Saturday, July 14, 2007

Seman Stains, Black Light

64 HP

June 6, 2007 *******

would work as a continuation My . , I still can not decide for the couple of Harry. *******

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling. *******

Malcolm laughed out loud while spurring his horse. Endymion followed him with a little less smiles but equal vigor.

"Malcolm: Do not be reckless, you're going too fast."

"But we will escape!"

"It's not as if we did not know where it goes." Without paying attention to the words of young black hair, turned Malfoy Malcolm spur his horse into a mad race after a ghostly animal that ran swift as the wind on the grounds of the former mansion Malfoy.

The chase continued until the animal ran across the water from one of the lakes that had to reach the other side. "We always do the same." He complained the blond. "Stop where we reach you! "I screamed. The animal twitched his ears with curiosity before shaking his majestic head and wagging his tail as if he was excited." It is making fun of us, Endy! "exclaimed pointing.

Malcolm is impossible ... that making fun of you. It is a magical phenomenon that occurs only here, why do you insist on chasing? "I say the dark approaching him. The blonde animal herded and pushed her towards the lake just before pronouncing a spell that caused the water to harden, allowing your horse could walk on it. "Malcolm!"

"If you do not dare to follow me I'll understand, Endy, but if captured and not I do not want you to hear him complain. "And pay more attention to animal spurring continued. When I was in the middle of the lake mate reluctantly decided to accompany him.

The animal who was watching from the other side was a beautiful deer antlers, completely white with light itself seemed to glow as if it were a \u0026lt;i> patronus \u0026lt;/ i>. Seeing that the young and almost touched the banks rose slightly on its haunches before them and flee back bouncing back and jumps but appeared to be playful in a hurry.

Malcolm took his clothes from the project which had been working for several years now. A rope that glowed a golden color. "This time you're going to escape." He whispered under his breath while his gray eyes flashed excited.

If your theory was correct then the rope would stop \u0026lt;i> patronus \u0026lt;/ i> or the wild magic that was created with the deer. He had spent the summer learning to link any type of animal while it Endymion wondered why waste time on nonsense, but I was sure the young Brown, son of Severus, he knew what he wanted to practice.

one jump the horse reached the other side and started the race again. The ground was a little rough but would not give Malcolm in their efforts. It was like a scene from the form of a canvas. A magnificent piece of game, a beautiful hunter and his equally delightful company. The road was cleared a little and could approach the deer, took the rope and threw it firmly.

tip became entangled in one of the horns and winds trying to get a better grip on their prey, but the deer shook and the young cursed under his breath. Malcolm spurred his horse again, waiting for another opportunity.

was so close he could see the beautiful white fur on the animal's ghostly glow, leaving almost bewitched by her beauty. Blinked hard before throwing the rope back. This time the object is twisted in the animal's neck and then on their feet. Malcolm stopped a little horse and the rope tightened, making the deer hit the ground. , "Yes!" exclaimed and jumped from his horse to approach.

Just a few minutes later, his company found a Malcolm caressing the skin of the deer lying on the ground, tied with rope magic. "Malcolm ..." he whispered with reverence and approached, wanting also to cherish the animal for so many years seemed to accompany in his travels. "What will you do with it?" he asked.

"I'll take him home." He squirmed a little animal causing the strings to be squeezed and Malcolm smiled. "I wish I could have it always close and touch it whenever you want ... now it is ours, Endy."

"Our ..." she whispered reverently caressing the dark side that went up and down excited. *******

"Father!" Exclaimed Malcolm could soon get to where was his father. "I caught!"

"captured what?" Lucius asked, looking up from the book to read. The noise attracted the attention of his companion, Severus Snape.

"The white deer." Lucius did not know what was what made him put on alert, but the words of Severus could not be more accurate.

"The Patronus?" Malcolm nodded and invited them to follow him. Severus gave him a startled look at Lucius and hastened to follow his son.

"They have to see it, is beautiful. And it has green eyes! were not imagining things. "This time it was Lucius who quickened his pace. The young man took them to the pens, there, to the astonishment of both, was a beautiful deer, white from hooves to horns, tied with golden strings.

Malcolm. Let go. "He demanded Lucius with some fear.

"What? No! Is ours, mine and Endy. We will capture time and we will stay." Right, Endy? "

Malcolm, pay attention to your father. " This time it was Severus. The boy pouted and stood between her parents and the animal.

"No." Lucius lost patience with a sudden movement of his wand him out of the half as fast as the young man had no time to protest. He approached the animal was breathing but not moving rhythmically and tried remove the strings.

Malcolm, the ropes. "He demanded but the young man looked at him defiantly." Malcolm, now! "

" Not until you have a good reason. "He said crossing his arms. Severus gave him a withering look before turning to see Lucius.

"What I said about \u0026lt;i> patronus \u0026lt;/ i>?" Asked Lucius busy turning to see his children. "Do not tell them to leave him alone?" Endymion lowered his head but the young Malcolm was not aware of it. "should be ashamed. This is a magical creature that probably will not revisit more." rebuked them.

"more reason to not let it go. I love you, father, and not let go." Still talking when the deer began to lose its brightness a little and began to change shape. The animal gave a roar that ended in a soft moan before completing its transformation. Malcolm

remained too stunned to speak for a few seconds, like the rest of those present when he finally came to understand that instead of a deer had a young man. He looked to be about fifteen years or less and hair were very black. "Bloody Hell." moaned again before opening her green eyes and give a brief smile to those who looked so surprised.

"Oops ..." Malcolm whispered appreciate the silhouette naked when her father suddenly was a cloak and threw him over the stranger. "Father, what are you doing?"

"reckless Crío. Did not know who it is?" , asked the blond grumpy to his son. Malcolm made a new effort while her father helped the boy to take off the ropes.

Malcolm ... that is Harry Potter. "I said after a tortuous Endymion sigh of annoyance."

"Harry Potter?" You mean ...? "

" Yes, idiot is your father. "

" Damn! "exclaimed the young man before blushing to the tips of her hair and run.

When she finally had removed the ropes, helped him stand. However, Harry seemed to have very good balance. Suddenly he began to laugh like a madman and both men stood motionless. " Sorry. But Malcolm really has great potential. therefore not be neglected. "He said while wearing a hand to the nape hair tossing." Well ... I hope that my room still available, I will spend time at home. "

******* A few hours later, Harry was sitting at the table continuing Malfoy mansion converted into a kind of fortress stone. He wore the sumptuous robes during his absence had been announced one of the foreign ministers. His hair disheveled, his face still retained the same age when he was gone but his eyes seemed larger . I had noticed right away the first time I looked in the mirror. Harry

supposed to have been so long in his Animagus form had finally made some changes like the odd walk now showing, with the neck erect and silent steps. Beside

Lucius repeatedly looked at his plate as Severus, on the other hand, stroking the base of his glass without looking up slightly.

"Father ..." He started to say Malcolm in the direction of Harry but Lucius glared and crossed his arms reluctantly. Endymion had long since given up trying to open the mouth.

The appearance of the food elves made the tension will dissipate a bit until the creature disappeared again. Lucius and Severus looked sideways at Harry who seemed a little distracted. Malcolm coughed making green eyes were his own and that Lucius pale.
"Ah ... yes ..." Harry hesitated. "You may begin." He ended up saying something self-conscious while making a gesture with his hand for a long time not used. Malcolm frowned, he was Endymion seeing the brown and the two adults began to eat without reply.

That night Harry went to the rooms of Lucius and Severus feeling like a kid on their first date. He tried to calm breathing deeply as it touched the door and push the nerves he returned with renewed vigor. Lucius and Severus

waiting for him to look as nervous as him. Had been before Harry had not had many problems to handle the situation. Before Harry took it and claimed it belonged to him not without problems . He took another long breath and walked to where the two men.

The room was the one where it had always found together. The bed seemed a little bigger but then remembered that she had been enlarged once to have children in it. He was surprised when memories it brought a smile to the lips.

"Lucius ... Severus ..." He waved when to see the men rose to greet him. "This was ... unexpected." Muttered approaching them. He stopped when Lucius nodded and Severus followed suit.

"My lord, I apologize for the rudeness of my son Malcolm." Said the blond in a pleading tone. Severus joined the petition and then Harry remembered what life was eighteen years ago and wondered if they had not really been a dream of those four or five years of darkness in your life.

studied them intensely. Lucius and Severus were not a lot to them. Eighteen years have made a change in either, but both very well kept appearance. It took a few steps while the men waited for their response .

Malcolm is ... something rash. ... Is something that probably took one of their parents. "He said casually." Endymion is ... a work of art, as is their parents. " Severus was the first to raise it a bit and see the little smile on Harry's lips. His hand was Lucius's shoulder forcing him to look at too. "Much has happened since the last time I was here and I feel like a stranger. Maybe it is true that time can change everything."
finally came and enveloped Lucius is a hug. The blonde stiffened slightly until Harry squeezed against his chest, only then hugged him back. By Harry something impulsively reached out and walked over to Severus for hug too. "strangers." whispered very low so leaving both men without words.

"Harry ..." Whispered the guardian of black hair as if it were a sigh of relief. "\u0026lt;i> Ditto \u0026lt;/ i>."

suddenly released them Harry still smiling. "Moreover, the last time I saw yet were slightly rounded. "Lucius Severus blushed slightly and winced in disgust.

"I see that we have recovered the boy unbearable." The blond mumbled shyly.

"No such child." Harry answered them appear that despite twenty-four, adding that they had spent eighteen, and was playing forty-two. "I have no fault that I retain the magic so well." That which was pulled to the bed and stretched which a big cat on it. "Ah ... finally decent bed. It is not easy to sleep when I have no body. It's like trying to sleep with their eyes open. "He complained with a slight pout.

Lucius crossed his arms. "If you had not made such a tantrum might have stayed quiet all this time at home." Severus Harry cleared his throat and lost a little smile.

"Maybe. But then I have this new opportunity. "

" Opportunity? "

" Yes, "said Harry taking the hand of her guardian and pulling the bed until it lay at his side. With Lucius did himself and sat across him. "It was great to see the kids grow. And you two ..." This time she smiled wickedly. "They are like a channel, only for adults but much better. "sigh." I can sleep with you? "

Severus Lucius rolled his eyes and left out another gasp. "For some minutes it seemed they had finally matured but apparently it was a passing illusion." Severus replied with his usual dismissive tone.

"You can pretend all you want but I know he missed me a lot." *******

seemed a quiet morning, the bodies on either side of you do not tuck him but offered him hot. ; not need to tell him or tell him everything that had happened in the mansion. The truth had never left the house. Every day and every night had seen the children grow Lucius and Severus, had also seen how it changed their relationship and knew to perfection when they thought or talked about him.

No, not a body had become ubiquitous, but their presence had been filling the mansion and its grounds. Your magic and its effects on the magical world had continued in effect and occasionally had some \u0026lt; i> appearance \u0026lt;/ i> personal ministry to reaffirm its position as Lord of the new order.

At first she had kept mostly in his room, but curiosity to see the new small was born too. After that had remained near small while hiding its presence in its two \u0026lt;i> treacherous snakes \u0026lt;/ i>. But just as he had foretold the very mind of that time Severus entering it tries to destroy ... the laughter of the young had been his undoing.

Gradually, the children's laughter and small mischief had come to destroy this wall and broken his emotions. Small had saved the flickering flame of his soul and had become a fire of gigantic proportions. He had been painted with crayons and a new landscape paintings and now, youth, had given new strength to the teen that he could not enjoy.

In summary, Malcolm and Endymion had been given a second chance to enjoy a new stage of life, because no one who watches over two small can say that there has been a parent. Perhaps his children were young but definitely paternal feelings were aroused.

On the other hand, the relationship between Lucius and Severus in the mansion had also changed their outlook on love and sex, especially sex.

seemed too ironic thing being that they had been those who had destroyed these two concepts in the dark. But the truth, they say, is more bizarre imagination and Harry knew now that he could entrust his body and heart to those two wizards who now sleep peacefully each side of him.

All I still could not figure out was whether it would return no more sorrow instead of joy. On the one hand her marriage to Lucius was still valid. Malcolm was registered under his name and Endymion was his godson. ; The young brothers were treated as though they did not know yet what they really were, he had been present when Lucius had lied about your relationship to Malcolm and how he had said his father was away from home ....

If Harry knew it was something that always lies came to light in the wrong moment and the more old lie ... more damage caused.

Just thinking about this when a cry of surprise caught his attention. He looked toward the door where they had come and saw a pale Endymion watching the scene of the three in bed.

Harry had a slight idea of what could be thinking youth. As children Endymion and Malcolm had found the love that his parents and had professed naturally taken. It was not until they learned the foundations of marriage and fidelity to understand that ... without being divorced Lucius and Harry, Lucius and Severus relationship was a relationship of infidelity. However, I had quiet and no one had commented. "Endymion." I called Harry as he sat. The young man, still amazed by what he had seen ran away.'s voice managed to wake Harry Lucius, who still drowsy first thing he did was lift the arm and dropping it heavily on his torso went back to bed and sacándole a slight snort.

"Mh, good morning, Sev." The blonde whispered in his ear huskily before kissing her on the temple and go back to sleep. Harry sighed. I definitely would not classify his return as a good thing yet. Not until we clarify a few things.

slowly dissociated himself from the embrace of yellow and rose quietly to get out of bed. His body took only seconds to fade and get to where he knew the girl had gone into hiding. There appeared to immediately but left it felt like so many times she had when the boy was crying out of sight of their parents Malcolm for some joke or frustrations to their age.

A small hut, wide enough to Endymion sit inside with knees to the chest and be tucked away without betraying his presence. Only Malcolm knew that place as he sat by his side to comfort as well. It was a long time until the young man seemed calm enough.

"It was you." Endymion whispered. "All this time you were." Harry did not appear but waited. Endymion always felt even more certain that Malcolm and although I did not know who or what was the presence, used to tell their problems quietly. "You have always been in the house. Why not tell us anything?"

"We can not always understand everything, Endymion. For my part I am happy with how it all ended at the end. "

" How can you be happy knowing ... "

" We can not always understand everything ... "Harry repeated slowly materializing youth on the same position as if it were a replica. "I just know I'm happy here. You are my family, the only one I have. Why would cause me grief the joy of its members? "

" But my father and Lucius ... "

" They love ... I know. How to ignore ? "Harry turned slightly to watch Endymion seriously." I know that I can talk about this because you have the maturity that Malcolm does not have. I've seen you grow up. "He smiled slightly brown when young lifted her face to him with melancholy black eyes.

"What will happen to them now?" Harry asked the young man and laced his fingers on his knees.

"What do you think I should do?"

"If I did not ask." Muttered the young man.

"Nor do I know the answer. ... It could again become a deer, provided they promise not catch me again like yesterday." Just say the boy refused.

"That would prolong the uncertainty, escape the problem without solving it. If only I had listened to Malcolm ..."

"Do not blame him. Malcolm is too impetuous. Really I do not know where he got that character. "Endymion At that time gave him a look pushy and suddenly Harry was sure that someone was throwing to him because of the impetuosity of Malcolm as if it really was the father. , "Ah ... do not look at me." He said while his face took on a very strange expression. *******

(This is just an experiment to see how it goes if I put Draco, do not get too excited.)

A boy about nine years old and blond hair ran into the mansion. Draco Malfoy had been followed step serene. "Son, behave yourself."

The small decrease in their footsteps and Draco nodded with satisfaction before leaving his hat and coat the elf that had appeared. He then went to the room where his father used to read and play. It surprised to see a third person with his father and Severus, but was surprised to discover that none other than Harry Potter.

"Lord Potter." He stopped at the door. The aforementioned turned to see him without surprise too and man, in his forty-two, was almost with my mouth open when she noticed the youthful appearance of the Lord .

"Draco Malfoy, a long time since I had the pleasure to see you."

"It is ... a child." Was all he could say the blond with the voice that now resembled that of Lucius. ; The three men in the room stare at him. One embarrassed by the words he had said his son, the other by the obvious he had said his godson and other so well that the years had fallen son of her husband.

"I'm flattered, Draco." Harry replied after a while, leaving the blond glaringly obvious. The man he had become the blonde was no stranger to Harry but did not cease to amaze change. The body had matured and was full but still slim and although he was forty-two, as he had not reached in height. His sharp face remained so only a little, like that of Lucius, despite his age, was still forming.

Suddenly the silence was dormant, as if for the first time all realized the tense silence and that was when Lucius intervened. "Draco. Lord Potter has returned from his vacation ... \u0026lt;i> \u0026lt; / i>. I hope you have time to show how will the Ministry and others. "

" Sure ... father. will be an honor for me. "He said the blond after to close your mouth again and regain some of his composure." Truly a pleasure. "He added in a lower tone approaching the group to sit and share with his father and his new husband appeared.

course Draco knew a little of what happened in the fortress. How not know when I visited so often? At first she had been disappointed by the absence of the young, but that was obviously because know the conditions under which they had been living his father and godfather. Neither

Lucius and Severus had dared to destroy the image that Draco was the Lord, and at that time or in the years that had followed, even with the disappearance of the young. And Lucius sensed something more than admiration in the form that her son spoke of the Lord. 63


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