Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fotografies Hanamontanja

WK 01 71 70 HP HP

Changes *******

order house to spy on Malfoy, Harry exchanged his body with that of Draco and is sent to the mansion. Here you will learn what it means to a family while Draco learns that not everything is as expected in the body of the Boy Who Lived. *******

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling. *******

Harry was prepared mentally for what was to come. The Draco Malfoy's unconscious body was on one table in one of the laboratories of Professor Severus Snape, Potions Master. had been brought there against their will and would be subjected to a process of exchange of souls as well against their will.

sighed, had not found another way to end the war. They hoped that Harry, Malfoy's body could get close enough to the Lord and to discover their weaknesses and attack better. It would have two months to discover and in some ways would be protected because the Lord would not give importance to be Draco Malfoy, but which would focus on killing that appeared under all of the law, being Harry Potter.

In some ways I felt a twisted pleasure in knowing that Malfoy would have to take your life miserable place. Of course I was worried how I could survive for two months in pretending to be Draco Malfoy Manor, as close to Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Of the two, obviously, Lucius was more concerned, but already had it covered. Draco Malfoy

suffer an accident just the night ... an accident that you would act differently than they used to. No one was sure how different it would be because Harry would have to learn quickly how they actually behaved the young with their parents. But what he wanted was to play well their letters, it would be possible to take him to a meeting of Death Eaters. I just needed something to give him the advantage and this could be your only chance.

He lay on the table and let him administer the potion Severus without resistance. Draco did not really know I happened to be in the number twelve, Grimmauld Place, where it would be watched and guarded so as not to escape while being led to believe it really was Harry Potter ... clear, with the help of a potion.

Upon awakening was found in the infirmary, a horrible pain all over his body prevented him from breathing properly. Do not remember anything of what was supposed to have happened until he saw Ron and Hermione hurried to go and spend your bed nursing long. He was very aware of the hateful look his best friend gave him to pass by. It was not until he followed with his eyes and saw that they approached a prostrate form several more beds below. A black-haired young man seemed unaware and to which both looked with great concern.

"Harry ... What made you that ferret? "Ron asked loud enough for him to where he could hear. The reality of what happened came when his side was a figure which had learned to trust .. . at least for this mission. The black eyes of Severus watched him critically.

"How do you feel, young Malfoy?" He asked with apparent disinterest.

"Is it normal that I feel so bad?"

"No. .." The teacher lowered his voice and sat on the bed beside her. "Spell was supposed to be conducted with the consent of both parties.'s Body ... Draco ... resisted the exchange, he feared that to happen. I was more than an hour trying to separate and by then the damage was done. If the other body also battle probably would have given me from completing the ritual. "

"Then I feel as good as I can be." She whispered closing her eyes now gray.

"should be prepared. His parents are here within half an hour. "

" My parents. "he whispered with a strange sensation.

"Yes, young \u0026lt;i> Malfoy \u0026lt;/ i>. His parents." He emphasized the surname and Harry came out of that strange emotion. James and Lily would not be those who would come for him. .. Lucius and Narcissa would. He swallowed uncomfortably. It would not be easy what was done. The teacher gave some basic instructions, history and others, but then left alone waiting for their new parents came for him. It was the last day of school that year and hence the start of the two-month vacation. Two months would happen in that house in your dreams considered cursed.

half hour later, Lucius Malfoy made his way to the bed where he was the son \u0026lt;i> \u0026lt;/ i>. Harry had fallen asleep, too tired to resist so could not see it coming.

"Draco?" Draco? What the hell happened here? "Where is the jurisdiction of Dumbledore?" The screams were so awakening. The look next to a furious Lucius was not very helpful and tried to defend some form of hurting your body in the process. A groan Lucius was enough to stop crying and she devoted all her attention on his leadership . "Draco, dear?" How do you feel? What happened? "

opened huge eyes to see him so close but was saved from responding when Madame Pomfrey, attracted by the screams reached the spot. "Mr. Malfoy! I would appreciate it control his temper, is in nursing, there are other students here who need their rest. Your son is fine, just need plenty of rest, a full week if possible. Professor Snape and potions have been prepared which will be taken during that week. "Lucius seemed to argue but when a white hand rested on his shoulder from behind any attempt to revolt faded from its position.

"Well ... Nurse Pomfrey. Thanks for making everything possible for our child would be treated according to their status and severity. "The nurse gave a slight snort, she knew nothing of what Severus, Albus and Harry were planning. And only had attended the young man who she thought was Draco Malfoy. The woman nodded and left, apparently to meet the young man who thought he was Harry. Lucius gave him a look that is softened slightly resentful when they landed on his person. Harry shuddered involuntarily. He was the man who had tried to assassinate him in the Ministry of Magic and the woman was the sister of the woman who hated worldwide, Bellatrix, who was now his ... aunt.

did not want to go with those people, I was terrified ... but I had to do what he could to stop the war and senseless killing. "I'll get the potions." Lucius and Narcissa murmured nodded taking his place in bed next to her son.

"Love .. How do you feel? "

" I ache all over. "She whispered softly." I'm so tired ... "

" Ya, ya ... when we come to the mansion you can relax all you want. "muttered the woman between affectionate and warm voice. sighed trying to calm down when the woman reached out and stroked his face removing the locks of hair that hid. *******

The trip to the Mansion was much longer than I imagined at first, especially because every movement was raging in his aching body. had taken the recommended potions but the pain was still too much. Upon arrival helped Lucius dismounted and led him carefully the room supposed to be his for those two months. He was offered something to eat but did not feel hunger and therefore preferred to sleep. Neither

Malfoy bothered him while he slept. Narcisa only come every few hours and he returned to manage the potions for pain that kept them half asleep most of the time.


slept all day and all night to wake up groggy and with no idea where he was. When he was a little more awake noted that the body ached just a little less. It seems that Draco had been reluctant to exchange with all their forces which apparently were many. It was a time awake in bed and when he had tried to get up he had to withdraw immediately. sighed sore.

Barely a few minutes when someone knocked on the door. "Go." A very concerned Narcissa Malfoy entered the room carrying a tray itself breakfast. A Harry never in his life had brought her breakfast in bed and could not open your eyes too big to see how the woman, trying to smile, he accommodated the tray.

"Here we go." He murmured in a melodious voice. "You must eat right, baby, will help you feel better." Looking at the plate he realized that almost all the food was previously cut into small snacks. arched an eyebrow without ever knowing it was the same way that Draco.

"Do not give me that look, you know you have nothing to eat and you will gain weight. That's nonsense and you know, a Malfoy does not gain weight so easily. So I will not leave here until you eat it all. "Harry did not know why but listen to the reason why apparently the son of Malfoy felt the colors would not eat subírsele the face.

"Yes, mother." Embarrassed and feeling even whispered the last word gets stuck in the throat. He lifted a fork and slowly began to eat. The woman's eyes watching him carefully. ; When he was satisfied he had devoured almost everything that was on the plate and all the juice. Narcisa smiling pleased and when he was wiping his mouth with the napkin tray disappear quickly. Without a word the woman hugged him, thought he would tighten hard, like hugging Molly, hurting him in the act but it was the opposite . The embrace was soft and Harry felt the need to return it, after he was posing as his son. It felt so strange that only managed to blush.

"Draco, son, are you okay? Do not have a fever?" The white hands touched her face.

"No, mother, I'm fine." I Narcissa smiled innocently as she smiled, shaking the embrace Harry was in the clouds ... even for a few days ... have a family.

******* Draco awoke to the feeling of having been through immense pain but to prove his limbs all seemed perfectly normal ... with the exception of their eyes. They are rubbed several times but was no better until suddenly someone put something in his face. blinked confused and took off the engine. They were something scratched lenses could not recognize.

"Since when do I need glasses?" He asked with surprise them on the face again so he could see who was speaking was Madame Pomfrey. He could not ask anything more because I suddenly found himself surrounded by a group of Gryffindor, including blood and dirty pauper Weasley.

"Quiet everybody." Cried the small but strong woman. "Mr. Potter has just woken up so I'll ask you to remain silent or have to leave nursing." Ron and Hermione snorted slightly simply turn your eyes. "They have fifteen minutes, nothing more, then I want out of nursing." After the woman left them alone.

"Harry, how you feel?" Hermione asked gently. But Draco was not listening. Since Madame Pomfrey would refer to him as Lord \u0026lt;i> Potter \u0026lt;/ i> your neurons had stopped working.


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