Saturday, July 14, 2007

Tiffany Christmas Ornaments Silver


70 HPX

July 10, 2007 *******

Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling. *******

Harry is a dragon in human form. The villagers have always believed that human sacrifices appease it. A different girl comes to their domains and several gentlemen behind her with the intention of saving it. But it is not so shy girl and the dragon is not so scary. *******

coming down the road. The previous night had seen the flares and knew you'd find one where the stone had shackles and chains. A seductively beautiful maiden dressed in white or light blue with beautiful golden hair and, least liked, we wept.

usually open the ball and the lead up to the next village without being able to understand what the young speak because she probably would be so impressed that I could not tell anything.

"Damn!" He paused a moment to hear the cry before continuing a little more quickly.

The maid was there, tied with chains and shackles, her hair was not golden like wheat but it is a beautiful honey color with caramel and chocolate flashes. Was dressed in blue but not crying uncontrollably but struggled frantically loose from the chains. From afar he could see blood down her wrists.

"Wait, do not do that!" I shouted from hurrying away to his side. "You're hurting."

"Obviously." screamed the girl. "should not be here, the monster could arrive at any moment." He said without paying much attention to youth as he continued trying to break free of shackles.'s stopped.

"Monster?" He asked as he pulled out a metal wire and began to tweak the bloody bolt shackles.

"Do not you know? There is a dragon nearby. I'm supposed to sacrifice! But certainly nobody expected to try to escape. "She said she calmed down a bit to see what he was trying to do.

"Well ... I've never seen any monster here." I said after a pause could finally open the shackle happy and prepared to open the other.

"Do you live around here?" Have not you heard? Their roars are heard to the village. "

" The truth ... I'll probably sleep hard because I have not heard anything. "He replied without looking in the face to hide the slight blush as she said it would be more careful and not be swayed by how cute she was sleeping the night outdoors.

Finally the young man was free but it was obvious that after struggled against the shackles of hands and feet was unable to walk.'s Lifted her before she could fall.

"What are you doing?" Exclaimed the girl. "I can walk." Exclaimed the young brown hair with some petulance and had to put her down.

"You can not. The road is long to the people. Did not you say that soon there would be a monster? Surely if you try We just walk backward. "

" Okay. "He mumbled something reluctantly." But there is no other way to load? is shameful that I upload this. "

" Can I help yet objections put me? "She hit upon to blush." Upload then ... will carry you on my back if you think best. "The girl nodded, and when he had bent clung to his neck, the wide dress covering the fact that he was straddling the waist of the young. "My name is Harry. Are you from around here?" Questions raised without effort.

"Nice to meet you, Harry, my man is Hermione. The thing I'm really far from my house and do not know how I could go back because I have not a penny." He said cheerfully. "But that's what least of my worries now. "

" How so? "

" It's a long story. Do you live nearby? "

" Say yes. "

" When we passed the town we heard the roar of monster. How can you say that you have not heard? "exclaimed Hermione behind. The young man continued in silence a long way. The young woman readjusted on his back, apparently deciding that it did not answer and it was best not to disturb him more. breathed relief. Minutes later feel the body relax completely except young arms around his neck. He smiled slightly. It was the first time I talked to one of the girls and at least it seemed to have enough control over their emotions.

already arrived at his cave when the dark clouds that had been clotted in the morning the first drops of rain. He rushed a bit more before the rain would soak and resigned to having to accommodate the girl while passing shower.

took her to a room that was carefully carved into the rock and whose lighting was quite nice though it's not outdoors. He had a somewhat rustic bed barely used but everything was completely clean. He looked into their few belongings something with which to wash the wounds of the young.

After cleaning and make sure he was completely asleep, he breathed on them with his breath Draconic sure they would be disinfected and would leave no scar but not cure them completely. Do not want to get up suspicion. The leaves covered with medicinal and then bandaged with clean cloths. After he sat down to wait sitting on the rustic lintel of the window, admiring the rain and brilliant lightning occasionally illuminated the town nearby. *******

clashed swords releasing sparks of fire in the moment when both men returned to cross. A dangerous metal rhythm that promised pain. "Where did you bring?" shouted one of the two men while struggling with the other at the time when swords were crossed and nested.

"I doubt you can save at this point. "

" Bastard! "The thrust was that the other gentleman rolled and his opponent took the opportunity to stab the sword through the shoulder with such force that was driven into the ground as well. A hoarse cry arose from the wounded knight.

"take me to where you left off and if it's too late I'll make sure you run the same fate."

******* "Do you feel better?" I asked the young to see who had woken up and was standing a few steps from the entrance to his own room. Hermione nodded and entered with safer steps to see what she look like a huge empty cave.

"You live here?" Asked shocked looking at his surroundings. Harry nodded. "It's so large ... ... lonely." To say the least tan eyes are turned to the young him with feeling.

"It's not so bad. I like my privacy." I immediately said stepping back. It was more than known that a woman's tears could revert to a dragon in human form to Draconic. "Furthermore, I have a lot of space. It's great. "I said. Hermione gave him a dubious look and Brown shrugged." Are you hungry? "

" A little. "muttered the young.

"And ... what would you eat?" Asked the young woman trying not to notice the little information we had about humans.

"What you have is fine."

"What we have ... what you have ... well ... have to leave anyway, really went to town to buy something. But we can go and have breakfast there if you want. "

" I ... is far from the people? I'm not used to walking a lot. "

" A little. But I'm pretty fast. I can bring you you want. "Finally managed to convince her and within minutes was out of the cave, with a modest amount of gold that was taken from his personal treasure it as it was known, the Dragons could only sleep on a nest of gold and precious stones.

was just out of sight of the girl used her superhuman speed to reach the people in less time and buy what he order plus some additional things and he assumed that what little he had asked, would surely be hungry shortly.

On return he noticed something strange but assumed it was a normal human reaction. Perhaps humans became somewhat strange to be alone and so the young man had this strange look when asked if he lived alone.

ate quietly and slowly as the day went Hermione explored the cave. A couple of times he was about to discover his treasure and perhaps the bones in his back threatened to find out before her. But it was as if a dragon would allow any near his nest, let alone his bed \u0026lt;i> \u0026lt;/ i>. *******

The blonde was suddenly thrown against the stone wall where hung the shackles. Despite their complaints the redhead chained him to the stone wall before taking by the hair furiously. "suffer the same fate that she and I will be here to see and enjoy my revenge."

"should be accepted ... in honor of his memory. She was not going to marry you ... or me. Lady Granger man did not exist in this world. Ah! " The redhead shook him hitting hard against the stone wall and blur the vision.

"I'm not here because he wanted to marry her but the friendship between us. Consider it revenge of the family." He shook one last time before leaving the road. *******

"Where you going?" Asked Hermione to see what was about to leave.

"I ... well ... the truth ..."

"Harry?" I said in a tone I had ever heard and do it in a way want tell immediately.

"I ... I go where I found you. Is that ... you are not the first to leave where I found you, you know I do not know why they do it but ..."

"Well ... okay. , I guess you're right. But if there's a monster why people keep bringing daughters to that place? "

" For me I also asked. Once I tried to explain it but that would not listen. "


was cautious on the road. Once he had crossed some of the men leading to one of the girls and it was almost impossible to convince them that it was not a thief who was searching for the girl who had just left them there.

he approached he saw someone hanging from chains and sighed. "I never thought they were going to put another so soon." He was surprised to see that this time it was a girl but a young man with blond hair. Search for metal wire used to unlock the shackles but when he approached a voice behind him stopped him.

"Do not come near him!" He turned to see who was talking. A man with a sword came down the road. He had red hair and his face was one of fury. Backed with something of fear, of those he had seen a couple and knew they were dangerous. They were called knights and a sword piercing her heart was the quickest way die to a dragon. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" growled his stopping a few steps. Man chained

seemed to come alive at the time and watched him curiously.

"I ... I come to release him." Harry turned to hear the blond man laughed out loud.

"Did you hear that, Weasley? "Someone's coming to save me." The redhead is joined in the laughter, causing the dark frown. The redhead got the sword on his shoulder and looked at him with amusement.

"save" How do you think? "

" As I've saved all the girls who have been here. "Muttered Harry upset and proceeded to get to the blonde and inserted the wire into the shackle.

"What ...?" He felt he took it in the back before he pushed against the stone wall with no finesse. "Saved to maidens? "The redhead was so close I could have counted the freckles on his nose have wanted. nodded slowly not understand the attitude of the gentleman and carefully watching the sword in his hand. Man chains also paying attention.

"The last girl who was here ... right? Do you saved? "He nodded and the redhead made a radical change." Fantastic! "Take me to her." I pulled his arm and I figured that would drag all the way what sank his feet on the ground with such force that the gentleman almost rips his arm when he stopped.

"First I have to release him." He said while shaking the hand of the gentleman and turned around to do what he had said he would.

"What? Lord Malfoy was the one chained to the last girl here! Do you think releasing it?" Harry stopped and looked at the blond. He was badly wounded and it was clear that soon lose the sense , however, his gray eyes seemed to laugh.

"Is it true what they say?" I asked and the blond shrugged shoulders as best he could.

"It's true. I chained a Lady Granger here for the devouring monster but I am sure that knowing it would find a way not only to escape but to kill the monster." Harry paled slightly when he came to mention the beast but assumed that would not be noticed too.

"Yet I can not leave here. ... Anyway, there are no monsters here." And he began to struggle again with the shackle. The redhead it back away from the chains that held the blond, this time brandishing his sword.

"If there are no monsters here then ... "a well-aimed blow the chains that held the blond were cut, then the feet, leaving him fall.

"You let him fall." I called upon him to attract the gaze of both gentlemen.

"definitely a long time since I ran into anyone like that." Muttered the red before finally sheathed his sword. "Come, take me to that girl. If it was the latter must be Lady Granger." He gave a long whistle and a horse came up the road but to get where they were. "What happens now?" The redhead was asked to note that seemed a little nervous.

"Wait." The dark turned to see who was on the ground. "Can you walk?" He asked.

"Hey, kid ... I have chained to the stone of the girls but I'm not one."

"But you're hurt ..."

"What if I wait here?"

"Forget it, Malfoy . come with us. "

" All they do slow down the journey. "

"No way!"

"I will not move from here until you come to us." He said Harry with determination and a long blond snorting hit by a move to get up.

"Okay, but I will not walk."

"Do not think I'll take my horse."

"Then I'll stay here." The blonde replied doggedly. "The dark was hair hands and groaned slightly so that both men fell silent.

"I'll take you on my back then and you told us follow them. "He said without giving rise to comments addressing the blond with rigidity and bending to the ground to climb on his back.

Lord Malfoy did not know if it really could not grasp the man's neck but that was not what made him hesitate. At the end of his arms gently biting his complaint that he wanted to leave to move his injured shoulder. "No you have to hold on both arms, one is enough. "Having said that the man followed the suggestion, leaving the arm close to your body.

Harry grabbed the legs making the body of the blond stay firm on his back and rose with caution. The man weighed less than it seemed although a bit more than all the maidens who had taken the town. "Done." He said when he was standing. Without knowing the blond and red hair something funny glances as if to bet long would bringing him back on the road since Harry did not seem to be more than an ordinary man. He walked slowly at first and then a little more quickly, surprising the blonde would their backs and the redhead who followed on horseback and had to herd the animal to a light jog.

The girl whom he had rescued was in a window When he saw them, let out a cry of joy and disappeared from where he was to reappear at the entrance of the cave. "Here is where you live?" asked the man who took his back but the question remained unanswered because at that time the girl \u0026lt;i> \u0026lt;/ i> was shouting in a rather frightening and hung red neck.

"I knew it would come!" He exclaimed with a smile and then look at the blond. "What did you do to Draco?" Asked to look accusingly.

"Mione, I left that stone chained to a monster loose. "

" There are no monsters here. "They said in unison the young and the dark." I will bring in Lord Malfoy. "He apologized to Harry understand that those three humans were unknown.

went effortlessly, leaving the blond had not made a move to get off to get home. He did it carefully, afraid to hurt, I knew from experience that humans are fragile, even those who carried swords and calling themselves gentlemen.

"I will not lean back in that bed." Said the man still holding onto a start brown.

"But ... I have no bed." Muttered in surprise. I knew I was too tired, did not understand why he would not that place. "Only in the village there is more."

"Then take me to village. "the blonde replied smugly." Harry blinked and his eyes a few seconds back to bed. "Was not an acceptable bed? Hermione had rested on it and had not complained. , was lowered a bit with his back to blond to come back up and instead received a blow to the head. He turned in surprise. "You really are as ignorant as you appear." The comparison did grunt a little. A dragon was not ignorant, they were wise.

"Help me get to bed." I said with a gesture of walking towards her and even though I did as he asked confused.


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