crept their way toward them. He could recognize the robes were Aurors. They had infiltrated the place.

His first impulse was to call them, tell them they were there but then saw one of them dropped to the ground to guard and recalled the kind of raids that were the Aurors. Would stop at nothing to achieve their purpose ... kill as many Death Eaters as possible. And at that time all who were in the building were considered Death Eaters, including him. And suddenly backed away slowly a stronger sense that it invaded their preservation, the preservation of their child first. He raised his face towards the three men and their eyes fell on the Russian advanced stage. They could not defend themselves could not run fast enough, only Brian and perhaps Calixto, but Boris no.

"Aurors." Whispered, turning to brown with dark eyes. "Aurors! Have to raise the alarm, we are being attacked." The men reacted when Remus took Boris by the waist and almost raised him. " Come on! "They had to get to where was the rest and somehow sounding the alarm to the rest.

Calixto and Brian began to run as quietly as possible toward the bedroom. One of the Death Eaters saw them and approached. "Auror!" Shouted Calixto. Immediately the man recited a spell of alarm and all the lights came on. Remus was surprised how the place was full of Death Eaters in minutes, more than he remembered ever seen together. managed to get to the rooms but in them and the Death Eaters beginning to get the sleepers. The excitement that was forming was increased when listening to loud explosions were very close until the lights of the rods could be clearly seen and some began to move the shields on them created the Death Eaters .

Victor, the Death Eater responsible for their safety appeared like something out of nothing and with him another man who took away and disappeared Boris in an instant. Victor grabbed his shoulders and held by force, and suddenly it was taken.

No sooner had appeared in what appeared to be a temporary shelter, Victor fell with a short grunt of pain. He ducked away and Remus discovered a very deep wound in the man's back and felt useless in the situation. Eaters continued to appear here and there with their protection. Some of them, who had allegedly been injured, returned to disappear.

Remus took the man carefully and placed it face down on his own legs. Víctor clung to them and closed his eyes as Remus tried to stop the bleeding a little. In these he was when he saw with astonishment that the Lord was among them and checked personally to each of these . When they came to Remus could not help him a pleading look that surprised even the Lord himself. Voldemort bent down to check the man in his lap and Remus could see that at times it seemed that something shook the man, as if I had mild painful spasms in appearance.

"Victor?" He called and mentioned the Lord opened his eyes suddenly be amazed face to face with his master. put a pale hand over the wound and within seconds it was closed. "Where's the rest?" asked the Lord gently.

"They are still in the Dark Mansion Gardens, repelling the Aurors." The Lord stood up and Remus felt the call, I could not explain it but it was as if everything inside would respond.

"Take them with children, there will be safe until we hear the rest." And the man disappeared. The werewolf could not avoid a feeling of loss when the Lord out of sight. helped Victor to his feet and saw that the present began to march slowly toward a kind of portal into the rock. The continued and passed across his eyes grew full of surprise. It took a while to digest what he saw but when three small indistinguishable jumped on his companion knew then what was that place. There were enough children to fill Hogwarts in all seven levels. In Suddenly his heart was greatly grieved, those were the children of young Voldemort. Children will surely be despised and marginalized if anyone found out about their origin.

His hands were not thinking about her belly and caressed him unconscious, he would not allow to discriminate ... even though his son inherited his lycanthropy. No magician in all the earth would prevent his son was born and live a life as normal as possible, even Dumbledore ...

shuddered involuntarily, Albus suddenly became his enemy, only by the father of her son, that had to be part of the spell or I wanted to think.

Victor was a child in each arm and one around his neck so he could barely walk, less when it was still weak from the recent attack. "Children, behave. This is Remus, remember that I talked to him?" The children settled down a bit while giving a look at the werewolf. He raised a timid hand in greeting and children seemed to blink at the same time giving a strange feeling, especially when the eyes remained glued to his face as children often do. Remus offered a warm smile had always liked children . 'Come on in, we are hindering the passage of others. "Remus noted again the place was like a huge kindergarten ... or as it is called. There were huge structures filled with children playing or trying to lose them to receive their parents. Do not imagine that they had many children ... but the Lord had given him an idea of what could be and yet ... see you there was to confirm what looked like a mere fantasy.

sighed tired of the ordeal before but Victor and I headed toward the structures that served as homes. Victor did not speak or explained, just made him go inside of them. "You can rest." I said showing a room quite cozy but not as spacious as the other.

"What about the rest?"

"They must be here ... the Lord will not let anything happen to them." Remus nodded and Victor left the room with their children. He was so tired soon after lie was asleep in bed.

Remus awoke feeling a sharp pain in my chest that made him stand up and move it as it was. He left the room and feeling increasingly lost strong pain. It took a few seconds walk to the driveway and momentum caused him to look into a crowd gathered at the small playground in the courtyard.

walked in that direction to see how many of the men seemed still watching what was happening. Upon arrival he learned the reason. Lord Voldemort was just standing in his arms and carried a man. At the foot approximately ten bodies all dressed in the garb of Death Eaters. He approached a little more and could recognize the man in the arms of the Lord. Valentino.

"Remus." He murmured with heavy accent a man recognized him and Boris.

"Boris? What happened?"

"The Aurors ... killed him, he was helpless ... The other fell trying to defend ourselves. But the worst is that captured fifteen of us ... including Calixto and Brian. "A mild tremor seized his body and he looked out the picture of the dead Death Eaters and unavoidably a tear slid down her cheek.

******* "I have to." Exclaimed breaking out of the hands of Boris.

"We expose and expose the life of your baby, you're a wolf fool!" Cried the Russian.

"They can not hurt them, are shaping up, is against the law."

"They were with the Death Eaters, protected by Death Eaters, do you really think that discussed different? Even if they can not find the Dark Mark in any judge them the same way. "I called Boris to her accent loaded.

"I will go, is definitive. I stay or help me out."

"I will go with you." I said stubbornly the dark.

"NO!" You must stay! Expose you too. "

" I expose the same way as you. I carry with you or give an alarm before you have time to escape. "

"You're too stubborn for your own good."

"And you too Gryffindor to be able to think clearly."

"How can you tell? You even went to Hogwarts!" Remus exclaimed raising hands in frustration.

"For just one example, if all are Gryffindor like you then they are all idiots. "

" Okay, okay, I'll take with me. But if you catch so ... "

" What, I leave with them? Bah is not important. "

" Do not be silly ... if you catch it would take over rescue and then continue with the plan. "Boris had to turn his eyes.

"That said, you're a wolf silly."

"Better to be a wolf, a Russian stubborn fool."

"has its advantages."

"Okay, okay, enough, we get out of here."
Boris let out a haughty sniff. "Sure. I'll tell you where." *******

not really leave has been the most difficult. The hardest thing was getting carried a way that was not dangerous, it was not obvious, that does not need magic to be named because neither had the possibility to use it. They had finally finished covering their faces and mimicking the voice of women. Several of the villagers thought they were just two old and ugly and only traveling compassion, to see \u0026lt;i> pregnant \u0026lt;/ i> agreed to take them where requested.

finally arrived at the Leaky Cauldron to meet a new problem. Need magic to open the portal. With extreme patience to wait for a mage open the portal saying that because of their status it was difficult to concentrate on simple spells . The magician who opened the portal were advised to return as soon as possible so that they would not have to risk more than they should. As

were dead within the first task was to buy \u0026lt;i> floo powder \u0026lt;/ i> and transported to Hogsmeade. From there until the candy store and then fight with Boris for chocolate for sale that had reached the basement and from there to the tunnel leading into Hogwarts itself.

Along the way the plan had been refined at Lupin with all the care that they could come up there dungeons and Severus waited patiently to leave their rooms, as was his custom, to make nightly rounds. The man discovered them at first and walked down the hall. Moments later, with the help of Boris, entered the potions master bedrooms. They had

to wait longer than they thought for the man to return to their rooms and Boris began to nod, but Remus was as alert as their lupine senses allowed him despite his condition.

When the teacher came Remus pounced on his body slamming the door. Of course, Severus Snape was not a magician who could easily be taken by surprise. A \u0026lt;i> Petrificus \u0026lt;/ i> reached Boris reacting late to the meeting. Remus had succeeded then take the wand at Severus and taking him in the neck with one hand and the other in the chest let out a menacing growl that made the dark to stay very still.

assumed that the memory of that night of full moon in the Shrieking Shack where Severus had faced animal form was tormenting him and even took the fear that caused him to master the situation. "If you move I will not hesitate in neck sprain. "grunted with ease." icing Now my partner. "He put the wand in the hand of the teacher but did not release his hand.

\u0026lt;i> Finite Incantatum. \u0026lt;/ I> "He muttered in the direction of Russian and Remus immediately took the wand and a well-aimed blow knocked him unconscious.

"Hurry." Muttered Severus trapping body before hitting the ground. Boris got ropes and tied the man. When they were sure it would take to break out, Severus was too good to escape situations like Lupin knew this and began to find the ingredients they needed, bringing them together on the table.

Boris had sufficient knowledge to make the potion, but still had an issue that was resolved and the use of magic. They could not complete without a magic potion. But still, anyway, as they happen something.

An hour was enough for Severus Remus wake of the coup that he had inflicted and as he was awake and distinguish the gray-brown hair of the werewolf could not avoid the snarling indignation.

"Lupin!" What the hell you think you're doing? "He asked with barely contained anger. Neither Remus and Boris stopped in their comings and goings which further stoked potions master." Lupin! "

" Severus, if you do not have to gag you shut up. "He growled in his direction, the werewolf while he reviewed in his mind what they should do when the potion was ready. hardly have time to finish it and use it before he realized that Severus was missing.

The dark eyes narrowed and began working on the knots that bound him to loosen up. As he began to speak to try to discover what he did was the werewolf that several months had been missing since the Death Eaters caught. "Albus has been looking for months. Potter is like a madman." Where were you, Lupin? "

" I caught the Death Eaters. I think it is so difficult to guess where I've been all this time. "I replied without paying much attention. Boris brought one of the pots and put it on the flame while Remus was taking apart the exact quantities required.

"I think you know perfectly well what I mean, Lupin." Muttered Severus hiding the fact that one of the knots began to recede.

"Well, I've been here and there ..." He shrugged his shoulders and immediately repented. "Damn, your back is killing me." Remus sighed and Boris gave a slightly worried look.

Severus, who until then had been paying more attention to the ropes that the two men stopped in its movement when the werewolf stood up full height and placed his hands on her hips, leaving the bulk that their clothing is hiding show perfectly. At first he thought the man accompanying Lupin was just bizarrely overweight. But now that peering knew quite exactly what happened. "Lupin ... you ..."

"Yes, yes, I know, I am somewhat rounded." Boris let out a giggle behind her. "You do what you laughing You're in the same." Exclaimed slightly grumpy toward the Russian. "Do not waste any more time on this. Severus If the release you're done, we need some help here. "

" Do you really think I'm going to help? Whatever it is you're ... "Severus could not help squirmed slightly when the mark on his arm began a Scottish meat. "Damn." Remus stopped and watched the ingredients separate man.

"Are you calling?" The werewolf whispered approaching.

Severus pursed his lips and gave him a look of hatred. "What do you think?" He felt the stinging flesh as if raw. "And it seems that is not very happy." Before saying anything else finish both the Russian and the werewolf were thrown over him to try to remove the robe. He opened his eyes wide and tried to ditch the two men mad.

Remus, desperate not to take the robe gave a sort of grunt and with superhuman strength tore the sleeve of his robe and then the sleeve leaving the arm exposed Severus. The mark appeared to be red hot but that did not stop to put his hand on it. The Russian did the same seconds later. Severus immediately felt hurt the brand stopped and a strange sense of peace came over him. "What are you doing?" whispered not wanting that single moment of peace ended, peace as I had never felt like a parent when you know your child is safe ...

"Severus, you're going to help or the Lord will hear you're a double spy. "I said Remus.

"The Lord is not stupid, Lupin, you probably already know of my betrayal."

"But no one has pointed out, Severus. If you do not help us to return to his side then forget you can still count for something. "The brown gave Remus looked a little surprised.

"You're with the Lord." Severus whispered poison. "You're on your part." The wolf seemed embarrassed but it was Boris who answered surprise them.

"Remus had no choice.'s irremediablemente unido al Lord.  Y nos ayudarás quieras o no.”  Exclamó con convicción el ruso.”

“No veo cómo podrían obligarme.”  Apenas las palabras habían salido de su boca cuando un ronco gruñido había escapado de la garganta de Remus.  Los caninos, para sorpresa de Severus, se habían alargado instantáneamente y se mostraban claramente, demasiado cerca de su rostro para su gusto.

“Haré lo que tenga que hacer para asegurarle a mi hijo una oportunidad, Severus.  Sinceramente espero no tener que llegar a eso contigo.  ¿Estamos entendiéndonos?”

"Perfectly." Whispered the dark slowly. Boris, who had strayed a bit smiled slightly.

"I see you and hormonal changes are affecting wolf."

"Boris!" What I think is the Lord of the Wolfsbane potion is not as good as I thought. Did you do any potion to Lord , Severus? "

" No. I just asked strengthening potions once in a while. "

" Are you absolutely sure? "growled with some desperation." No special potion that inhibits the wolf for nine months? "

" As you mentioned, Lupin, a while ago that I am not completely confident of the Lord. "

" Then who? "Are not you the one who made this potion, then who? do not know anyone with your abilities, Severus. "gasped the werewolf." Severus ... if I become at this point I will lose my son. "recovering hissed fury. "And if I lost my son because I've been fooling Dumbledore will not protect you from me. I swear it, Severus. You will not like the creature in which you become. "Severus remained stubbornly silent and Remus reluctantly released him.

"What kind of potion are trying to do?" Asked the dark after apparently analyze the situation.

"I want ... a potion that would force a powerful wizard to protect myself and my son." Remus whispered. "So powerful that even should protect all the children of Death Eaters ..."

"What you ask is a dangerous potion. If you let me check with Albus ... "


"Do not be foolish, Lupin. If you are creating something of this magnitude need more powerful magic.

"What do you think Albus when you know that I am expecting a child of the Lord? What will you discover Boris in the castle?"

"I can ... to make an unbreakable spell."

"A unbroken spell? "Remus turned to look at who was who asked Boris.

"Yes, a spell unbroken, a promise. Albus not let you submit or attempt to prevent the entry and exit Hogwarts. "

" Promises Albus not only protect, but the Aurors or anyone trying to harm us while we're at Hogwarts. "He replied with his heavy Russian accent. Lupin made a face of circumstance, as if he knew Severus would refuse but the brown surprised.


"But ..."

"Lupin, seems not to understand the opportunity that is presented to you here."

"I'm thinking about everything that could go wrong, Severus. Especially life my son.

"I just need a witness."

"We have no magic."

"No need." He reached toward Lupin waiting for his wand. The werewolf gave it slowly, as if hoping that Severus betrayed him just had the object in his hands. potions master smiled back side just to have the wand in his hand and Remus sighed defeated. I could not do anything but rely absolutely and completely resign.

Boris Severus pointed his wand and his heart skipped a beat, but when he began to take the oath unbreakable breathe normally again. After swearing to Boris, he proceeded to swear the same thing to Remus. *******


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