Saturday, July 14, 2007

Italian Fake Contacts

HPxLM 67 June 2007

******* Harry aims to fill the void in her heart and decided to try the connection wizard / magician magician but a greater than himself. Reach an exclusive home appointments and there is Lucius Malfoy. *******

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling. *******

was the first time I went to a place. Of course he had found partners experience a night at bars and clubs, but not in a place. It would probably be the first time pay, but it was not important. After all this time and try out as many young bodies had concluded that he needed something different and was willing to look to find it.

The place was like he had been told, discreet and elegant. The perfect place to hide a discrete pure blood was devoted to matters not very clear. The pure blood wizard probably cost a fortune. A that would add a good amount as the magician knowing your identity and finally accepted the proposal likely would charge you something extra if it was too fussy.

But he had the money and was willing to spend even just to know if that is what would satisfy the void that had grown inside.

was taken to one of the tables when he showed the card was obtained by a hefty sum and there was served a glass of wine from a decent crop, courtesy of the house.

spent several minutes waiting when he saw the man who had served the cup back. "Sorry, Mr. Potter. The companion requested is not available at this time ..." He stopped talking when he saw that Harry was beginning to write something in an elegant piece of parchment.

"Could you give this notice when one becomes vacant? May not take long." I said with a short smile and the intention of waiting naked in his eyes. The man gave a small sigh and nodded, He closed the piece of parchment with care and without reading it.

"As you wish, Mr. Potter."


waited about half an hour and a drink more when the man finally brought him news.

"Mr. Potter, would do the favor to accompany me?" Harry followed the man with discretion, leaving the main room, climb the elegant staircase and down the corridor until you reach a door whose only distinction was a symbol in polished silver .

"Your escort will assist you in minutes." He told the man and walked away after opening the door.

The interior was in semi darkness but at bottom, a stylish and comfortable chair awaited him slightly lit. As he approached he heard the door close. finished fixing when he heard the voice. I was not sure where came from and he sounded familiar but could not recognition.

"I can not even understand why it would even pay to speak to me, Mr. Potter. But you must understand that I can not expose myself to simply allow their curiosity."

"Then someone I know." Harry could hear clearly the weary sigh.


"Probably this is a whim one night. I am willing to pay whatever it takes. "

" Despite the lack of money. "In the declaration Harry hesitated for the first time." harm does not interest me, Mr. Potter. Not everyone is after his head these days. "

" Sorry. It was well for quite some time. Do not lose the habit of thinking so easily. I am willing to pay enough, even if not money, if the experience is worth it. "

" You'll have to excuse me but ... can not decide that without haber pagado.”

“Entonces supongo que será uno de los costos no monetarios que tendré que asumir.”

“Definitivamente.”  Harry pareció meditarlo por un largo rato hasta que finalmente asintió.  “Una última condición, señor Potter.”  Esta vez la voz se escuchó un poco más reservada.


“Voy a revelarle mi identidad, pero primero quiero un juramento inquebrantable de que no la revelará a otros.  Ni mi identidad ni mi localización ni lo que hago para ganarme la vida.”

“De acuerdo.  I, Harry James Potter, do solemnly swear that I shall not disclose to any other name, identity, place, work or any details of my date tonight ... ever. "As soon as Harry had finished speaking and moving his wand a slight sheen illuminated the tip of it. "Done."

The lights in the room did not become more intense but the voice rang out everywhere, and concentrated in front of where he sat. Although there was a voice ... more like a breath. Some felt soft steps on the carpet in front of the chair and the first thing Harry could see were the bare feet of his companion, pale in the dim light that illuminated the circle of the chair. An elaborately embroidered robes, too showy suggesting the occupation of whom wore.

looked up and stayed blank for a while. I knew that face to perfection. Those gray eyes had ever seen with contempt and rage, now watching him from drooping eyelids, which showed only the sexual overtones the meeting.

"Lucius." He whispered with some disbelief and react as his mind the man watched him closely.

"You can still withdraw its offer, Mr. Potter. Understand if I did. "At the sound of those words Harry finally emerged from her shock and refused.

"No. I could not withdraw my offer. I could not live if you reject this opportunity." Harry got up with all the serenity he could to get closer to Lucius. "Do we begin?"

"Money, Potter." Harry nodded, never taking his eyes off the \u0026lt;i> scion \u0026lt;/ i> of the Malfoy pulled a small black velvet bag and put it on the couch. Lucius shook head nod and Harry, with no other obstacle, took him by the neck and plunged his tongue in his lips. *******

Three months had passed since his meeting with Lucius Malfoy in that place and now he was again in front of the doors. This time I had a card or anything like that and wondered whether it would be received anyway. Above feel out of place, the nervousness was wreaking havoc with your esteem. He had never felt as nervous as at the time.

The same man who had served for three months before he sat down and took a glass of wine. Not asked nothing, just disappeared. After a while he returned with another glass of wine and a piece of rolled parchment.

quickly read the content and let out a sigh imperceptibly before producing a self-ink pen and scribbled more than write a couple of numbers. He rolled back the parchment and handed it to the man who took it with a nod and disappeared again.

A few minutes had the privilege of being led back to that door behind which was the man who caused that nervousness. Closed the door and was sure just where in the room was pulled Lucius the velvet bag on the couch and began to undress.

"Potter ..." said the man began to see him throw that way about your body, but Harry did not let him finish. Lucius feel needed, needed to touch his body, knowing full well that the only thing that could ease their anxiety was him.

"Whatever it takes." She whispered between kisses that seemed to burn the skin as soon as they played Lucius, blushing. "I can ... I want to pay."

Lucius then let the man take it and do with her body whatever she wanted. It was near dawn when Harry was finally exhausted enough to go and he fell on his body.

"How much have you cost me just for me?" He asked when he had recovered his breath a little.

"Nonsense, Potter. Such treatment is not offered to just anyone ..." Harry growled slightly before returning to take over his mouth.

"How?" He asked again, this time with more authority. Lucius studied it carefully.

"Even I have bills to pay ... responsibilities to fulfill. "

" I'll pay your debts and fulfill your responsibilities. "

" No. "Lucius interrupted immediately." I pay my debts and fulfill what I play. You should provide me the life I lead here over the profits they make. "

" Do you have a rough? "He asked knowing that the man had already done the math. Indeed. The amount seemed exorbitant.

"I thought." Le said after a good time.

"I will not leave here without your response."

"What if I refuse?"

long thought Harry. Do not want to threaten the missing man, but he had made an oath and did not think that would be gained by breaking the confidence of Lucius. smiled slightly before responding more appropriately to their intentions. "Then people will probably start to wonder why Harry Potter visit the place so much. surely come back reporters and news my whereabouts. "Lucius gave him a puzzled look. You may really expected threatened him in any way. "If you come with me I'll have to come every day and make sure no one else occupies your time."

"Is that supposed to make me change my mind?"

"can test. In less than a month, if I come every day, surely this is no longer a place so private. "

" I'll think. "

" I will not go up ... "

" That's my answer Today, Mr. Potter. "

" Harry. still does not end as long as I paid. "He recalled without regret or remorse. Lucius's face changed. "I do not live in the twelve Grimmauld, not even close to Godric's Hollow. My house is very private, very few know where it is. It is very safe and has everything ..."

"Why not offer me marriage then, Harry? You would be cheaper."

"Will you marry me?" The question came before Harry could stop him and they even felt uncomfortable with the sudden atmosphere.

"The target is not going." Lucius said, suddenly getting up to sit on the edge of the bed. "I doubt the rest of the wizarding community take the news happily." It was a lift but Harry managed to take his arm stopping him. He crawled slowly to have Lucius prisoner in his arms.

"How long can you expect to return?" Harry whispered in the ear of man. Lucius took a deep breath and lowered his head, after a while he replied.

"Three weeks. ... I have responsibilities." Harry slowly returned back to bed and came to possess it, no rush, just enjoying the feeling of Lucius satisfaction that caused him to love.

******* "You're standing." Lucius whispered fired after Harry to see that someone looked out the curtains that protected the bed where he was. "Do not try too much. "He said while getting up. The only newcomer's response was a hoarse whisper, as if he had great difficulty speaking.

"... I do not want you to continue ..."

Lucius pulled the robe and used his wand to remove traces of sex out of bed and your skin.

"Draco, know that this is the least dangerous ... "But the young blonde took one look upset his father and tried to speak again as Lucius stopped. Talking to Draco was difficult due to an injury to his throat caused by a curse after he failed to kill the school principal and was found by the servants of the Lord. Not only was it hard to talk but to walk or move. Every day was an agony to her son and doctors cost a fortune, it no longer possessed.

"Accept your offer ... ..."

"Were you listening?" Lucius asked, confused but the look on your child's face said it all.

"Accept ... Potter's offer .... I'll be fine."

"I can not do that, Draco. You know I could ..."

"I'll be fine." Vehemently insisted the young. "Accept." Re-emphasized. "I do not want to keep doing this." He managed to whisper smooth as he approached with trembling steps relying on the old stick of his father.

"It's Potter ... not just any wizard. Sooner or later everything will come out. "

" I'll be fine! "The angry whisper shook the whole body of Draco and Lucius feared losing balance so rushed to his side. Draco pushed him away slightly so. "I myself will write a Potter ..." He whispered still annoying.

"Why him?"

"Love" *******

Lucius unconsciously clutched small handbag when she entered the house and felt close protection spells on both. The place was perfect in his opinion. The house was well away in a lonely little village in the coastal town of Falmouth in Cornwall, England. While the outside was inside ordinary had, as While Harry had said, everything you need and a little more because when he had said that he had been thinking of everything you need for a Malfoy.

While Harry had shown a room for me to call him, the man had been clear in saying he expected to sleep together every night.

had what he wanted there, Harry had planned almost everything. But the heart Lucius was still in the place where his son was still hidden. The only two conditions Lucius, impossible to compromise had been a substantial allowance to be transferred directly into your account and the other a departure where Harry would refrain from following Lucius wherever they were to leave. Lucius would not give his whereabouts, would early in the morning and return in time for dinner, nothing more. Also had forbidden track him. At the time Lucius noticed he was being followed Harry had warned that his life would disappear forever.

For the moment Harry had agreed to all requests without reproach. The only thing asked in return was your body at all times and everywhere.


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