Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dora The Explorer Waffle Iron

Buffy Spike / Xander

Buffy Spike / Xander


This time in the Buffy universe, without relying too much on the universe of Angel. Xander has had no luck this time and ends turned into a vampire. Spike thinks the new vampire is pretty cute. *******

Buffy's characters belong to Josh Wedono


the Bronze, full of dancing bodies. The best time accessed, the twelve o'clock . Not all the bodies were human but everyone had fun. One of those bodies in particular have lost a great need in that environment. It was something I used to do, at least not without being accompanied. But tonight was different, I needed to be alone, I needed to miss. He danced as he

learned to dance those months during which he had learned the not so usual job of dancing for money. danced with eyes closed and did not care about any of the friction he received overnight, even when arms rested on your hips and molds to your body without pressing too hard.

"Why are you alone?" The voice whispered in his ear. For a moment thought away, the voice was male. However, that night they wanted to be the white knight to calm maidens here and there, listening to their stories or watching their white smiles.

"It's not important." Answered without opening his eyes. The answer seemed to be enough for his companion and felt some relief. There would not pour out his soul to anyone. No, Xander did not need that, just needed a bit of anonymity and fun , forget everything that made his life a misery.

"What's your name?"


"Josh." Remained hands on your hips without trying to direct it, simply as a way to follow suit, to synchronize their movements naturally. "I have the feeling that you want to forget." Xander nodded. "I can help?"

"Enough with dancing." What we spent the night dancing with Josh Xander continued without noticing that Josh was the presence of which was that no one else is approach. At four o'clock Josh tried to take him to the bar with the excuse that he should be tired. Xander declined the offer and proceeded to leave. I did not need to take anything, it felt good as it was. , Josh was good company, a normal guy, maybe about twenty years, affable smile and gentle eyes, the same height but a little Xander thinner. "Thanks for the company."

"I can accompany you on the way if you want."

"No ... I'm fine, thanks." The boy looked at him with obvious interest and Xander felt strangely flattered. For a moment he recalled that time when Willow asked to change your preferences. You may not need a spell to get it ... "Okay ... but only a few blocks." I said with all seriousness that could . The man gave a charming smile and answer a felt Xander so ashamed.

walked slowly. I did not want to go even home yet knew it was past its time to be back. But what did it, it was as if their parents to worry about that.

When they walked some streets Xander felt that it was time to leave. His house was a few blocks, it would soon get so turned to do just that.'s When the chill in the base of his neck told him that something had to go wrong. "I'm not saying goodbye yet, Xan." I said Josh showing a pair of tusks and gold eyes.

For a moment, did not react. Just did not want to react. Had spent a week miserable, but that particular day had been miserable, except the time that had happened in the Bronze. It was not just that. That was all. I was tired of everything. He did not react when the vampire pushed him against a house, effectively trapping him. "It appears that you have experience with vampires."

"More than I wanted. "

" Are pet one? "asked the vampire with unusual smoothness. Without even thinking about the dark denied lying. "You're a guy too sweet to die tonight." He thought the vampire but not given time to respond but Xander sank its fangs into his neck.

tried to remove it, tried with all their might but once attached to his neck and drinking her blood was a simple equation, the vampire became strong and he grew weaker. When I let go and head felt too light and legs felt like jelly. Well, at least I would leave him alone or so I thought when the vampire thing pressed against her mouth. A metallic taste soon recognized, it was not until he had swallowed it and then admitted he knew it was also too late.

few seconds later, the vampire was far above him abruptly.

"Bloody Hell." Heard someone exclaim. A small skirmish, but the rest escaped to his senses until he saw on it a platinum head I knew.

"Spike." Whispered before his heart stopped beating.

Spike put his hands to his head a few seconds.'d Kill the vampire who had done this. Why was that be Xander? go mad in wake transformed ... or worse.

Not knowing what to do actually walked from side to side until I finally decided to collect the body of the dark and take home the watchman. *******

Giles heard frantic banging when it opened was shocked to discover Spike, but when he saw what he had in his thoughts flew arms.

"Giles. The first thing you say is it was not me, okay?" I have the chip, could not, do not forget. "

" Forward. "Invited him without thinking twice . The blond took him to the sofa and went away.

"What happened?" Asked the security guard immediately approached.

"He's ... dead." Giles turned to him with disbelief and Spike again refused. "Sorry ... no time ... I got the hell .... I had swallowed when I removed it off. , Buffy will kill me. "whispered the end.

"You say ..."

"What I mean is that Xander is dead ... but soon we'll have another Xander here. I was late, but it's not as if it were to stop there ... "Spike looked up at the guard and gave a long sigh." Perhaps you can not do anything for your heart but you probably can do something for Wills your soul ... do not know ... if they want to keep your soul and all that ... "

" Can you watch while I communicate with Willow and Buffy? "

" Sure. "He said immediately.

"How do you think later on ... wake up?"

"That depends, not everyone takes the same time. One day perhaps. Tomorrow night. "

" Well ... not much time but ... I'll see what we can do. "

" just will not use the same curse Angelus. Would be a disaster. "

" I'll take it in account. "*******

When Xander woke up the first thing I wanted was to go back to unconsciousness. The light was burning in the eyes, skin tingled no apparent reason, was too noisy to around, everyone seemed to scream and the air seemed suffocating with so many smells.

If I added that I could not move and his stomach seemed to have eaten food for a month ... the situation was desperate.

tried loose and not being able groaned in despair. The bonds did not give in so he tried harder. Suddenly the sound became impossible to discern, as if awakened a swarm of bees but with human voices . The first thing she saw was Willow.

"Oh, Xander." Cried just get scared.

"Willow, help me." Cried immediately, but the redhead did not move from its place. "Willow?"

"Sorry, Xan." I said in a whisper. "But I can not let go." Behind her Giles and Buffy entered the room where he was.

"Xander ... how do you feel?" Asked Giles as Buffy was tentatively in the doorway, watching with a frown but not really close.

"I feel horrible. I have a headache. I feel I can listen to the ants walking and ... Willow, what perfume are you using? I can smell it over here."

"Xan ... use the same old thing. "He turned to dark twist.

"Sorry, Wills ... But ... I have so hungry that the smell makes me nauseous."

"And what are you hungry?"

"I do not know ... something hot, mmhhh ... thick liquid ... "Hot chocolate?" Muttered confused.

"Oh, Xander." Miserable exclaimed in a tone redhead.

"I'll get something ... liquid, hot and thick. "Buffy commented seeing a chance to get away.

"Why do not you bring me one too?" Spike said from the hallway just behind the blonde Buffy making startled and gave him an angry look.

"Who let you in?"

"Giles let me enter. How is the puppy?"

"How can you be?" Buffy growled before taking it out of the way of a push. Spike held his smile that would come to light, but only slightly. The figure tied to the chair caught his eye immediately. ... the new Xander Xander. With his face completely sucked out, trying to loosen up, talking with red hair like the most natural thing in the world, oblivious to what your body is trying.

was simply impossible to ignore how innocent Xander did see his vampiric form. The teeth were present, that there was no doubt. The golden eyes, even inhuman, softened by an expression seemed confused. An expression almost tender in his opinion. He shook his head slightly. Xander always managed to succeed him as strange.

better She came to watch and the golden eyes were fixed on him. "Spike?" It is too early Visitors? "asked the brunette.

"How do you know that it is still day?" Xander shrugged, not knowing what to say. Spike glanced at the guard waving his questioning to see if they could bring a little more. Giles nodded and pointed to the brown to come over. "Where were you last night, Harris?" I asked. This time, Brown seemed to meditate a little.

"I was ... in the Bronze."

"And where you were when you left there?"

"Back home ..."

"Aha ... but you're here at the home of Giles. Are not you curious to know how you get here?" Xander shook slightly at him with increasing suspicion.

"No ... I live in Sunnydale. That kind of thing happens every day."


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