Saturday, July 14, 2007

Whats A Good Birthday Rhyme For 18

63 64 62 HPxDM

The White

May 28, 2007 *******

Lucius Malfoy
waiting for his lover on Christmas Day. *******

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling.


arrived early in the morning and though the house was empty, the air still had her perfume. He took slightly and closed his eyes with a small smile. The day before had left her young lover in the bed, asleep. Now back, not with the intention of seducing him but intended to make you happy.

was sure the boy did not come until late at night, already had established and had asked him to wait for him at home. Yet lived together, but that was the least in his opinion. , The Brown spent many days out of his house and he preferred all those days in the vastness of your own home.

He approached the fireplace and lit it with a flick of his stick and then remove the fine leather gloves. He looked around and decided the place where to begin. The most logical thing was that, find the focus of increased attention and place it most striking surprise.

who was not being reached with empty hands and even though he had been tempted to just order a elf to do it, knew that his beloved would be more significant if he did.

could not believe he had already spent three years. I could not believe I was there about to do what he would do. It was supposed that none of this existed and yet ... there ... both.

still remember the meeting, it was impossible for him to forget it. It had been the day before Christmas and both were in the same place but looking for different things. *******

The snow had forced him to enter the store. There was a shop that would not be entered because it was snowing heavily and it was rather full. " But how can I be if it was a day before Christmas and there was sold all kinds of Christmas decorations. While there was a thing of another world, could at least kill some time looking at the decorations.

hated not the time, but was struck not only a time seemed sentimental and full of excess. Excess of joy, too light, too much wishful thinking.

Without dwelling on the more common trappings addressed the most expensive section. It was easy to find, was the place where everyone looked but no one dared to touch.

Yet here was someone who could play all the trimmings that I wanted, but kept his hands behind his back. He came, out of curiosity, because he could, because it was designed to approach.

"Mr. Potter." Finding the right adornment for your decor? "The young man turned around are surprised to recognize the voice and had to smile with satisfaction.

"Mr. Malfoy." I said in greeting. "I ... just looking."

"Since then decorated." He shook slightly brown and then shrugged.

"I like to look at the decorations. Although I had never had the chance to see the decorations that Wizards can create for this era. not even know how to hang a magical style. "

" Ah. So, let me show you. "While at first he thought he was just trying to confuse, then the first few minutes was able to confirm it really was what he had said. Harry Potter, with dreamy eyes, had attended each of his words as he explained how they had been made the decorations and what method used by magicians to hang on Christmas tree. Intrigued

could not help asking what in those moments it seemed harmless and healthy curiosity. "If so fond ... why not buy some? Harry Potter does not lack the money to buy an ornament, for more expensive it is."

"I do not know what to choose. Also What would I do with some ornaments? "

" Put them on the tree, obviously. "The young man stared for a moment the ornaments.

"I have no tree." Just say Lucius could not help the sound of disapproval and the incredulous look. The Hero of the Wizarding World had no Christmas tree. If media found out. I figured the covers.

"Do not like Christmas, Potter?"

"I love Christmas. But I do not know how to celebrate it by myself."

After that, in a subtle way, had not urged to buy only the ornaments, but the tree. Later he had helped install it at home and not realizing they had finished drinking hot chocolate ... in bed. *******

Lucius sighed at the memory. That was a beautiful Christmas morning, completely snow. The tree had been small, but beautiful, happy glass ornaments, twinkling like stars gently on a white sky, because the tree had been white.

had passed since the days of solitude and privacy in another's company every year and also shared this little ritual.

However, this year Harry could not help. He was an uncompromising and Lucius did not know how many times he had apologized and apologized for being unable to attend. However, had assured him he would be in time for Christmas and that, in his opinion, was what mattered. Would

everything ready for when I got ... but do not arrive on time.

Because if Lucius had learned something from Harry was that happiness did not need perfection, just the desire to be happy.

ended with an hour early and sat before the fire, the sofa that both liked both. It was a little cold, but it was perfect, because then the same could be covered with beautiful white blanket that both liked both. He put the chocolate on the table, ready to be served when the dark came and rested his head on the pillow. *******

was late, too late. Harry knew he had broken his promise but could not do anything. However, I knew that Lucius was ELECTED waiting anyway.

That was what made him breathe easy, knowing that even though he could not keep his promise Lucius would be waiting in the same way. No man boasted that love him that way, but knowing it made her smile foolishly.

When he finally appears within the house fell silent, admiring the work of his lover. The tree was not huge but a little on a table beautifully decorated and filled with glass spheres both liked .

shone with the brightness of Polaris and the very white of them became warm by the light emitting flames of the fireplace. The heart beat in a hurry when she approached the couch and discovered his lover asleep in it.


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