Saturday, July 14, 2007

One Who Treats Ailments Of The Skin Is An

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My Jailer

******* June 12, 2007 *******

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling.

Inspired after reading 'm Willing . *******

Lucius, having been used by the Dark Lord decides to join the light side. After trying to gain the trust of Harry Potter understands that has been used again and decides that it is best to go into exile. There is no better exile Azkaban, where he can atone for their sins at once. In a final act of goodwill, Lucius left his memories of the Dark Lord in the hands of Albus Dumbledore and before it can offer immunity or protection sent a letter Auror department who capture him and take him straight to Azkaban prison.

is where you realize that no matter where you are, your fate will always be used. For a while it manages to evade this fate until one day, Harry Potter announces he will go to rescue \u0026lt;i> \u0026lt; / i>. Feeling that if he escapes from prison his luck worse, Lucius turns to her jailer. This man has tried everything to take over the body of Lucius and immediately accepted the proposal and Lucius decides that, if they are to use it, at least, it is their own decision and initiative , thus preserving a bit of dignity disappeared. Shortly

Lucius knows the true intentions of his jailer and the consequences that a simple treatment will bring your weary heart. *******

Lucius huddled in the corner of the cell, on the bed. Azkaban was not as bad as painted. How not know when he had spent time there ? In fact, had given his old cell and was grateful for that. So I felt that I should not worry about what I had done the previous inhabitant of the same.

The bed was not comfortable but it was clean and had clean sheets. After the dementors leave the island but things had changed in the minds of many Azkaban remain a place full of nightmares. The problem was that the cold was more than any of his arguments to say he was better there than outside.

"Cold, Malfoy?" Lucius looked up and found one of the few nightmares in that prison. Paul. did not know the name, but know the name was more than enough. The dark-haired man, apparently from a cinnamon tone, had a lusty look and a mouth whose smile always was painted obscene. A one-week beard covered his neck and prevented guess her true age but if the eye of Lucius failed him, he could say that was about thirty-five years or so.

refrained from making a scathing commentary, especially when he saw that the mentioned jailer carrying a basket full of floating sheets behind.

"Yes, tonight makes cold. "He replied without moving from where it was.

"So surely interested in one of the sheets. You shall return for a kiss." I said as he turned and took one to get her through the bars offering it. Lucius watched him still without moving.

"A sheet in exchange for a kiss ... is it not worth a kiss me?" Asked the man trying to manipulate their logic.

"How much more can be worth in your opinion, Malfoy?" Asked the man licking his lips slightly.

"A kiss may be well worth my bedspread with a warm spell."

"I have only blankets on my bed and those do not need a spell of warmth to keep warm ... enough with my body."

"But I can not out of here and you can not share with me. "muttered Lucius resigned to spend a cold night.

"You'd be surprised what I can do here." Answered the man. "But tonight I have a lot of work, so ... what do you say, Malfoy? Could make an exception if you access what you I ask ... " The man was dropping his voice and shook a little blanket in his hand and motioned for Lucius to approach and take. "However, all prisoners will have an extra blanket tonight, but yours may have what ask if in return you give me a kiss worth what a warm quilt it here tonight, in Azkaban. "

The man was right, an object value for the utility that was at one time and place and definitely made Azkaban a quilt worth much more than just a kiss. Besides ... it was as if he had not lowered before that handles worse shape before. Could see the surprise in the dark eyes of his jailer when he saw him get up and come slowly. "Right." he whispered with extreme discouragement. never be rid of those wishing to manipulate, whether for one reason or another .

took the sheet and saw his jailer to bring the face to the bars as he approached, looking for ways to fulfill their part. His lips came to play those who had seemed repulsive since he knew the man and invasion waited with resignation. He closed his eyes and stopped breathing so he could not notice the sad look that gave Paul through bars.'s lips remained in place, without pressing, making him feel like a fool, but the jailer had said it was he who had to kiss him, not the other way so Lucius ran a hand through the bars and took the man's neck deepening the kiss.

was surprised not to see anything objectionable in that mouth so he decided that the kiss would not be so bad exchange but when I was about to change in posture Paul moved away, ending the stroke. Seconds later and still without understanding the sheet in his hands became more heavy, soft and warm. Before you can say anything the jailer had already disappeared down the hall.

That night, Lucius sleep better every night of his life and the quilt has not disappeared as I had thought when morning came. *******

Lucius got up from bed to hear the footsteps towards his cell and saw the figure of Albus Dumbledore after Paul. "Views, Mr. Malfoy." He said man with unusual formality before opening the cell and allow the wizard to enter.

"Lucius, my dear friend. How is everything?" Asked Albus just go and Lucius frowned his brow trying to decipher the reason for that visit. "I hope this is really what you wanted."

"What I owe the honor of this visit, Albus?" I thought that between us all was resolved. ; Is not won your little pet war with the information I gave him that day? "

" Ah, yes. But the same is that I came to talk to you. You see, Harry finds himself in debt something ... for information and would like your participation in the victory to come to light. "

" We did no deal with information. Potter rejected my offer. "

" But we got the information. That merits a reward. "

" It was a mistake on my part. I had gotten the information when your child rejected my offer. The dawn comes before she could destroy it and you found it. End of story. "

" Well, what I can say? Harry is determined to make it up, that's why ask for your case reviewed under assumption of new evidence. "

" No! Potter does not have to get into my business and I I do not need your help. "visibly altering the blonde exclaimed." I have not asked. "

" I just wanted you to know. You're aware of what we try to do for you. "

"If my case is opened, will testify." He said with narrowed eyes. "speak and be much more than they can fix. Then stay here at Azkaban for a lifetime."

"I do not understand do you want to stay in one place so deplorable. "

" It's simple, Albus. Here I could not be use more. Out of this island everyone wants to manipulate at will but in here ... I'm the only owner of my actions. "

" Well. Given your decision ... I will try to dissuade Harry. "Albus called the jailer who was allowed to leave soon and while Lucius was dropped on his bed thinking.

So the jailer found him when he returned. "Malfoy." I called to get his attention and the blond looked up a bit. "You still have important visitors. Probably retains some influence ..."

"Paul. 65


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