Saturday, July 14, 2007

Pokemon Soul Silver Shiny Stone


2nd part
Red Sweater

******* A furious knocks at the door startled him. "Who the hell could be calling at this hour? Although expecting someone was rude. He looked out the peephole and the first thing he saw was green eyes. "Demons." Whispered and remained silent behind the door. But Potter did not budge, knocking back sharply.

"Malfoy!" Open the fucking door, I know you're in the house! Open before your neighbors come and see what happens! "Heard the voice behind the timber and agitated for about Harry ignore moments thought when the door completely but continued to ring with the blows and screams intensified in volume curse seriously thought of a good time.

He opened the door and saw Harry angry side smiling. Stupid Potter. "What?"

"Have not you wearing pajamas?" He was about to slam the door in his face and put back in the dark regardless of all the neighbors awake with their shouting.

"Ahh no, that it does not. I'm not going here without you, so have to take a drag." Draco was surprised Potter's words were full of conviction and certainly with the look I was giving it was already hanging from the man's shoulder while kicking and screaming.

"Potter, I really think you can make me?" In the next second shoulder hung just tan. "Potter! Me down now!"

"This will not do it for you, Malfoy. I do it for Ron. So I'd better shut up for once. "Without giving too much time to react into the house, locked the door and walked to the fireplace.

"Potter!" Wait! "But green flames enveloped the floo network just after the dark shouting the direction of the house Weasley.

He felt nauseous and when he finally arrived he had to hold the feeling that Potter lost his balance slightly. "This is so humiliating." Mumbled. "Put me down already, damn it, Potter." Exclaimed safarse trying again.

Draco's screams made Mr Weasley down the stairs on the lights in their path.

"What happens here? Harry! Baja Mr. Malfoy now." Exclaimed astonished to see who it was who carried the dark in that way. The blond almost went to the floor when Harry fell.

"You're a beast, Potter. You will never have better manners than a hippogriff." Snarled. "Why bring me here?"

"Ginny told you so. Ron asks about you . He would not sleep, did not want to eat, let us draw even. No matter if you're calling me a bastard like you, but if it makes you happy I bring up the same Voldemort back. "


"And you'd better go up to her room. We are all dead from worry. "

" Enough! "exclaimed Arthur again." Sorry, Mr. Malfoy. Sorry for the way Harry has brought ... but it's true. We are very concerned about my youngest ... I do not know if it will be much the audacity to ask you to please go up to him. "The appeal was clear, but Draco did not need to want to go now. She smoothed her clothes and hair before nodding and follow where the man was saying something more than mere apprehension and mistrust.

came into the hallway where he saw Weasley all together, this time including a very pregnant Hermione Granger who was supposed to leave for maternity. The woman had evidence of having been crying and the girl next to her and Fleur Delacour Weasley tried to comfort her. The twins, Fred and George, William and Charlie Weasley. Everyone was there including Mrs. Weasley. It looked like a funeral instead of what he had imagined it would be a happy reunion. No one said anything to him except when behind him Harry Potter chew their actions seemed early in the evening.
A groan was heard from Granger that the tears finally I had seen. "You are calling yet. I just leave it alone." Another appeal. Draco nodded and made his way to enter the room.

Ron was sitting in a corner room looking out the window. It did not seem desperate or sad. I was just awake.

"Ron?" The redhead turned away to listen.

"Draco ..." This time the blonde did listen to the urgency of what came and gently took the hand of the redhead.

"What happens? Why are not you sleeping? "I asked the soft voice as he could.

"No one has ordered it." He said like most evident.

"There is no one to order you, Ron. You no longer have the collar." Listening to him put a hand around his neck and stroked it gently. Her expression said clearly that other I forgot. "They told me you called." He saw brief nod. "Why?"

"I go back home." Draco felt more confused than ever. When the redhead he had said to return home immediately had assumed that he wanted to return to their parents.

"Make yourself at home. This is your home, your family." The redhead looked all around, clearly stunned, and trying to find something that clearly was not there. He lowered his face with sadness by that Draco was knotting his stomach.

"Do not you want me?" Draco frowned not understanding. Never, in all the time that he had the redhead in his house had laid a hand on with intent for fear that remind you of your past.

"What do you mean?" He asked gently removing the locks of the front of the red.

"I do not want near you. So you gave me."

"Ron ... are no longer owned by anyone. Nobody can give you, or sell, or even buy. You are free. Free to do what you want to be anywhere with anyone. "He raised his head alluded and those blue eyes turned to look with appreciation making your heart skip a beat.

"I want you." Draco was stroking a long time, trying to figure out what to do. Was supposed to be easy, it was a matter of returning to the red with his family and no longer have to worry about anything. All back to his place and Ron would be happy .

"I'm here now. So you better get some rest. It was a long night, you know And I'm dead tired." The redhead nodded and stood up holding hands for Draco who took him to the bed and waited for him to get under the covers. When he left the room almost half an hour later was surprised to find the hall empty except tan with green eyes. "Where did everybody go?" He asked to see the expression of anger and contempt he directed the dark.

"They did not want to hear what would happen in there." Answered without feeling in his voice.

"What would happen?" He asked confused. But then I began to understand the attitude of Potter and was reluctant to bring it home, the pieces began falling into place and freezing cold took over his chest. They thought he ... "You thought ... I ... "exclaimed incredulously." You, all ... they were thinking. That I have been taking advantage of Ronald. "Almost cried hysterically, dropping his voice only to prevent the red listen to him and woke up.

"I do not think that suddenly came up with completely trust a Malfoy."

"This is ... is ... "I could not even speak so he closed his mouth and dropped a forced march." I will return in the morning and do not dare to go for me, Potter. I'll be back on my own. "Growled angrily.

"What will I tell Ron if he wakes up?" Asked the dark and stopped abruptly before saying anything more.

"Do not wake up until seven or eight. I'll be here before so I do not have to say anything." Without even saying goodbye Draco disappeared into the room with an angry sound of the whip.

"I think I got all four feet this time." Hermione whispered behind his back.

"Mione, you should be resting." He sighed the dark. "But yeah, got the legs. I hope that meets return. not bear to see Ron again in that state."

"I know, baby. I know." , replied the girl while leaning her head on his shoulder.

When Draco showed up at his house was furious. Really angry. The Weasleys were fools, including all the others who were there. ... How could they? "He put his hands hair and squirmed to get out of the mind that had been suggesting.

knew he would not sense to try to even put his head on the pillow. Anger and worry not going to rest. She saw the Christmas tree still on and with a grunt and a gesture upset the lights went out leaving everything in darkness.

Noting the house lights were turned on these fading and the feeling of oppression that caused him off the tree. He saw the gifts and took them out from under the tree. He wipe out most except two, one had an assortment of sweet Hogsmeade and a smaller one containing the ring that he always had the hope of giving the red. The necklace was originally thought to have put but after those months it was obvious that would not use it that way ever. He pushed his small gift in his pocket and put the box of sweets on the table before going to the kitchen to make some hot tea.

recalled the food he had prepared and sighed, completely lost. Everything except the bread and dessert. He consoled himself after thinking he had not been anything special since he himself had prepared and was not as if your culinary skills were something from another world. He started to collect them and throw it away keeping the dessert. Perhaps you could take a piece in the morning to try it for breakfast.

realize long before the clock struck six o'clock. At that hour of night work and then needed a good bath, cool off and see if the insomnia had not caused more circles of those already had.

When he was showered and dressed took the gift from the table and a good chunk of brownie that was the dessert that had been prepared to show up at the entrance to the Weasley house. Knocked on the door and This immediately opened causing a step back. Harry Potter received it again.

"Good morning, Potter." Try not to spit out the name but did not remove the contempt he felt for his eyes.

"Good morning to you too, Malfoy. I take a little longer to arrive, as you said, Ron has not been set up." He burst into a dark side and allowed him to pass.

The place was as disastrous day and night. At least it seemed that everyone was still sleeping and even Draco had arrived at seven o'clock in the morning and after the shock of the day before it was logical anyone had woken yet. What was not explained was why Potter had to look as if he waking hours and at ease. "I'll wait to get up then." And he proceeded to sit down without being invited by the dark. This was about to say something but I cut immediately. "I'd rather wait here, I will not cause more unwanted thoughts to the rest of the family." Harry nodded slightly apparently cut by the cold attitude of the blonde.

"Okay. Have you had breakfast?" He asked tentatively.

"No need to be friendly, Potter. I know exactly how my presence is welcome in this house. I do not want to impose. "I said with obvious irony.

"Malfoy, do not be so stupid." Growled the dark finally. "I am preparing breakfast and if you sit at the table you sit, like it or not." Draco hated that feeling that caused him the dark whenever he spoke that way. I did not make the mistake of testing how certain threats could so with a slight snort indignantly raised her chin and gave him a sincere look of hatred.

"I guess I did not come bad toast. "muttered the dark and followed up the kitchen." Are you where to save it? is for Ron. "slightly showed the package with the cake and the dark arched an eyebrow.

"Sure." For breakfast? "Draco nodded." I'll put it in your inbox ... "

" Ron does not eat in your room. "The green eyes looked funny and for a moment he felt uncomfortable. "It was hard to get used to some things ... eat at the table was one of them. In addition it will work well accustomed to his family again. I have only two more weeks of vacation, then I have to return to my duties in the Ministry. "He felt he had talked over the bill but the nervousness is still there.

"Sure." Nodded the dark. "There will always be available, I guess." He served several perfectly browned toast, strawberries and blueberries on cream sweetened and put a square of butter on bread still hot. The blond arched an eyebrow and Harry caught smiling. "Juice or milk?"

"Will you have some tea?" Harry shook his head.

"Iced Tea." Draco offered and accepted.

Ginny came downstairs at that time to announce that his brother had woken up already and automatically Draco leaving the breakfast table untouched. Harry put a spell to keep it as it was while still preparing breakfast for her friend.

"Good morning, Ron." She greeted him just inside. The redhead was sitting on the bed with sleep tousled hair and Draco felt his heart enternecérsele to see him. "Are you prepared to lose?" A negative but still did not speak as he approached and took her hand. "I'll show you where you can." : And was that the room where he was not like that Draco had, with bath and everything you might need. The redhead took her hand and held it just Draco showed him the bathroom and shower. showed him where his clothes and towels and everything you might need. Even when not at home the Burrow, as he was called to the house, was a rather tricky. Everything was at hand and practically.

half hour later, Ron was ready to go down. With a bit of shyness and taken Draco's hand reached the table where sat now almost everyone in the house. Despite being many, place where she was the blond was still empty with his breakfast and his side a place for Ron to his breakfast. The redhead did not stop even to contemplate how many people were looking at or how many had stopped eating by entering the room. ; was Draco who was somewhat intimidated, but when Harry coughed tension vanished, all returned to their dishes and the conversation continued at the blond finished telling you approach the table where Ron was sitting.

The breakfast took place in complete disarray, all talking, discussing, moving, standing and sitting without permission, but Draco ignored them all. His eyes were fixed on her red hair and the expectation of when taste the cake. The reaction the redhead was not anything special. He took a bite, paused, closed his eyes for a moment and continued eating. Draco's smile was what made the conversation around the table to stop again.

Unable to realize what was happening around Draco continued his breakfast. It was not until Mr. Weasley drew attention when they had finished breakfast that his eyes off the redhead at his side.

"Mr. Malfoy. On behalf of all I want to thank you for bringing us back to Ronald." Draco blushed slightly. It could be that again would go through this. "We really are in debt. .. "

" Do not worry about that, Mr. Weasley. There is nothing to be thankful. "He quickly said with a slight blush blond shame. "What matters is that he is here safe and sound. ... Potter Where did you learn to cook it? "He exclaimed with a wry smile getting too obvious how much it bothered the subject. Mr. Weasley was about to continue when Harry, noting the dynamic, replied the blond.

"I am Chef. I more than any other part, the Ministry would be aware of what he did."

"Not everyone has time to be. So I heard you just bought a restaurant in Diagon Alley . I did not know it well cooked. "

" For not only cook, I'm the head chef. When you want to visit. The Ministry employees have special rate. "He said with a grin.

"Oh yeah?" Asked the blond before take notice.

"Yes Thirty percent additional cost. But with you I can make an exception, are a difficult client for any of my employees and have to get on the rate." Draco let out a snort but laughter did not wait on the table and Mr. Weasley decided to pass the time. After breakfast

Draco was ready to say goodbye to her ginger hair. Never cease to be his red hair. They were in the room and Ron seemed calm. "I have to go now." The blue eyes looked at him with some apprehension to what is quickly added. "But tomorrow I'll be back. ... You could also visit if you want. "

" I want to go with you ... now. "The petition was just a sigh and felt in the heart. If there was something I wanted to do was take it right then to the house and spend those two weeks that remained with him all the time.

"But you're with your family. There is no better place." He whispered back.

"You're not here." Replied the redhead in a strange start to the fair value left breathless. The words that came from the lips of Draco after which they were not wanted, but were as soft and could be sweet.

"This is how it should be. Ron, I have lunch and eat and leave the house and do whatever you like to do. And when night comes you will be prepared to sleep and you lie down, no later than eleven o'clock yesterday I slept very little. In the morning, before you know it, I'll be here again. "A slight smile crossed his lips to tell him what to do and see the redhead nodded. "I promise."

"Will you stay all day tomorrow?" If Draco had not spent so many months who at that time would have been suspended from redhead's neck and would have kissed her. But in fact the blonde hands trembled as he controlled and gave him a smile.

"If you ask your parents and have no problems when I left tomorrow, then I will stay. But you have to call the network to warn flu. right? Nothing to ask one of your brothers who call . Not even to Potter. If you call then it will come, even if your parents say yes. "The redhead nodded." Perfecto. So you know what to do. " I kissed her forehead and felt embarrassed when he realized his actions. "Ahh ... I almost forgot. Merry Christmas ... something behind. " He gave the box of chocolates, repenting late in its original intention and pocketing the small box which had the ring. "Keep some for tomorrow."

It took out of the room, he took out of the house. After being threatened by Harry if he returned the next morning came home and practically fell into bed without thinking about anything else. I was too exhausted, not only physically but emotionally. It was as if a part himself had stayed there in the Burrow. One day removed from his red hair was painted too long. So as soon surrendered able to sleep and let the hours pass more quickly.

got up around three in the afternoon, hungry and body aches from sleeping well. He went to the room with the intention of taking apart the gifts that had been the redhead and take them, especially broom and Quidditch uniform. In those when the fireplace was lit. A familiar face appeared at it.

"Potter." Muttered smoothing her hair. "Looks like I'll see you bad luck more often now."

"I think my influence will not be enough to get born a heart but no worse than the fight is not done. Here is someone who wants to talk. "Tan's face disappeared and a few long seconds, the fire crackled idle until Ron looked at his own fireplace. Draco came up with a barely concealed smile.

"Ron. Good to see you." A shy smile crossed the lips of Ron making the scar on his cheek will turn the face in a way that instead of looking innocent rather made him see stunningly scary. Draco had decided that as would offer the opportunity to find a doctor to remove it, that if the redhead wanted.

"Hello ... Draco." Greeted Ron at last. "I ..." He told Draco hesitant and clearly heard someone encouraged him from the other side. "I wanted to ask you to come. "

" Did you talk with your parents? "The redhead nodded." And when you want to go? "

" Today? "Ron was like looking behind himself and Draco heard voices of breath again. "Tonight. Would you like to stay at my house tonight?"

"You want me to stay ...? But are all your brothers, where do I stay?"

"Other go home and return in three days by the end of the year. "This time Harry's face appeared next to the redhead." There is plenty of room. "

" And do not you go? " ; He told the blond to brown as he stared with a desire to strangle him by nosy. The dark smirked and shook.

"Hermione and I are spending our holidays here. "cheerfully answered.

"Fantastic." Muttered Draco.

"I would like you to stay all week." Statement was a bit angry that the red-haired blonde surprised because he never had seen him show anger and disappointment at all as long as you had in the house. Potter apparently had captured the essence of what I was trying to do with the red hair.

"The whole week?" I asked, feigning surprise and taking time to think about but I knew it would accept. "I would love, if your parents agree." The redhead's cheeks darkened.

"I asked them and they said yes." This time Draco could not hide his own enthusiasm for the progress in less than a day were in the red to be with his family. Now he saw that the decision to leave with their parents had been right.

"Then I'll stay, just because you ask me." I said giving him a significant look at the dark side of his red hair but then Ron smiled. A smile so broad that virtually dazzled him. He felt he was losing strength in her legs and tried to swallow the lump that he can hardly breathe.

"I'll be in my room." Muttered the red blushing slightly, as if the conversation had been the most difficult feat of his life.

"will not take." Whispered Draco and Ron disappeared from the fireplace. The green-eyed watched a few extra seconds before leaving as well. No sooner had severed communication fell to his knees with a silly grin on their lips and watery eyes. It was a couple of minutes on ground when he suddenly stood up and began frantically to prepare for your stay at the Weasley house. *******

barely had one foot outside the door of the Burrow when it is opened and let him see again that seemed to have taken seriously their role as exclusive torment. "Potter. "Health in a tone that gave the impression that he wanted to spit out the name but had been choked. The dark came with an apron, which made him look strangely homey.

"Malfoy. Some things never change, I guess." Leaving said space to let in and wondering for the package he was carrying in her arms. "And those?"

"Do not play with illusions." I said with arrogance and cover the shame of carrying the gifts. , "Son of Ron. The forgotten at home."

"I bought presents?" exclaimed Harry incredulously to what Draco almost ground his teeth and then push it through.

"Do not assume that's what you get for Christmas, Potter?" He said looking casually inside the house looking for a red hair known. "Where's Ron?"

"In your room. As I said. ... I've been waiting about thirty seconds?" I said, mocking the brown and gave Draco a of his famous puffing and went upstairs to Ron's room without answering the giggling behind her. "Dinner will be ready soon." exclaimed Harry still smiling. Draco ignored him to go upstairs Olympian . The only way Hermione stumbled across who greeted him civilly. Arthur was surprised that neither and Molly seem to be at home or at least not to the eye and usually used to spend.

"Ron?" And immediately called several heads peered into the hallway. Draco coughed and gave a nod to everyone greeted. The silence became awkward until Ron opened the door of his room.

A pale hand was all that was seen, seeking the hand of Draco. The blond was quick to pick it up and moments later was pulled shyly into the room.

Draco left the door open to enter and Ron offered gifts in his arms. The redhead stared at him blankly. "These are for you. The left at home." He said as explanation for deciding to leave them all over the bed. Ron watched her until she decided approach. The blond then began to enlarge the gifts he had shrunk.

"I have nothing for you." Draco whispered suddenly and stopped all movement, turning to see a Ron downcast and somewhat sad. He approached hastily and took the redhead's face in his hands, crouching almost nothing to be in your field of vision.

"No need to give me anything. I'll settle for you to remember my name and want to be with you. That's enough for me. "I said with apprehension, but later acknowledge that sounded corny at the time it seemed more appropriate to express what I felt.

"Will you stay the whole week?" Asked in a whisper the redhead and Draco smiled.

"That's what I asked." No? You'll be all week. "I replied with a smile whose only witness was always Ron." Have did you manage to get down to dinner? "Draco knew it was arranged, but the mere fact that you responded the redhead was a joy to him. Just as eager, the redhead nodded." Then go down. " She took his hand, without feeling the looks that attracted when they left the hall rooms.

Arriving at the table was not only Harry who gave them a suspicious look but said nothing. Minutes later met the rest of the family around the table. As Harry had said, only he and Hermione left the huge group that had been the previous day. The atmosphere was more intimate and even Ron seemed more inclined to share. Draco

no doubt that with a little more time next to his family, the redhead would ever be the same as before faster. I only regret was that perhaps the idea of declarársele was still too early to be pregnant thinking . Maybe the idea would never be acceptable ... not after everything that had gone red. Still, I was sure that if Ron could only give his presence and nothing else, he would be satisfied. No one would believe him, but in his heart he knew it was true.

The dinner passed without more convenient than one or two sharp jokes from Harry and a few sharp response from Draco while Ron watched it all with a shy smile. Hermione Weasley and husbands did not stop smiling when I see them discuss, but, noting the lively redhead's face. A couple of times the couple had looked Weasley and Draco had nodded without noticing.

When he finally came time to sleep was the blond felt a twinge of anxiety. At home he always had the red room and he had not tried to change that at all. To his surprise, Ron was the same as that decided. The redhead had looked at the clock, reminding Draco instructions not to go to bed later eleven, then had taken the hand of the blonde and had declared that it was time to go to sleep.

The blond got up without any resistance but his eyes met those of everyone in the room. The only look that answered his question was that of Molly, a little nod that seemed to leave all she needed . It felt like a dream when taken in hand by Ron climbed the stairs. I could have sworn that their most beautiful fantasies of love were waiting behind that door where her red hair it away. It was impossible to avoid or control at the time and was allowed to imagine. dream that Ron had spent eleven years in hell and that all was well, which loved and they were just visiting at Christmas time in the house of her parents.

slept in the same room and in the same bed. As if it were the most normal thing in the world had brought him there and had changed shamelessly in front of you. Suddenly she realized how much I had redhead improved since arriving at his home eight months ago. All those treatments and potions had been wonderful. The twilight of the room was more than enough to notice these wonderful details.

When they went to bed, first Ron, Draco thought it best to keep some distance. I did not trust his treacherous body and did not want for anything to compromise the confidence of the red.

All efforts collapsed when Ron was snuggled against his body with a sensual cream. "Ron?" Asked in a whisper content. The redhead raised his head slightly and gave him a fearful look, waiting to be rejected immediately. Draco's heart gave a painful shift in his chest and swallowed hard. He took a hand under the covers and stroked his cheek red tortured. "Good night." He leaned to deposit a kiss on her forehead. He was rewarded with a smile as she felt how Ron was leaning toward the innocent touch of your hand.

The next morning came quickly. No one was to wake, no one dared to enter the room and nobody made noise outside. When Draco finally able to wake up to find that Ron was watching him carefully. "Hello." Whispered sleepily.

"Hello." I said with a shy smile.

"Did you sleep well?" This time was a nod and the redhead's body was suddenly closer to his body, enough to plant a kiss on the lips shooting that left him surprised. "Ron ? "He asked, not sure why that was red.

"I want to go home." He told Draco suddenly seemed to relax.

"You're home." He said as he bent to return the fleeting kiss. A voice hoarsely from the door and both turned to see a black something serious in it.

"Breakfast is ready." I said before closing the door, leaving Draco wanting to throw a curse early in the morning.

"We'd better prepare to lose." Muttered dropping on the pillow covering his eyes with his arm. He heard a deep laugh next to him and to his surprise found that the gesture had caused that lovely sound your bed partner. "I missed you laughter. "I said softly lest she come back to listen." I did not realize until now that I listen. "

Ron leaned sideways looking at Draco." Why not want to be my master? "I said as out of nowhere to take the blond by surprise.

"I ..."

"I've been good. I can do things ... if you want ..." exclaimed the redhead with enormous apprehension and blue eyes.

"Shh ... Ron ... do not go." Draco interrupted him by placing a finger on her lips the redhead. "Believe me, there was nothing else in the world want to be your love ..." I said feeling like a snake crawling but it was the truth. "But when you came to the house ..." Draco straightened up a little. "Say you still want to be mine, but not that way." To his dismay the redhead's face fell slightly. "As we went down to breakfast, okay?"

With the same ease as the day before, Ron Draco is changed before he could not help him with the corner of my eye and think about what pervert that he felt every time I wanted to see it.

went down to breakfast and even though Harry had not risen very friendly breakfast was as lively as ever. The only difference that the blonde could see was that the green-eyed seemed to have a stunning dark circles. Do not hesitate to discuss this .

"Hey, Potter. What's wrong, do not sleep well?"

"Shut up, Malfoy, if you wish to burn the toast." Muttered the aforementioned as he poured a large cup of coffee milk.

"Harry, do not lose your manners." Hermione admonished him with a smile which, to everyone's surprise, the brunette said with a look of hatred.

"Mione, my dear, bad stomach again?" Asked Molly for the low to the chestnut nodded with a chuckle making Draco arched an eyebrow.

"Bad belly?" He asked out loud without caring about the look he gave the dark. Arthur was the one who responded with a huge smile.

"Yes, is that Hermione has given him but Harry himself. Insurance is left to jump, you know." He said gesturing with the hand that Draco just understood.

"Do not say you do not know what is left jumping, Malfoy." Said Hermione this time. When Draco shook the chestnut was a slight snort but proceeded to explain. "When the husband is allowed to his pregnant wife will go above and ends up suffering bad stomach that corresponds to it. "Draco took a while to sink in but when he finally did Harry had to threaten him with an unforgivable to stop laughing.

After breakfast Draco did not know what they could do apart from being together as he had asked Ron. I was not at home and did not know if any of the things to importune Weasley. Take Ron's house was off the case.

What I could feel was kind of tense atmosphere. Do not know if it was part of Dirty Harry and the blood or from husbands Weasley, but there was something that made him feel a little uncomfortable. Era like a whisper behind his back that he could not identify.

"Is there anything interesting to do around here, Potter?" Finally asked when the rest of the inhabitants were left in relative peace. After having had a coffee the dark seemed to have recovered his usual good spirits.

"insurance. Mione Molly and details are still preparing for New Year's Eve, so do not bother us. Mr. Weasley helps but I prefer to stay away, the last time I was not very helpful."

"Oh, so that's what we have been doing?"

"Sure. Mione's great with the fireworks. Although I'm sure the twins will bring their own. But I, being you, take me away from them. "

" That does not even have to mention it, Potter. "

" Well, then give me a few minutes while finished with the kitchen. We could try that Quiddicth team that brought you to Ron. "

Draco thought maybe Ron would not be too encouraged to try to fly yet, but once they were outside and saw Draco mounted on one of the Additional broom Harry had brought the blue eyes encouraged enough.

The blond was with fascination as her red hair smiled as the three played a Quaffle throw and hit. The red laughter erupt again and Draco was left dumbfounded to hear. It was not until Harry gave an accurate elbow came out of his daze.

"Hey, Malfoy! Be careful, you could could slip of the brush with all the drool that you are dropping. "Exclaimed Harry Draco slyly making acquired a reddish hue that was not doing anything.

"Potter!" He shouted in anger and dashed after the dark without noticing that Ron chuckle as he watched as if remembering better times.

was around noon, when Molly shouted that it was finally lunchtime when the three fell to the ground. Ron looked a little unsteady on his legs but Draco felt the same, did not practice much to fly on a broomstick. , Harry gave them a look of superiority that led to bad thoughts in Draco and Ron just shook his head, still amused by the dynamics of the game.

"I'd forgotten how fun to watch them argue." Suddenly the redhead said making Draco and Harry to stop a few seconds, the blonde with some excitement and brown with a lopsided grin that broke out in a small laugh. ; Harry approached him and gave him a good pat on the shoulder.

"Sure, buddy, it's nice nice to remember the good times." And he put his arm around the neck in the same way that Soliera do when you were in school.

Draco followed them with a strange sensation in the chest. Even he had forgotten the happier times they had lived during his education at Hogwarts. Were certainly tense times but still had time to play \u0026lt;i> \u0026lt; / i> enemies with Potter and his friends. Yes, they were happy times they had lived since then had nothing to do with games.

lunched with courage, Ron eating more than you usually eat, cheering back to blond. But then, after lunch, Potter made a request that left him with a feeling of anxiety.

"Malfoy," Ron would give me this afternoon? It is not long, just a chat among friends. Before I could not, you know. "Potter's tone was a little fearful, as if Draco really had the power to refuse to talk to Ron. Anyway nodded their agreement but later, when Harry Ron carried the backyard of the house, red hair blue eyes had looked with some fear but he had ignored. There would now begin a relationship of master and slave if she had already given the freedom to choose for himself. Decided then return home for more clothes, not his alone, but Ron.

Harry took Ron to the backyard. Some garden gnomes squeezed through the lawn high to see them go. "I'll have to spend a little more attention to the garden." Harry commented to view and after that stayed a while in a meditative silence.

"I do not really see again." Remarked the dark staring at the floor. "We are looking for so long ..." Blue eyes turned to him as if he saw for the first time.

"It was impossible. We put a spell. Still do not know how he found me Malfoy." Muttered with a sigh. "I would like to be blamed for that. Besides, I was so bad ... the early years, yes, were a torture, but after I lost the novelty. "

" The spirit, you mean. "Ron denied to the desolate look of his friend.

"No ... somehow ... somehow I managed to salvage something. While lying if I said it was not until I was facing the tree I started \u0026lt;i> back \u0026lt;/ i> to my old self. Before it seemed that he was in a dream. "

" Malfoy ... he ... "

" He had a lot of patience, Harry. I think he deserves some credit. "


(missing the following day until the new year)

******* "I want to go home." He said suddenly and Draco's eyes softened but when he was about to remind you that once was home Ron interrupted. "Harry and I had a conversation yesterday. "

" What kind of conversation? "He asked with more than anxiety.

"Harry told me ... it was my house once, but had spent so much time outside that it might no longer really considered as my own. That maybe I felt more comfortable with you because you loved me. "Draco held his breath and did not know whether to bless or curse the dark in those moments." Is it true? "

" What I love you? "The redhead nodded and Draco sighed. ; "Yes, indeed. I love you more than anyone in the world, Ron. I love you very much."

"Then, my home is where your own." Given this statement gray eyes Blonde filled with tears and found it difficult to keep them in the red. "Draco?"

"Ron. You make me so happy." he whispered in a trembling voice as he took his face and hung out compared with that of the red, trying to control the sobs of joy to not scare him. When he finally took a long breath to speak and try as he might wash your question got something. "But before I go home I need to know something." You love me? "There was a long silence, broken only by the troubled Draco's breath waiting patiently for the answer Ron.

"I want ... to be by your side ... always. Long ago forgot what it was like love ... but it was you who remember me."

"Ron." Whispered excitedly throwing forgetting all restraint the neck of her red hair and hugging him as hard as she could as she kissed his face.

"That means you go home? "asked Ron if Draco could finally restore sanity.

"Yes, Ron, that means you go home, but first we have to talk to your parents."

"Why?" Ron asked Draco suddenly stopped doing that in his thoughts. Blinked before recovering slowly calm. "You said it was free to do whatever he wanted."

"Yes, it is. But we must be educated and I have to tell your parents that I stay with you the rest of my life. "He said with a smile which there could be hidden if I tried. "I want everyone to know that we will be together forever."

"Will you marry?" cried a voice from the door and both turned to look surprised. Harry was the door and watched with a grin from ear to ear.

"Potter!" Get out! "Shouted the angry blonde.

"I want to be the best man." Draco said before managed to reach his wand and the blond could clearly hear the cries that the news caused the rest of the inhabitants of the house when the dark fell the stairs shouting. He put his hand to his temple.

"I'm going to kill Potter." But then Ron took the hand of the temple.

"Really getting married?" He asked innocently, after Draco decided to take a deep breath after this declaration of love was no more to offer his last gift. He could be reached without moving side red to reach the bedside table and draw the box where he kept the ring to offer it.

"I would very happy if he accepted to marry me." I said bluntly when the redhead opened the box.

"Does that mean we'll finally have sex?" The question took the blond race.

"But ... but ... you're just recovering from having spent eleven years in the hands of unscrupulous men who did not have the slightest care ..." I could hardly repeat.

"and it took several months without even being allowed to get a straw for my last master plan that stopped liking sex. Finally I have the opportunity to choose with whom to do it." Draco could not answer, just nodded feeling like a fool until Ron took the ring from the box and offered it to put it.

The blond took the little basket with some shaky early and put on the ring finger of ginger, sealing a commitment to each other while the house went down in the happy hubbub.

morning and congratulations passed between the arrival of more Weasley family home, attracted by the news. Draco spent all like a dream and even though Ron was not entirely at ease with so many people around the hand in his comforted him greatly.

While Draco continued later managed to have a moment alone with her red hair in a corner of the room. Seated next to each other, so close that it was impossible to tell where one ends and the other began. Draco leaned slightly to Ron and asked the hearing.

"What happened to the shy red from a couple of days?" Whispered still smiling.

"I think ... had to give way to red before finally finding the way home." Draco gently stroked the red sweater he wore still Ron and smiled.

"Welcome home." He whispered again feeling Draco had finally found both the red Time had been looking for. And it was best that the redhead had found him.

******* ******* Owari


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